Thursday, May 31, 2012

Jokes number : 58

The wedding was over, and the reception

was in full swing. Dave an usher, was having a great time with other

members of the wedding party. His wife, Betty was not.
"Don't be
to mad at Dave," a friend told her. "He did a terrific
job. I'd be
glad to have him usher at my wedding."
"Yeah," Betty replied, "I
wish he had been an usher at

Jokes number : 57

The groom, upon his engagement, went to his

father and said, "I've
found a woman just like mother!" His
father replied, "So what do
you want from me, sympathy?"

Jokes number : 56

Adam and Eve had an ideal marriage. He

didn't have to hear about all the men she could have married, and she

didn't have to hear about the way his mother cooked.

Jokes number : 55

John: "I'm a man of few words."

"I'm married, too."

Jokes number : 54

What do you call two spiders who just
got married?
A: Newlywebs.

Jokes number : 53

Both of my marriages have been

disappointing. My first wife left me and my second one didn't.marr

Jokes number : 52

BARTENDER: I think you've had enough,
DRUNK: I just lost my wife, buddy!
BARTENDER: Well, it must be
hard losing a wife....
DRUNK: It was almost impossible!

Jokes number : 51

Before we got married,
I caught her in my
Now I catch her in my pockets.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Jokes number : 50

Q: How is a
marriage like a hot
A: Once you get used to it, it's not so hot.

Jokes number : 49

Q: How do you know when you're at a
A: Everyone is sitting on the same side of the

Jokes number : 48

Where did the burgers go after
On a bun-eymoon!

Jokes number : 47

Hey, you just shot my wife.
I'm so sorry,
have a shot at mine !

Jokes number : 46

She was two thirds married once.
What do
you mean ?
Well, she turned up, the Minster turned up, but the groom
didn't !

Jokes number : 45

Why was the broom late ?
It over swept

Jokes number : 44

Why did the 280-pound girl
marry the
400-pound man?
She wanted a big wedding.

Jokes number : 43

Why is a bride always out of luck on her
wedding day?
Because she never marries the best man.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Jokes number : 42

Marriage is a three-ring circus:

Engagement ring...

Wedding ring...


Jokes number : 41

Actor: Dad, guess what? I've just
got my first part in a play. I play
the part of a man who's been
married for 30 years.
Father: Well, keep at it, son. Maybe one day
you'll get a speaking

Jokes number : 40

A woman was in court
charged with wounding her
husband. "But why did you stab him over a hundred
times?" asked the judge.
"Oh, your Honor," replied the defendant,
"I didn't know how to
switch off the electric carving knife."

Jokes number : 39

Today is my twenty-fifth wedding

Yes, I've been married twenty-five times!

Jokes number : 38

Two men were remembering their
days. "It was dreadful," said Fred. "I got the most terrible

"What happened?" asked Harry.
"I married her," replied Fred.

Jokes number : 37

What happened at the cannibal's wedding

They toasted the bride and groom.

Jokes number : 36

the difference between an Irish
wedding and an Irish

One less drunk.

Jokes number : 35

At a jury trial with the jury consisting of 8

men and 4 women:

Defendant: "Your Honor, I wish to change my

Judge: "Is someone using undue influence to prompt you to

change your mind?"

Defendant: "No sir, when I pleaded Not
Guilty I didn't know
there would be women on the jury. Since I
can't even fool my
wife, I'll never be able to fool the four women

Monday, May 28, 2012

Jokes number : 34

A husband and wife were at a party chatting
with some
friends when the
subject of marriage counseling came
"Oh, we'll never need that. My wife and I have a great

the husband explained. "She was a communications major in
college and
majored in theatre arts." He continued, "She
communicates well and I
like I'm listening."

Jokes number : 33

"Ever since we got married, my wife has tried
to change me. She
got me to
stop drinking, smoking and running
around until all hours of the night.
She taught me how to dress
well, enjoy the fine arts, gourmet cooking,
classical music, even how
to invest in the stock market," said the

"Sounds like
you may be bitter because she changed you so

remarked his friend.

"I'm not bitter. Now that I'm so improved, she
just isn't good
for me."

Jokes number : 32

A man took his wife to the doctors.
a short examination the doctor said
"Your wife's mind has
completely gone!"
To which the man replied "I'm not surprised.
been giving a piece of it to me every day for the past 25

Jokes number : 31

Two men were changing in the locker room
after a game of tennis. One
notices the other one is putting on pair of
stockings and suspenders.
He says "When did you start wearing them?"
To which the other man
replies "Since my wife found a pair on the
back seat of the car."

Jokes number : 30

child was a typical four-year-old
girl - cute, inquisitive, bright
as a new penny. When she expressed
difficulty in grasping the concept
of marriage, her father decided to
pull out his wedding photo album,
thinking visual images would help.

One page after another, he pointed out the bride arriving at the

the entrance, the wedding ceremony, the recessional, the
"Now do you understand?" he asked.
"I think
so," she said, "is that when mommy came to work for

Jokes number : 29

The room was full of
pregnant women and
their partners. The Lamaze class
was in full swing. The instructor
was teaching the women how to breathe
properly, and informing the
men how to give the necessary assurances at
this stage of the
"Ladies, exercise is good for you," announced the teacher. "Walking

especially beneficial. And, gentlemen, it wouldn't hurt you
to take
time to go walking with your partner!"
The room
was very quiet. Finally, a man in the middle of the group

his hand.
"Yes?" asked the instructor.
"Is it all right if she
carries a golf bag while we walk?"

Jokes number : 28

Sarah was reading a newspaper,
while her
husband was engrossed in a
magazine. Suddenly, she burst out
"Listen to this," she said. "There's a classified ad here
where a
guy is offering to swap his wife for a season ticket to the
"Hmmm," her husband said, not looking up from his magazine.

Teasing him, Sarah said, "Would you swap me for a season ticket?"

"Absolutely not," he said.
"How sweet," Sarah said. "Tell me why
"Season's more than half over," he said.

Jokes number : 27

A wealthy man sat in his attorney's
"Do you want the bad news first or the terrible news?"
the lawyer
"Give me the bad news first."
"Your wife found a picture
worth a half-million dollars."
"That's the bad news?" the man asked
"I can't wait to hear the terrible news."
of you and your mistress."

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Jokes number : 26

For their 25th wedding
anniversary, a man
decides to take his
wife on a trip to France. After two weeks
touring France, they
return to the airport for the trip back to America.
While waiting
for the plane, the wife turns to her husband and
says, "This was
the most wonderful gift I could have asked for on our
anniversary. I can't wait to hear what you have in mind for
50th anniversary!" Her husband leaned over, kissed her on the

cheek, and said, "I'm going to come back and get you"

Jokes number : 25

Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings,
poking me
in the ribs and
cackling, telling me, "You're next."
They stopped after I started
the same thing to them at

Jokes number : 24

On his way out of
church, Frank stopped
at the door to speak to the
minister. "Would it be right," he asked,
"for a person to profit
from the mistakes of another?"

"Absolutely not!" replied the pastor.
"In that case," said the young man, "I
wonder if you'd consider
returning the hundred dollars I paid you
to marry my wife and me
last July."

Jokes number : 23

A family was having dinner on
Day. For some reason
the mother was unusually quiet. Finally the
husband asked
what was wrong.
"Nothing," said the woman.
buying it, he asked again. "Seriously, what's wrong?"
"Do you really
want to know? Well, I'll tell you. I have cooked
and cleaned and fed
the kids for 15 years and on Mother's
Day, you don't even tell me
so much as "Thank you."
"Why should I?" he said. "Not once in 15
years have I gotten
a Father's Day gift."
"Yes," she said, "but I'm
their real mother."

Jokes number : 22

"Will the father be present during the

asked the obstetrician.
"Nah," replied the
"He and my husband don't get along."

Jokes number : 21

child at a Christian school was
studying the early days of Mormonism in
his class. He wrote on his
"The early Mormons believed in having more than one wife. This is

polygamy. But we believe in having only one wife. This is

Jokes number : 20

A woman entered the hospital to deliver

her 15th child. "Congratulations,"
said the nurse, "but don't you
think this is enough?" The woman
"Are you kidding? This
is the only vacation I get each year."

Jokes number : 19

"I was in a very generous mood today," a
woman says to
her friend.
"I gave a poor beggar $25."
"Thats a
lot of money to give away," says her friend. "What did your
"He said, 'Thank you'. "

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Jokes number : 18

How do you
turn a Fox into a Pit

Marry her !

Jokes number : 17

An English professor wrote the words, "woman

without her man is a savage"
on the blackboard and directed his
students to punctuate it correctly.

The men wrote: "Woman,
without her man, is a savage."

The women wrote: "Woman: Without her,
man is a savage."

Jokes number : 16

A couple came upon a wishing
well. The
husband leaned over, made a wish
and threw in a penny. The wife
decided to make a wish, too. But she
over too much, fell into
the well, and drowned. The husband was stunned
for a while but then
smiled and said, "It really works!"

Jokes number : 15

NOVICE: Do clever men make good

SAGE: Clever men don't BECOME husbands!

Jokes number : 14

Married life
is very frustrating. In the
first year of marriage, the man
speaks and the woman listens. In
the second year, the woman speaks and
man listens. In the
third year, they both speak and the neighbors

Jokes number : 13

Moe: My wife converted me to
Joe: Really?
Moe: Yes. Until I married her I didn't believe in

Jokes number : 12

The couple was dining out when the wife

noticed a familiar face at the
bar. "Elliot," she said, pointing "do
you see that man downing
bourbon at
the bar?"
The husband
looked over and nodded. "Well," the woman continued,
drinking like that for 10 years, ever since I jilted him!"
husband returned to his meal. "Nonsense," he said, "even that's

worth so much celebrating!"

Jokes number : 11

Night. A sleeping couple
is lying in a
bed. Door bell rings. A couple
wakes up.
Woman: "Quick! My husband
is back!"
Man jumps out from a window. Flying down he starts to
think: "Shit!
But I
am the husband!"

Friday, May 25, 2012

Jokes number : 10

Wife: Who
was that on the
Husband: Wrong number. Some guy thought this was the weather
Wife: What did he say?
Husband: He asked if the coast was clear...

Jokes number : 9

A woman and her lover are on the bed in the
woman's home,
all of a sudden, they hear the front door
open and close.
"Oh, no, it's my husband!"
The man says, "Where's
your back door?"
"We don't have a back door" says the woman.
man then asks, "Well, where do you want a back door?"

Jokes number : 8

A woman got a problem with her closet door -
it was
felling every time a
bus was passing by. So she called a
repair man. The repairman comes and
sees that indeed, the door
falls out every time when a bus passes by.
"OK, I am gonna see what is
going on, just close the door behind me"
he stepps into the
closet. At that time the husband comes from work,
opens the closet
and finds the repairman.
Husband: "What the hell are you doing
Repairman:"Well, you are not going to believe it, but I am
waiting for

Jokes number : 7

Miles Dobson was away from home on business

in another city. When he
called home, his wife told him, "Miles,
they had your name in the
"What! In the
obituary column! That's not only disgraceful but bad
journalism. I'll
sue 'em."
"Tell me, Miles," his wife asked tremulously,
"wh...wh...where are
calling from?"

Jokes number : 6

A young lady came home and told her Mother
that her
had proposed but she had turned him down
because she found
out he was an atheist, and didn't believe in Heaven or
"Marry him anyway, dear." the Mother said. "Between the
of us, we'll show him just how *wrong* he is."

Jokes number : 5

A guy bought his wife a beautiful diamond
ring for
A friend of his said, "I thought she wanted
one of those sporty
4-Wheel drive vehicles."
"She did," he
replied. "But where in the hell was I gonna find
a fake Jeep?"

Jokes number : 4

The young immigrant couple had just left the

courthouse after being sworn
in as American citizens.
"It is
wonderful," the husband exclaimed. "We are American citizens

last! Do you know what this means to us my dear wife?"
"Yes, you
male chauvinist pig," his wife replied. "Tonight, you cook


Jokes number : 3

One of the bachelors in the
development sneaked up
behind an older woman, covered her eyes with his
hands, and said,
going to kiss you if you can't tell me
who I am in three guesses."
She quickly answered, "George Washington!
Thomas Jefferson!
Abraham Lincoln!"

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Jokes number : 2

The angry wife met her husband at the door.

His breath stunk of
alcohol and his face was plastered with
lipstick. "I assume," she
barked, "there is a very good reason for you to
come drifting in
at six o'clock in the morning?"
"There is!" he
replied, "Breakfast."

Jokes number : 1

A man
answers the phone and has the
following conversation:
"Yes, mother, I've had a hard day. Gladys has
been most
difficult - I know I ought to be more firm, but it is
Well, you know how she is.
"Yes, I remember you warned me. I
remember you told me that
she was a vile creature who would make my
life miserable and
you begged me not to marry her.
"You were
perfectly right.
"You want to speak with her? All right." He looks up
from the
telephone and calls to his wife in the next room:

"Gladys, your mother wants to talk to you!"

Jokes number : 100

"Oh love, what did you ever do to deserve a

wife like me?"
she said looking lovingly into her husbands
"I don't know, but I promise I'll never do it again."

Jokes number : 100

"Oh love, what did you ever do to deserve a

wife like me?"
she said looking lovingly into her husbands
"I don't know, but I promise I'll never do it again."

Jokes number : 99

A man was complaining to a
had it all. Money, a beautiful house, a BIG car, the love of a

beautiful woman, then, POW! it was all gone!"
"What happened?" asked the
"My wife found out."

Jokes number : 99

A man was complaining to a
had it all. Money, a beautiful house, a BIG car, the love of a

beautiful woman, then, POW! it was all gone!"
"What happened?" asked the
"My wife found out."

Jokes number : 98

When Joe's wife ran away with his car, his

money and his best friend, he
got so depressed that his doctor
sent him to see a psychiatrist.
Joe told the psychiatrist his
troubles and said, "Life isn't worth
I think I'm gonna top
"Don't be stupid, Joe," said the psychiatrist. "My wife ran
off and
me too, yet I'm happy."
"How?" asked
"Easy," replied the quack. "I threw myself into my work. I totally

submerged myself in my job and soon forgot her. By the way, Joe, what

do you do?"
"I clean out septic tanks." Joe replied.

Jokes number : 98

When Joe's wife ran away with his car, his

money and his best friend, he
got so depressed that his doctor
sent him to see a psychiatrist.
Joe told the psychiatrist his
troubles and said, "Life isn't worth
I think I'm gonna top
"Don't be stupid, Joe," said the psychiatrist. "My wife ran
off and
me too, yet I'm happy."
"How?" asked
"Easy," replied the quack. "I threw myself into my work. I totally

submerged myself in my job and soon forgot her. By the way, Joe, what

do you do?"
"I clean out septic tanks." Joe replied.

Jokes number : 97

"Get this." said the bloke to his mates,

"Last night while I was
down the pub with you guys, a burglar broke
into my house.
"Did he get anything." his mates asked.
"yeah, a
broken jaw and six teeth knocked out. The wife thought it was
coming home drunk."

Jokes number : 97

"Get this." said the bloke to his mates,

"Last night while I was
down the pub with you guys, a burglar broke
into my house.
"Did he get anything." his mates asked.
"yeah, a
broken jaw and six teeth knocked out. The wife thought it was
coming home drunk."

Jokes number : 96

A funeral service is being held in a

church for a woman
who has just passed away. At the end of the service,
pall-bearers are carrying the casket out when they accidentally

bump into a wall, jarring the casket. They hear a faint
They open the casket and find that the woman is actually
still alive.
She lives for ten more years and then dies.
A ceremony is again held
at the same church and at the
end of the ceremony, the pall bearers
are again carrying out
the casket. As they are walking, the husband
cries out,

Jokes number : 96

A funeral service is being held in a

church for a woman
who has just passed away. At the end of the service,
pall-bearers are carrying the casket out when they accidentally

bump into a wall, jarring the casket. They hear a faint
They open the casket and find that the woman is actually
still alive.
She lives for ten more years and then dies.
A ceremony is again held
at the same church and at the
end of the ceremony, the pall bearers
are again carrying out
the casket. As they are walking, the husband
cries out,

Jokes number : 95

After the fall in
Garden of Eden, Adam
was walking with his sons Cain and
Abel. They passed by the ruins of
the Garden of Eden. One of the boys
asked, "What's that?" Adam
replied, "Boys, that's where your
mother ate
us out of house and

Jokes number : 95

After the fall in
Garden of Eden, Adam
was walking with his sons Cain and
Abel. They passed by the ruins of
the Garden of Eden. One of the boys
asked, "What's that?" Adam
replied, "Boys, that's where your
mother ate
us out of house and

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Jokes number : 94

bet you don't know what day this is",
said the wife to
her husband as he made his way out the front door.

The husband was perplexed, but was always a quick
"Of course I do, my dear. How could I forget!?" With that,
he turned
and rushed to catch the bus for work.

At 10 AM, the doorbell
rang and when the woman opened the
door, she was handed a box
containing a dozen long stemmed
red roses.

At 1 PM, a foil wrapped,
two pound box of her favorite
chocolates arrived. Later, a boutique
delivered a designer
dress. The woman couldn't wait for her husband
to come home.

The husband was smug when he returned from work,
that he had recovered what could have been a very

His wife was indeed surprised: "First the flowers, then
chocolates and then the dress!" she exclaimed, "I've
had a more wonderful Groundhog Day in my life!"

Jokes number : 94

bet you don't know what day this is",
said the wife to
her husband as he made his way out the front door.

The husband was perplexed, but was always a quick
"Of course I do, my dear. How could I forget!?" With that,
he turned
and rushed to catch the bus for work.

At 10 AM, the doorbell
rang and when the woman opened the
door, she was handed a box
containing a dozen long stemmed
red roses.

At 1 PM, a foil wrapped,
two pound box of her favorite
chocolates arrived. Later, a boutique
delivered a designer
dress. The woman couldn't wait for her husband
to come home.

The husband was smug when he returned from work,
that he had recovered what could have been a very

His wife was indeed surprised: "First the flowers, then
chocolates and then the dress!" she exclaimed, "I've
had a more wonderful Groundhog Day in my life!"

Jokes number : 93

The local courtroom was packed
testimony began in the
sentencing hearing of a woman convicted of murdering
husband of 20 years by poisoning his coffee.

The defense
attorney knew he had his work cut out for him
trying to make his
client appear more sympathetic to the
Judge, especially since she had
been so "matter-of-fact"
about the whole thing all during the

"Mrs. Roth," he began, "was there any point that
where you felt pity for your husband ?"

"Well... yeah... I guess..."
she replied.

"And when was that?" pressed the

"Well...," she replied, "when he asked for his third cup."

Jokes number : 93

The local courtroom was packed
testimony began in the
sentencing hearing of a woman convicted of murdering
husband of 20 years by poisoning his coffee.

The defense
attorney knew he had his work cut out for him
trying to make his
client appear more sympathetic to the
Judge, especially since she had
been so "matter-of-fact"
about the whole thing all during the

"Mrs. Roth," he began, "was there any point that
where you felt pity for your husband ?"

"Well... yeah... I guess..."
she replied.

"And when was that?" pressed the

"Well...," she replied, "when he asked for his third cup."

Jokes number : 92

An old man goes to the Wizard to ask him if

he can remove
a "Curse" he has been living with for the last 40

The Wizard says "maybe, but you will have to tell me
exact words that were used to put the curse on you."

The old
man says without hesitation
"I now pronounce you man and wife".

Jokes number : 92

An old man goes to the Wizard to ask him if

he can remove
a "Curse" he has been living with for the last 40

The Wizard says "maybe, but you will have to tell me
exact words that were used to put the curse on you."

The old
man says without hesitation
"I now pronounce you man and wife".

Jokes number : 91

A father came
home from a long business
trip to find his son
riding a very fancy new 10 speed bike. "Where
did you get the
money for the bike? It must have cost $300."

"Easy, Dad," the boy replied. "I earned it hiking."

"Come on,"
the father said. "Tell me the truth."

"That is the truth," the
boy replied. "Every night you were gone,
Mr. Reynolds from the
grocery store would come over to see
Mom. He'd give me a $20 bill and
tell me to take a hike!"

Jokes number : 91

A father came
home from a long business
trip to find his son
riding a very fancy new 10 speed bike. "Where
did you get the
money for the bike? It must have cost $300."

"Easy, Dad," the boy replied. "I earned it hiking."

"Come on,"
the father said. "Tell me the truth."

"That is the truth," the
boy replied. "Every night you were gone,
Mr. Reynolds from the
grocery store would come over to see
Mom. He'd give me a $20 bill and
tell me to take a hike!"

Jokes number : 90

A concerned husband went to a
doctor to
talk about his wife. He says to the
doctor, "Doctor, I think my wife
is deaf because she never hears me
first time and always
asks me to repeat things." "Well," the doctor
replied, "go home and
tonight stand about 15 feet from her and say
something to her. If she
doesn't reply move about 5 feet close and say
again. Keep
doing this so that we'll get an idea about the severity of


Sure enough, the husband goes home and does exactly as
instructed. He
starts off about 15 feet from his wife in the kitchen
as she is
some vegetables and says, "Honey, what's for
dinner?" He hears no
He moves about 5 feet closer and
asks again. No reply. He moves 5 feet
closer. Still no reply. He
gets fed up and moves right behind her,
an inch away, and
asks again, "Honey, what's for dinner?"

She replies, "For the
fourth time, vegetable stew!"

Jokes number : 90

A concerned husband went to a
doctor to
talk about his wife. He says to the
doctor, "Doctor, I think my wife
is deaf because she never hears me
first time and always
asks me to repeat things." "Well," the doctor
replied, "go home and
tonight stand about 15 feet from her and say
something to her. If she
doesn't reply move about 5 feet close and say
again. Keep
doing this so that we'll get an idea about the severity of


Sure enough, the husband goes home and does exactly as
instructed. He
starts off about 15 feet from his wife in the kitchen
as she is
some vegetables and says, "Honey, what's for
dinner?" He hears no
He moves about 5 feet closer and
asks again. No reply. He moves 5 feet
closer. Still no reply. He
gets fed up and moves right behind her,
an inch away, and
asks again, "Honey, what's for dinner?"

She replies, "For the
fourth time, vegetable stew!"

Jokes number : 89

Attorney to witness: "What was the
thing your husband said to you when he woke up that

Witness: "Where am I Cathy?"

Attorney: "And why did that upset

Witness: "Because my name is Susan."

Jokes number : 89

Attorney to witness: "What was the
thing your husband said to you when he woke up that

Witness: "Where am I Cathy?"

Attorney: "And why did that upset

Witness: "Because my name is Susan."

Jokes number : 88

I overheard a friend
telling his pal, "I
can't break my wife of the
habit of staying up until 5 in the

"What is she doing?", the pal asks.

"Waiting for me
to get home."

Jokes number : 88

I overheard a friend
telling his pal, "I
can't break my wife of the
habit of staying up until 5 in the

"What is she doing?", the pal asks.

"Waiting for me
to get home."

Jokes number : 87

The Yuppie showered a Yuppette with gifts for

over a month. He
took her to fancy restaurants and expensive
resorts. Finally, he
proposed, "Bernie, if you will marry me, I have
enough money
to provide you with anything your little heart

"Sorry John." she replied. "I'm not ready to settle down
And besides, you can't buy my love, but if the price is right, I

might see my way clear to rent you some."

Jokes number : 87

The Yuppie showered a Yuppette with gifts for

over a month. He
took her to fancy restaurants and expensive
resorts. Finally, he
proposed, "Bernie, if you will marry me, I have
enough money
to provide you with anything your little heart

"Sorry John." she replied. "I'm not ready to settle down
And besides, you can't buy my love, but if the price is right, I

might see my way clear to rent you some."

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Jokes number : 86

The newlyweds
arrived at the front desk
of the posh ocean-side resort in Hilton Head, South
looking all fresh, and eager to enjoy
their two week

The stunning blonde at the front desk smiled and said, "Well,
Jimmy, how ya been lover ? Long time no see."

A frosty
silence prevailed until the couple reached their room. Once
inside, the
piqued bride demanded: "And just who was THAT woman

groom wiped his brow and said, "Just relax honey. Please !
going to have enuff trouble explaining you to her."

Jokes number : 86

The newlyweds
arrived at the front desk
of the posh ocean-side resort in Hilton Head, South
looking all fresh, and eager to enjoy
their two week

The stunning blonde at the front desk smiled and said, "Well,
Jimmy, how ya been lover ? Long time no see."

A frosty
silence prevailed until the couple reached their room. Once
inside, the
piqued bride demanded: "And just who was THAT woman

groom wiped his brow and said, "Just relax honey. Please !
going to have enuff trouble explaining you to her."

Jokes number : 85

wife and I were watching some TV show
the other nite where the wife
hired a private detective to follow
her husband and see if he were in
fact "cheating" on her. I asked my
wife if she would ever do that.

She said, "Well not so much to
find out who the other woman was, but
to see if I could find out what
she saw in ya."

Jokes number : 85

wife and I were watching some TV show
the other nite where the wife
hired a private detective to follow
her husband and see if he were in
fact "cheating" on her. I asked my
wife if she would ever do that.

She said, "Well not so much to
find out who the other woman was, but
to see if I could find out what
she saw in ya."

Jokes number : 84

A friend of
mine told me he had signed up
with one of these on-line
dating services. I asked him the other day
if he had had any luck and
he said he'd quit -- seems they'd
matched him up with his wife.

Jokes number : 84

A friend of
mine told me he had signed up
with one of these on-line
dating services. I asked him the other day
if he had had any luck and
he said he'd quit -- seems they'd
matched him up with his wife.

Jokes number : 83

A man comes home early from work
finds his wife and his best
friend in bed. The man throws up his hands
in disbelief and says, "My
God Pete !!! I more-or-less 'have to',
but YOU ???"

Jokes number : 83

A man comes home early from work
finds his wife and his best
friend in bed. The man throws up his hands
in disbelief and says, "My
God Pete !!! I more-or-less 'have to',
but YOU ???"

Jokes number : 82

I've never been much on fashion, but got

quite a few compliments on a new sports jacket I wore to work one day.
secretary asked me where I got it and I told her that it was a
from my wife. I went home early yesterday, and there
was, on the back of a kitchen chair.

Jokes number : 82

I've never been much on fashion, but got

quite a few compliments on a new sports jacket I wore to work one day.
secretary asked me where I got it and I told her that it was a
from my wife. I went home early yesterday, and there
was, on the back of a kitchen chair.

Jokes number : 81

Culpepper was almost in tears. "Oh
Marie," she said to her maid, "I
have reason to suspect that my
husband is
having an affair with his secretary."

"I don't
believe it for one minute !" Marie snapped."You're just
saying that to
make me jealous !!!"

Jokes number : 81

Culpepper was almost in tears. "Oh
Marie," she said to her maid, "I
have reason to suspect that my
husband is
having an affair with his secretary."

"I don't
believe it for one minute !" Marie snapped."You're just
saying that to
make me jealous !!!"

Jokes number : 80

The sailor came home from a secret two year

mission only to find his wife with a new born baby. Furious, he was

to track down the father to extract

"Was it my friend Sam", he demanded.

"No !" his weeping wife

"Was it my friend Jim then?" he asked.

"NO !!!" she
said even more upset.

"Well which one of my no good friends did
this then?" he asked.

"Don't you think I have any friends of my
own?" she snapped.

Jokes number : 80

The sailor came home from a secret two year

mission only to find his wife with a new born baby. Furious, he was

to track down the father to extract

"Was it my friend Sam", he demanded.

"No !" his weeping wife

"Was it my friend Jim then?" he asked.

"NO !!!" she
said even more upset.

"Well which one of my no good friends did
this then?" he asked.

"Don't you think I have any friends of my
own?" she snapped.

Jokes number : 79

If your wife comes out of the kitchen to

whine at you,
what have you usually done wrong?

Made her
chain too long.

Jokes number : 79

If your wife comes out of the kitchen to

whine at you,
what have you usually done wrong?

Made her
chain too long.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Jokes number : 78

An Illinois man who left the snow-filled
streets of
Chicago for a vacation in Florida. His wife was on a
business trip and was
planning to meet him there the next day. When he
reached his hotel, he
decided to send his wife a quick e-mail.

Unable to find the scrap of paper on which he had written her e-mail

address, he did his best to type it in from memory. Unfortunately,
missed one letter and his note was directed instead to an elderly
whose husband had passed away only the day before. When the
widow checked her e-mail, she took one look at the monitor,
let out a
piercing scream, and fell to the floor in a dead faint.
At the sound, her
family rushed into the room and saw this note on
the screen:





Jokes number : 78

An Illinois man who left the snow-filled
streets of
Chicago for a vacation in Florida. His wife was on a
business trip and was
planning to meet him there the next day. When he
reached his hotel, he
decided to send his wife a quick e-mail.

Unable to find the scrap of paper on which he had written her e-mail

address, he did his best to type it in from memory. Unfortunately,
missed one letter and his note was directed instead to an elderly
whose husband had passed away only the day before. When the
widow checked her e-mail, she took one look at the monitor,
let out a
piercing scream, and fell to the floor in a dead faint.
At the sound, her
family rushed into the room and saw this note on
the screen:





Jokes number : 77

A guy is dating three women and can't decide

which one to marry. He gives each $1,000 to see how well they can

manage money. The first one spends $800 and puts $200 in the bank.
second one spends $200 and puts $800 in the bank. The third one
puts the
whole $1,000 in the bank. Which one does he end up
marrying? The most
beautiful one..

Jokes number : 77

A guy is dating three women and can't decide

which one to marry. He gives each $1,000 to see how well they can

manage money. The first one spends $800 and puts $200 in the bank.
second one spends $200 and puts $800 in the bank. The third one
puts the
whole $1,000 in the bank. Which one does he end up
marrying? The most
beautiful one..

Jokes number : 76

After she woke
up, a woman told her
husband, "I just dreamed
that you gave me a pearl necklace for
Valentine's day. What
do you think it means?"

"You'll know tonight."
he said.

That evening, the man came home with a package and gave
it to
his wife. Delighted, she opened it - to find a book
"The meaning of dreams"

Jokes number : 76

After she woke
up, a woman told her
husband, "I just dreamed
that you gave me a pearl necklace for
Valentine's day. What
do you think it means?"

"You'll know tonight."
he said.

That evening, the man came home with a package and gave
it to
his wife. Delighted, she opened it - to find a book
"The meaning of dreams"

Jokes number : 75

Playboy is coming out with a new magazine for
men who
are married.

Every month the centerfold is the
exact same woman.

Jokes number : 75

Playboy is coming out with a new magazine for
men who
are married.

Every month the centerfold is the
exact same woman.

Jokes number : 74

A man comes home and
hears hard breathing
female noises from
inside the aprtment, walks inside to find his
wife on the floor
of the living room naked. Wife yells, "help, help, I
am having
a heart attack", the husband runs in the other room to
call the
doctor when one of his kids run up to him and says "daddy,
there is a naked man in the closet", husband opens the
door and sees his friend Bob. He yells at Bob, "Bob, god damn
my wife is having a heart attack and here you are trying to scare

Jokes number : 74

A man comes home and
hears hard breathing
female noises from
inside the aprtment, walks inside to find his
wife on the floor
of the living room naked. Wife yells, "help, help, I
am having
a heart attack", the husband runs in the other room to
call the
doctor when one of his kids run up to him and says "daddy,
there is a naked man in the closet", husband opens the
door and sees his friend Bob. He yells at Bob, "Bob, god damn
my wife is having a heart attack and here you are trying to scare

Jokes number : 73

A man calls his

man: Doctor, for the last week my wife has thought that she was a


doctor: Ok, bring her in and I'll try to help.

Fine, but whatever you do, don't cure her.

Jokes number : 73

A man calls his

man: Doctor, for the last week my wife has thought that she was a


doctor: Ok, bring her in and I'll try to help.

Fine, but whatever you do, don't cure her.

Jokes number : 72

Two men are having an awfully slow round
golf because the two ladies in front of them
managed to get into
every sand trap, lake, and
rough on the course, and they didn't
bother to
wave the men on through, which is proper

After two hours of waiting and waiting, one man
said, "I think
I'll walk up there and ask those
gals to let us play through." He
walked out to
the fairway, got halfway to the ladies,
turned around and came back, explaining, "I can't
do it. One of those
women is my wife and the other
is my mistress. Maybe you'd better
go talk to them."

The second man walked toward the ladies, go
there and, just as his partner had done, stopped,
around and walked back.

He smiled sheepishly and said, "Small

Jokes number : 72

Two men are having an awfully slow round
golf because the two ladies in front of them
managed to get into
every sand trap, lake, and
rough on the course, and they didn't
bother to
wave the men on through, which is proper

After two hours of waiting and waiting, one man
said, "I think
I'll walk up there and ask those
gals to let us play through." He
walked out to
the fairway, got halfway to the ladies,
turned around and came back, explaining, "I can't
do it. One of those
women is my wife and the other
is my mistress. Maybe you'd better
go talk to them."

The second man walked toward the ladies, go
there and, just as his partner had done, stopped,
around and walked back.

He smiled sheepishly and said, "Small

Jokes number : 71

Wife: "Do you think of me when you're away


Husband: "Yes honey, I always bare you in mind."

Jokes number : 71

Wife: "Do you think of me when you're away


Husband: "Yes honey, I always bare you in mind."

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Jokes number : 70

A man brings his
wife a glass of water
and two aspirins. She
looks surprised and says, I don't have a

He says, "Aha!"

Jokes number : 70

A man brings his
wife a glass of water
and two aspirins. She
looks surprised and says, I don't have a

He says, "Aha!"

Jokes number : 69

"You and your husband
don't seem to have
an awful lot in
common," said the new tenant's neighbor. "Why on
did you get married?"

"I suppose it was the old business
of 'opposites attract',"
was the reply. "He wasn't pregnant and I

Jokes number : 69

"You and your husband
don't seem to have
an awful lot in
common," said the new tenant's neighbor. "Why on
did you get married?"

"I suppose it was the old business
of 'opposites attract',"
was the reply. "He wasn't pregnant and I

Jokes number : 68

A wife was
berating her husband. He
motioned for her to quiet
down saying, "Don't unleash the beast in

The wife snickered and replied, "Unlike a lot of women,
I'm not the least bit afraid of a mouse."

Jokes number : 68

A wife was
berating her husband. He
motioned for her to quiet
down saying, "Don't unleash the beast in

The wife snickered and replied, "Unlike a lot of women,
I'm not the least bit afraid of a mouse."

Jokes number : 67

A bum asks a man for $2.
The man asked,
"Will you buy booze?"
The bum said, "No."
The man asked, "Will you
gamble it away?"
The bum said, "No."
Then the man asked, "Will
you come home with me so my wife can
see what happens to a man who
doesn't drink or gamble?"

Jokes number : 67

A bum asks a man for $2.
The man asked,
"Will you buy booze?"
The bum said, "No."
The man asked, "Will you
gamble it away?"
The bum said, "No."
Then the man asked, "Will
you come home with me so my wife can
see what happens to a man who
doesn't drink or gamble?"

Jokes number : 66

An old man and woman were married for

years even though
they hated each other. When they had a
screams and yelling could be heard deep into the night. A

constant statement was heard by the neighbors who feared the
man the
most. "When I die I will dig my way up and out of the
grave to come
back and haunt you for the rest of your life!"

They believed he
practiced black magic and was responsible
for missing cats and
dogs, and strange sounds at all hours. He
was feared and enjoyed the
respect it garnished.

He died abruptly under strange circumstances
and the funeral
had a closed casket. After the burial, the wife
went straight to
the local bar and began to party as if there was no

The gaiety of her actions were becoming extreme while
neighbors approached in a group to ask these questions: Are

you not afraid? Concerned? Worried? that this man who
ed black magic and stated when he died he would dig
his way up and
out of the grave to come back and haunt you for
the rest of your

The wife put down her drink and said..."let the old bastard
I had him buried upside down."

Jokes number : 66

An old man and woman were married for

years even though
they hated each other. When they had a
screams and yelling could be heard deep into the night. A

constant statement was heard by the neighbors who feared the
man the
most. "When I die I will dig my way up and out of the
grave to come
back and haunt you for the rest of your life!"

They believed he
practiced black magic and was responsible
for missing cats and
dogs, and strange sounds at all hours. He
was feared and enjoyed the
respect it garnished.

He died abruptly under strange circumstances
and the funeral
had a closed casket. After the burial, the wife
went straight to
the local bar and began to party as if there was no

The gaiety of her actions were becoming extreme while
neighbors approached in a group to ask these questions: Are

you not afraid? Concerned? Worried? that this man who
ed black magic and stated when he died he would dig
his way up and
out of the grave to come back and haunt you for
the rest of your

The wife put down her drink and said..."let the old bastard
I had him buried upside down."

Jokes number : 65

This man was sitting quietly reading his
paper one
morning, peacefully
enjoying himself,
when his wife
sneaks up behind him and wacks him on the back of his
head with a
frying pan.
Man: "What was that for?"
Wife: "What was that
piece of paper in your pants pocket with the name
Marylou written
Man: "Oh honey, remember two weeks ago when I went to the
horse races?
Marylou was
the name of one of the horses I bet
The wife looked all satisfied and goes off to work around the
Three days later he is
once again sitting in his chair reading and
she repeats the frying pan
Man: "What the hell was that
for this time?"
Wife: "Your horse called."

Jokes number : 65

This man was sitting quietly reading his
paper one
morning, peacefully
enjoying himself,
when his wife
sneaks up behind him and wacks him on the back of his
head with a
frying pan.
Man: "What was that for?"
Wife: "What was that
piece of paper in your pants pocket with the name
Marylou written
Man: "Oh honey, remember two weeks ago when I went to the
horse races?
Marylou was
the name of one of the horses I bet
The wife looked all satisfied and goes off to work around the
Three days later he is
once again sitting in his chair reading and
she repeats the frying pan
Man: "What the hell was that
for this time?"
Wife: "Your horse called."

Jokes number : 64

A jealous husband hires a private detective
to check up
on his wife. The husband tells the
detective, he
wants both a written account and as many videos of her in
any kind of

compromising situations as the man can get.

Two weeks later
the detective calls the man and tells him he has all
the evidence
he needs.
They make an appointment for a meeting. The two of them
are sitting
there watching the videos.
The man sees his wife
meeting another man, then the two of them are
walking in the park

laughing. Another series shows her with a different man laughing and

dancing. All together, he
watches a dozen or so different
activities, each with a different man,
each time both she and
the man
are sharing obvious utter glee.

"Amazing," said the shocked
husband, "simply amazing ! I just can't
believe it."

"What can't
you believe ?" asked the detective, "It's all right
there for
you to see, plus I
have all the times and dates in my

"I know, I know!" said the man, still in shock, "I just can't

believe my wife could be that
much fun."

Jokes number : 64

A jealous husband hires a private detective
to check up
on his wife. The husband tells the
detective, he
wants both a written account and as many videos of her in
any kind of

compromising situations as the man can get.

Two weeks later
the detective calls the man and tells him he has all
the evidence
he needs.
They make an appointment for a meeting. The two of them
are sitting
there watching the videos.
The man sees his wife
meeting another man, then the two of them are
walking in the park

laughing. Another series shows her with a different man laughing and

dancing. All together, he
watches a dozen or so different
activities, each with a different man,
each time both she and
the man
are sharing obvious utter glee.

"Amazing," said the shocked
husband, "simply amazing ! I just can't
believe it."

"What can't
you believe ?" asked the detective, "It's all right
there for
you to see, plus I
have all the times and dates in my

"I know, I know!" said the man, still in shock, "I just can't

believe my wife could be that
much fun."

Jokes number : 63

Not that my wife's the
jealous type or
anything, but one day at work, I had taken this
temp who was filling
in for my secretary to lunch in gratitude for an
outstanding job

on a very difficult project. As luck would have it, there was my wife

waiting in the
office for my return. The temp, who was truly a
ravishing beauty said,
"Oh, Mrs. Moore,
I'm so happy to meet
you. I'm your husband's new secretary."

Within a single heart
beat my wife quietly intoned, "OH ? Really ?
Were you ???"

Jokes number : 63

Not that my wife's the
jealous type or
anything, but one day at work, I had taken this
temp who was filling
in for my secretary to lunch in gratitude for an
outstanding job

on a very difficult project. As luck would have it, there was my wife

waiting in the
office for my return. The temp, who was truly a
ravishing beauty said,
"Oh, Mrs. Moore,
I'm so happy to meet
you. I'm your husband's new secretary."

Within a single heart
beat my wife quietly intoned, "OH ? Really ?
Were you ???"

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Jokes number : 62

I've got trouble with the wife again - she

came into the bar
looking for me and I asked for her number.

Jokes number : 62

I've got trouble with the wife again - she

came into the bar
looking for me and I asked for her number.

Jokes number : 61

A henpecked husband was advised by a

psychiatrist to assert
himself. "You don't have to let your wife bully
you," he said. "Go
home and show her you're the boss."

husband decided to take the doctor's advice. He went
home, slammed
the door, shook his fist in his wife's face, and
growled, "From
now on you're taking orders from me. I want my
supper right now, and
when you get it on the table, go upstairs
and lay out my clothes.
Tonight I am going out with the boys.
You are going to stay at home
where you belong. Another
thing, you know who is going to tie my
bow tie?"

"I certainly do," said his wife calmly, "the

Jokes number : 61

A henpecked husband was advised by a

psychiatrist to assert
himself. "You don't have to let your wife bully
you," he said. "Go
home and show her you're the boss."

husband decided to take the doctor's advice. He went
home, slammed
the door, shook his fist in his wife's face, and
growled, "From
now on you're taking orders from me. I want my
supper right now, and
when you get it on the table, go upstairs
and lay out my clothes.
Tonight I am going out with the boys.
You are going to stay at home
where you belong. Another
thing, you know who is going to tie my
bow tie?"

"I certainly do," said his wife calmly, "the

Jokes number : 60

You know the
honeymoon is pretty much
over when you start to go out with the boys on
Wednesday nites, and so
does she.

Jokes number : 60

You know the
honeymoon is pretty much
over when you start to go out with the boys on
Wednesday nites, and so
does she.

Jokes number : 59

A recent study showed that the average
only actually speaks to
his wife about thirty-seven minutes
each week.

Well, yeah, I can believe that, I mean just how long
does it take to
say "Uh-huh" or "Yes dear" or "I'm sorry" ?

Jokes number : 59

A recent study showed that the average
only actually speaks to
his wife about thirty-seven minutes
each week.

Well, yeah, I can believe that, I mean just how long
does it take to
say "Uh-huh" or "Yes dear" or "I'm sorry" ?

Jokes number : 58

But let's get real here guys, I mean who
exactly are we kidding
? A
husband controls his wife in much the
same manner as a barometer
controls the weather.

Jokes number : 58

But let's get real here guys, I mean who
exactly are we kidding
? A
husband controls his wife in much the
same manner as a barometer
controls the weather.

Jokes number : 57

We have a young married couple in the

neighborhood who are truly
inseparable. Last week, it took four Howard
County Policemen and a

Jokes number : 57

We have a young married couple in the

neighborhood who are truly
inseparable. Last week, it took four Howard
County Policemen and a

Jokes number : 56

There were three guys in a bar. Two are
about the amount of control they have over their wives. The
third remains
silent. After a while, one of the first two turned to the
third and sez
"Well... What about you, what sort of control do you
have over your
wife ?" "Well, on our honeymoon, I made damn sure my
wife came to me on
her hands and knees." he bragged and took
another sip of beer.

His friends were amazed ! "What happened then ?"
they asked, almost

"Well, then she said, 'Get
the hell out from under that bed and fight
like a man !' " he

Jokes number : 56

There were three guys in a bar. Two are
about the amount of control they have over their wives. The
third remains
silent. After a while, one of the first two turned to the
third and sez
"Well... What about you, what sort of control do you
have over your
wife ?" "Well, on our honeymoon, I made damn sure my
wife came to me on
her hands and knees." he bragged and took
another sip of beer.

His friends were amazed ! "What happened then ?"
they asked, almost

"Well, then she said, 'Get
the hell out from under that bed and fight
like a man !' " he

Jokes number : 55

I know
a husband and wife who have
separate bedrooms, drive different
cars, take separate vacations, work
different shifts, have their own
computers, and even have their own
ISPs, separate e-mail addresses and
Home Pages. They say they're doing
everything they can to keep their
marriage together.

Jokes number : 55

I know
a husband and wife who have
separate bedrooms, drive different
cars, take separate vacations, work
different shifts, have their own
computers, and even have their own
ISPs, separate e-mail addresses and
Home Pages. They say they're doing
everything they can to keep their
marriage together.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Jokes number : 54

A lady with a
large flowery hat was
stopped at the church door by the
usher. "Are you a friend of the bride
?" he asked.

"Certainly not," she snapped, "I'm the groom's

Jokes number : 54

A lady with a
large flowery hat was
stopped at the church door by the
usher. "Are you a friend of the bride
?" he asked.

"Certainly not," she snapped, "I'm the groom's

Jokes number : 53

A student engineer in the office got engaged
some time ago. At
wedding, I was reminding her of the first
day she wore her ring. None
of the other women in the office even

Finally, in sheer and total exasperation, she said "Boy
!!! It's so
warm in here today, I think I'll take off my ring."

Jokes number : 53

A student engineer in the office got engaged
some time ago. At
wedding, I was reminding her of the first
day she wore her ring. None
of the other women in the office even

Finally, in sheer and total exasperation, she said "Boy
!!! It's so
warm in here today, I think I'll take off my ring."

Jokes number : 52

A few moments after the daughter announced

her engagement, her Father
asked, "Does this fellow have any money

The daughter shook her head sadly. "Oh Daddy ! You men are
sighing deeply, she replied, "That's exactly what he
asked me about

Jokes number : 52

A few moments after the daughter announced

her engagement, her Father
asked, "Does this fellow have any money

The daughter shook her head sadly. "Oh Daddy ! You men are
sighing deeply, she replied, "That's exactly what he
asked me about

Jokes number : 51

Returning from her vacation, the
secretary was telling anyone
who would listen about what a fun time
she had. She then asked for two
weeks leave in which to get

"But you just had two weeks off," said the boss. "Why didn't you

married then ?"

"What and ruin my vacation ?" she

Jokes number : 51

Returning from her vacation, the
secretary was telling anyone
who would listen about what a fun time
she had. She then asked for two
weeks leave in which to get

"But you just had two weeks off," said the boss. "Why didn't you

married then ?"

"What and ruin my vacation ?" she

Jokes number : 50

Following a bitter divorce a husband saw his
wife at a
party and
sneered, "You know, I was a fool when I
married you."

The wife simply sighed and replied, "Yes, dear, I
know, but I was in
love and didn't really notice."

Jokes number : 50

Following a bitter divorce a husband saw his
wife at a
party and
sneered, "You know, I was a fool when I
married you."

The wife simply sighed and replied, "Yes, dear, I
know, but I was in
love and didn't really notice."

Jokes number : 49

A man happened to meet his ex-wife at a
party, and
after a few drinks,
he suggested that they might have
another try at marriage. His ex-wife
sneered in reply, "Over my dead
body !"

He downed his drink and replied, "Well, I see you haven't
changed one
little bit."

Jokes number : 49

A man happened to meet his ex-wife at a
party, and
after a few drinks,
he suggested that they might have
another try at marriage. His ex-wife
sneered in reply, "Over my dead
body !"

He downed his drink and replied, "Well, I see you haven't
changed one
little bit."

Jokes number : 48

Lee was known among his friends for the

punctuality with which he sent
his wife her alimony payment each
month. When he was asked the reason
for his haste he shivered and
replied: "I'm afraid that if I should
ever fall behind in the payments to
that witch, she might well try to
repossess me."

Jokes number : 48

Lee was known among his friends for the

punctuality with which he sent
his wife her alimony payment each
month. When he was asked the reason
for his haste he shivered and
replied: "I'm afraid that if I should
ever fall behind in the payments to
that witch, she might well try to
repossess me."

Jokes number : 47

After the third day of a really torrid

honeymoon, the young couple finally emerged from their room and walked
the hotel restaurant. After they were seated, the waiter came
over to
get their orders. The new husband looked at his bride and
said, "You
know what I really feel like honey ?" "Well sure," she
blushed, "But
we gotta eat sometime !"

Jokes number : 47

After the third day of a really torrid

honeymoon, the young couple finally emerged from their room and walked
the hotel restaurant. After they were seated, the waiter came
over to
get their orders. The new husband looked at his bride and
said, "You
know what I really feel like honey ?" "Well sure," she
blushed, "But
we gotta eat sometime !"

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Jokes number : 46

A journalist had done a
story on gender
roles in Kuwait several years
before the Gulf War, and she noted then
that women customarily walked
about 10 feet behind their

She returned to Kuwait recently and observed that the men now
several yards behind their wives.

She approached one of
the women for an explanation. "This is
marvelous," said the
journalist. "What enabled women here to achieve
this reversal of

Replied the Kuwaiti woman: "Land mines"

Jokes number : 46

A journalist had done a
story on gender
roles in Kuwait several years
before the Gulf War, and she noted then
that women customarily walked
about 10 feet behind their

She returned to Kuwait recently and observed that the men now
several yards behind their wives.

She approached one of
the women for an explanation. "This is
marvelous," said the
journalist. "What enabled women here to achieve
this reversal of

Replied the Kuwaiti woman: "Land mines"

Jokes number : 45

A man has six children and is very proud of
achievement. He is so
proud of himself that he starts calling
his wife "Mother of Six" in
spite of her objections.

night they go to a party. The man decides that it's time to go
and wants to find out if his wife is ready to leave as well. He
at the top of his voice, "Shall we go home, Mother of Six?"

wife, irritated by her husband's lack of discretion shouts
"Anytime you're ready, Father of Four!"

Jokes number : 45

A man has six children and is very proud of
achievement. He is so
proud of himself that he starts calling
his wife "Mother of Six" in
spite of her objections.

night they go to a party. The man decides that it's time to go
and wants to find out if his wife is ready to leave as well. He
at the top of his voice, "Shall we go home, Mother of Six?"

wife, irritated by her husband's lack of discretion shouts
"Anytime you're ready, Father of Four!"

Jokes number : 44

A husband and wife
went to the
fairgrounds. The wife wanted to go on
the Ferris wheel, but the husband
wasn't comfortable with that. So the
wife went on the ride by

The wheel went round and round and suddenly the wife was thrown
and landed in a heap at her husband's feet.

"Are you
hurt?" he asked.

"Of course I'm hurt!" she replied. "Three times
around and you
wave once!"

Jokes number : 44

A husband and wife
went to the
fairgrounds. The wife wanted to go on
the Ferris wheel, but the husband
wasn't comfortable with that. So the
wife went on the ride by

The wheel went round and round and suddenly the wife was thrown
and landed in a heap at her husband's feet.

"Are you
hurt?" he asked.

"Of course I'm hurt!" she replied. "Three times
around and you
wave once!"

Jokes number : 43

A guy runs out of a Las
Vegas hotel and
says to a stranger, "Can you
loan me two hundred bucks? My wife had a
terrible accident."

The stranger says, "If you need two hundred
dollars, what are you
using to gamble with?"

The guy replies,
"Oh, I've got gambling money."

Jokes number : 43

A guy runs out of a Las
Vegas hotel and
says to a stranger, "Can you
loan me two hundred bucks? My wife had a
terrible accident."

The stranger says, "If you need two hundred
dollars, what are you
using to gamble with?"

The guy replies,
"Oh, I've got gambling money."

Jokes number : 42

This day holds a lot of meaning for me. It

was on this day two years
ago that I lost my dear wife and

I'll never forget that game of cards...

Jokes number : 42

This day holds a lot of meaning for me. It

was on this day two years
ago that I lost my dear wife and

I'll never forget that game of cards...

Jokes number : 41

A little kid comes running into the

He says, "Pop! Pop! Ma just got hit by a bus!"

"Son, you
know my lips are chapped. Please don't make me smile."

Jokes number : 41

A little kid comes running into the

He says, "Pop! Pop! Ma just got hit by a bus!"

"Son, you
know my lips are chapped. Please don't make me smile."

Jokes number : 40

An explorer
goes into an undiscovered
tomb for the first time, and in
the center of the tomb there is a lamp.
So he picked it up and started
to rub the dirt off of it, and out
came a genie out of the lamp and he
said "I want to know the person
you hate the most"
The explorer said "That's gotta be my ex-wife.
"I am a cursed genie, I will grant you three wishes but whatever
wish for your ex-wife will get double the amount."
"OK, I
wish for a billion dollars"
"Granted, but your ex-wife gets two
"I wish for a mansion in California with a swimming pool, and
courts, everything"
"Granted your ex-wife gets two. This is
your final wish"
The explorer walked around the room and came back to
the genie with a
stick and said "Ya see this stick, I'd like you to
beat me half to

Jokes number : 40

An explorer
goes into an undiscovered
tomb for the first time, and in
the center of the tomb there is a lamp.
So he picked it up and started
to rub the dirt off of it, and out
came a genie out of the lamp and he
said "I want to know the person
you hate the most"
The explorer said "That's gotta be my ex-wife.
"I am a cursed genie, I will grant you three wishes but whatever
wish for your ex-wife will get double the amount."
"OK, I
wish for a billion dollars"
"Granted, but your ex-wife gets two
"I wish for a mansion in California with a swimming pool, and
courts, everything"
"Granted your ex-wife gets two. This is
your final wish"
The explorer walked around the room and came back to
the genie with a
stick and said "Ya see this stick, I'd like you to
beat me half to

Jokes number : 39

A guy is down on his luck. He takes his

last $500 and goes to Las Vegas.
Overnight, he has a fantastic run of
luck. He stumbles out of the
and finds a pay phone. He
calls his wife and says, "Honey, pack your
I just won over a
million dollars in Vegas."
His wife say, "That's wonderful. What
should I pack for...Europe, the
He says, "I don't
care, just be gone when I get home."

Jokes number : 39

A guy is down on his luck. He takes his

last $500 and goes to Las Vegas.
Overnight, he has a fantastic run of
luck. He stumbles out of the
and finds a pay phone. He
calls his wife and says, "Honey, pack your
I just won over a
million dollars in Vegas."
His wife say, "That's wonderful. What
should I pack for...Europe, the
He says, "I don't
care, just be gone when I get home."

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Jokes number : 38

Husband: What do you love most, my

natural beauty or my body?

Wife: Your sense of humor.

Jokes number : 38

Husband: What do you love most, my

natural beauty or my body?

Wife: Your sense of humor.

Jokes number : 37

A rural Frenchman was on trial for killing

his wife when
he found her with a neighbor. Upon being asked why
he shot
her instead of her lover, he replied,
"Ah, m'sieur, is it
not better to shoot a woman once than a
different man every

Jokes number : 37

A rural Frenchman was on trial for killing

his wife when
he found her with a neighbor. Upon being asked why
he shot
her instead of her lover, he replied,
"Ah, m'sieur, is it
not better to shoot a woman once than a
different man every

Jokes number : 36

man was walking in the street when he
heard a voice: "Stop! Stand
still! If you take one more step, a
brick will fall down on your head
kill you."
The man stopped
and a big brick fell right in front of him. The man was
He went on, and after awhile he was going to cross the

Once again the voice shouted: "Stop! Stand still! If you take one
step a car will run over you and you will die."
The man did as he
was instructed, just as a car came careening around
barely missing him.
"Where are you?" the man asked. "Who are
"I am your guardian angel," the voice answered.
"Oh yeah?" the man
asked..."And where were you when I got married?"

A man called
the undertaker one afternoon and sobbed: "Come and bury
"But I buried your wife ten years ago," replied the undertaker.
got married again," the man sobbed.
"Oh," said the undertaker.

Jokes number : 36

man was walking in the street when he
heard a voice: "Stop! Stand
still! If you take one more step, a
brick will fall down on your head
kill you."
The man stopped
and a big brick fell right in front of him. The man was
He went on, and after awhile he was going to cross the

Once again the voice shouted: "Stop! Stand still! If you take one
step a car will run over you and you will die."
The man did as he
was instructed, just as a car came careening around
barely missing him.
"Where are you?" the man asked. "Who are
"I am your guardian angel," the voice answered.
"Oh yeah?" the man
asked..."And where were you when I got married?"

A man called
the undertaker one afternoon and sobbed: "Come and bury
"But I buried your wife ten years ago," replied the undertaker.
got married again," the man sobbed.
"Oh," said the undertaker.

Jokes number : 35

Larry's barn burned down, and Susan, his
wife, called the
company ...

Susan: We had that
barn insured for fifty thousand and I want my money.
Agent: Whoa there
just a minute, Susan; it doesn't work quite like
We will
ascertain the value of the old barn and provide you with a new

of comparable worth.
Susan, after a pause: I'd like to cancel
the policy on my husband.

Jokes number : 35

Larry's barn burned down, and Susan, his
wife, called the
company ...

Susan: We had that
barn insured for fifty thousand and I want my money.
Agent: Whoa there
just a minute, Susan; it doesn't work quite like
We will
ascertain the value of the old barn and provide you with a new

of comparable worth.
Susan, after a pause: I'd like to cancel
the policy on my husband.

Jokes number : 34

A little girl
and a little boy were at
day care one day. The girl
approaches the boy and says, "Hey Tommy,
wanna play
He says, "Sure! What do you want me to
The girl replies, "I want you to communicate your
"Communicate my thoughts?" said a bewildered Tommy. "I
have no idea what
that means."
The little girl smirks and says, "Perfect. You can be

Jokes number : 34

A little girl
and a little boy were at
day care one day. The girl
approaches the boy and says, "Hey Tommy,
wanna play
He says, "Sure! What do you want me to
The girl replies, "I want you to communicate your
"Communicate my thoughts?" said a bewildered Tommy. "I
have no idea what
that means."
The little girl smirks and says, "Perfect. You can be

Jokes number : 33

In the midst of a veritable downpour, a
driver saw
a woman alone in the mud trying to change a flat
tire, and
couldn't bear passing her by. He completed the job for
and, soaked to the skin, exclaimed jovially, "There,
lady, that's done!" "Quiet," she ordered him. "You'll wake
up my
husband. He's taking a nap in the back seat."

Jokes number : 33

In the midst of a veritable downpour, a
driver saw
a woman alone in the mud trying to change a flat
tire, and
couldn't bear passing her by. He completed the job for
and, soaked to the skin, exclaimed jovially, "There,
lady, that's done!" "Quiet," she ordered him. "You'll wake
up my
husband. He's taking a nap in the back seat."

Jokes number : 32

As US tourists in Israel, a man and his wife

were sitting outside
a Bethlehem souvenir shop, waiting for
fellow tourists. An Arab
salesman approached them carrying belts.

After an impassioned sales talk yielded no results, he asked

where they were from.

"America," the husband replied.

Looking at her dark hair and olive skin, the Arab responded.
not from the States."

"Yes I am." said the wife. He looked at her
and asked. "Is he
your husband?" "Yes." she replied.

Turning to the husband, he offered..... "I'll give you 100 camels
her." The husband looked stunned, and there was a long
Finally he replied, "she's not for sale."

After the salesman left,
the somewhat indignant wife asked her
husband what took him so long
to answer, to which the
husband replied, "I was trying to figure
out how to get 100
camels back home."

Jokes number : 32

As US tourists in Israel, a man and his wife

were sitting outside
a Bethlehem souvenir shop, waiting for
fellow tourists. An Arab
salesman approached them carrying belts.

After an impassioned sales talk yielded no results, he asked

where they were from.

"America," the husband replied.

Looking at her dark hair and olive skin, the Arab responded.
not from the States."

"Yes I am." said the wife. He looked at her
and asked. "Is he
your husband?" "Yes." she replied.

Turning to the husband, he offered..... "I'll give you 100 camels
her." The husband looked stunned, and there was a long
Finally he replied, "she's not for sale."

After the salesman left,
the somewhat indignant wife asked her
husband what took him so long
to answer, to which the
husband replied, "I was trying to figure
out how to get 100
camels back home."

Jokes number : 31

Personally I think one of the greatest things
marriage is that
as both husband and Father, I can say
anything I want to around the

Of course, no one pays the
least bit of attention.

Jokes number : 31

Personally I think one of the greatest things
marriage is that
as both husband and Father, I can say
anything I want to around the

Of course, no one pays the
least bit of attention.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Jokes number : 30

What is the one thing that all men at

singles bars have in common?
They're married.

Jokes number : 30

What is the one thing that all men at

singles bars have in common?
They're married.

Jokes number : 29

What's the best way to get a man to remember

your anniversary?
Get married on his birthday.

Jokes number : 29

What's the best way to get a man to remember

your anniversary?
Get married on his birthday.

Jokes number : 28

Q. What should you do if you see your

ex-husband rolling around in pain on the ground?
A. Shoot him again.

Jokes number : 28

Q. What should you do if you see your

ex-husband rolling around in pain on the ground?
A. Shoot him again.

Jokes number : 27

Q. How are husbands like lawn mowers?
They're hard to get started, they emit noxious odours, and half the

time they don't work.

Jokes number : 27

Q. How are husbands like lawn mowers?
They're hard to get started, they emit noxious odours, and half the

time they don't work.

Jokes number : 26

One night, Peter was home
watching TV
when his wife entered the room and asked, "If I died,
would you

Peter thought for a second then said "Yeah I guess I

Then his the wife asked, "well would you have her as your

Peter replied, "yep I probably would do that

"But surely you wouldn't give her my clubs?!", she

Peter looked at her and said, "Nah, shes left handed."

Jokes number : 26

One night, Peter was home
watching TV
when his wife entered the room and asked, "If I died,
would you

Peter thought for a second then said "Yeah I guess I

Then his the wife asked, "well would you have her as your

Peter replied, "yep I probably would do that

"But surely you wouldn't give her my clubs?!", she

Peter looked at her and said, "Nah, shes left handed."

Jokes number : 25

A couple was celebrating their golden wedding
Their domestic tranquility had long been the talk of
the town, and on
this special occasion, a local newspaper reporter
paid them a visit. He
inquired as to the secret of their long and
happy marriage.

"Well," explained the husband, "it all goes back
to our honeymoon.
We visited the Grand Canyon and took a trip down
to the bottom of the
canyon by pack mule."

"We hadn't gone
too far when my wife's mule stumbled. My wife
quietly said
'That's once.' We proceeded a little farther when the mule
again. Once more my wife quietly spoke: 'That's twice.' We
gone a half-mile when the mule stumbled a third time. My wife

promptly removed a revolver from her purse, hopped down off the beast, and

shot the mule dead."

"I started to protest over her
treatment of the mule when she looked
at me and quietly said, 'Thats once.'"

Jokes number : 25

A couple was celebrating their golden wedding
Their domestic tranquility had long been the talk of
the town, and on
this special occasion, a local newspaper reporter
paid them a visit. He
inquired as to the secret of their long and
happy marriage.

"Well," explained the husband, "it all goes back
to our honeymoon.
We visited the Grand Canyon and took a trip down
to the bottom of the
canyon by pack mule."

"We hadn't gone
too far when my wife's mule stumbled. My wife
quietly said
'That's once.' We proceeded a little farther when the mule
again. Once more my wife quietly spoke: 'That's twice.' We
gone a half-mile when the mule stumbled a third time. My wife

promptly removed a revolver from her purse, hopped down off the beast, and

shot the mule dead."

"I started to protest over her
treatment of the mule when she looked
at me and quietly said, 'Thats once.'"

Jokes number : 24

The man told his doctor that he wasn't able
to do
all the things around the house that he used to do. The
doctor started
a long and thorough examination, but finally found
nothing wrong with
the man.

When the examination was complete, he
said, "Now, Doc, I can take it.
Tell me in plain English what is
wrong with me."

"Well, in plain English," the doctor replied,
"you're just lazy."

"Okay," said the man. "Now give me the
medical term so I can tell my

Jokes number : 24

The man told his doctor that he wasn't able
to do
all the things around the house that he used to do. The
doctor started
a long and thorough examination, but finally found
nothing wrong with
the man.

When the examination was complete, he
said, "Now, Doc, I can take it.
Tell me in plain English what is
wrong with me."

"Well, in plain English," the doctor replied,
"you're just lazy."

"Okay," said the man. "Now give me the
medical term so I can tell my

Jokes number : 23

A young couple got married and
left on
their honeymoon. When they got back, the bride immediately called
mother. Her mother asked, "How was the honeymoon?" "Oh, Mum,"
replied, "the honeymoon was wonderful! So romantic..." Suddenly
burst out crying. "But, Mum, as soon as we returned Sam started

using the most horrible language...things I'd ever heard before! I mean,

all these awful 4-letter words! You've got to come get me and take
home.... Please Mum!"

"Sarah," her mother said, "calm
down! Tell me, what could be so
awful? What 4-letter words?"

"Please don't make me tell you, Mum," wept the daughter, "I'm so

embarrassed, they're just too awful! Come get me, please!"

"Darling, you must tell me what has you so upset. Tell your mother

these horrible 4-letter words!"

Still sobbing, the bride said,
"Oh, Mum, they were words like dust,
wash, iron, cook!"

Jokes number : 23

A young couple got married and
left on
their honeymoon. When they got back, the bride immediately called
mother. Her mother asked, "How was the honeymoon?" "Oh, Mum,"
replied, "the honeymoon was wonderful! So romantic..." Suddenly
burst out crying. "But, Mum, as soon as we returned Sam started

using the most horrible language...things I'd ever heard before! I mean,

all these awful 4-letter words! You've got to come get me and take
home.... Please Mum!"

"Sarah," her mother said, "calm
down! Tell me, what could be so
awful? What 4-letter words?"

"Please don't make me tell you, Mum," wept the daughter, "I'm so

embarrassed, they're just too awful! Come get me, please!"

"Darling, you must tell me what has you so upset. Tell your mother

these horrible 4-letter words!"

Still sobbing, the bride said,
"Oh, Mum, they were words like dust,
wash, iron, cook!"

Monday, May 14, 2012

Jokes number : 22

A devoted wife had spent her lifetime taking

care of her husband.

When he was slipping in and out of a
coma for several months, she
stayed by his bedside every single day.
When he came to, he motioned for her
to come nearer.

As she
sat by him, he said, "You know what? You have been with me all

through the bad times.

"When I got fired, you were there to support
me. When my business
failed, you were there. When I got shot, you
were by my side. When we lost
the house, you gave me support. When
my health started failing, you
were still by my side.

know what?"

"What, dear?" his wife asked gently.

think you bring me bad luck."

Jokes number : 22

A devoted wife had spent her lifetime taking

care of her husband.

When he was slipping in and out of a
coma for several months, she
stayed by his bedside every single day.
When he came to, he motioned for her
to come nearer.

As she
sat by him, he said, "You know what? You have been with me all

through the bad times.

"When I got fired, you were there to support
me. When my business
failed, you were there. When I got shot, you
were by my side. When we lost
the house, you gave me support. When
my health started failing, you
were still by my side.

know what?"

"What, dear?" his wife asked gently.

think you bring me bad luck."

Jokes number : 21

"Honey," said this
husband to his wife,
"I invited a friend home for supper."

"What? Are you crazy? The
house is a mess, I didn't go shopping, all
the dishes are dirty,
and I don't feel like cooking fancy meal!"

"I know all that."

"Then why did you invite a friend for supper?"

the poor fool's thinking about getting married."

Jokes number : 21

"Honey," said this
husband to his wife,
"I invited a friend home for supper."

"What? Are you crazy? The
house is a mess, I didn't go shopping, all
the dishes are dirty,
and I don't feel like cooking fancy meal!"

"I know all that."

"Then why did you invite a friend for supper?"

the poor fool's thinking about getting married."

Jokes number : 20

Never before had Sue looked in the box that
husband kept under their bed.

The box had been there for the past 20
years of their marriage but she
had never invaded his privacy. One
day, while cleaning, she decided to
take a look in the box. She
didn't figure it was anything he was
hiding since she could have
looked at it any other time but hadn't.

In the box she found 3
eggs and 10 thousand dollars. This seemed very
strange so she went to
Fred and asked, "Why are there 3 eggs in a box
under our bed?"

He replied, "Well, every time I was unfaithful to you, I put an egg
the box." Sue was surprised and hurt that he had been unfaithful
she consoled herself with the fact that they had been married
for over
20 years and he had only been unfaithful 3 times.

"But where did the 10 thousand dollars come from?" she asked.

"Well, every time I got a dozen, I sold it."

Jokes number : 20

Never before had Sue looked in the box that
husband kept under their bed.

The box had been there for the past 20
years of their marriage but she
had never invaded his privacy. One
day, while cleaning, she decided to
take a look in the box. She
didn't figure it was anything he was
hiding since she could have
looked at it any other time but hadn't.

In the box she found 3
eggs and 10 thousand dollars. This seemed very
strange so she went to
Fred and asked, "Why are there 3 eggs in a box
under our bed?"

He replied, "Well, every time I was unfaithful to you, I put an egg
the box." Sue was surprised and hurt that he had been unfaithful
she consoled herself with the fact that they had been married
for over
20 years and he had only been unfaithful 3 times.

"But where did the 10 thousand dollars come from?" she asked.

"Well, every time I got a dozen, I sold it."

Jokes number : 19

During the wedding
rehearsal, the groom
approached the vicar with an unusual offer. "Look,
I'll give you
$100 if you'll change the wedding vows. When you get to me
and the
part where I'm to promise to 'love, honor and obey' and

'forsaking all others, be faithful to her forever,' I'd appreciate it if

you'd just leave that part out."

He passed the clergyman
the cash and walked away satisfied.

The wedding day arrives, and
the bride and groom have moved to that
part of the ceremony where
the vows are exchanged. When it comes time for
the groom's vows,
the vicar looks the young man in the eye and says,
"Will you promise
to prostrate yourself before her, obey her every
command and wish,
serve her breakfast in bed every morning of your life and
eternally before God and your lovely wife that you will not ever
look at another woman, as long as you both shall live?"

e groom gulped and looked around, and said in a tiny voice, "Yes."

The groom leaned toward the vicar and hissed, "I thought we had a


The vicar put the $100 into his hand and whispered
back, "She made me
a much better offer."

Jokes number : 19

During the wedding
rehearsal, the groom
approached the vicar with an unusual offer. "Look,
I'll give you
$100 if you'll change the wedding vows. When you get to me
and the
part where I'm to promise to 'love, honor and obey' and

'forsaking all others, be faithful to her forever,' I'd appreciate it if

you'd just leave that part out."

He passed the clergyman
the cash and walked away satisfied.

The wedding day arrives, and
the bride and groom have moved to that
part of the ceremony where
the vows are exchanged. When it comes time for
the groom's vows,
the vicar looks the young man in the eye and says,
"Will you promise
to prostrate yourself before her, obey her every
command and wish,
serve her breakfast in bed every morning of your life and
eternally before God and your lovely wife that you will not ever
look at another woman, as long as you both shall live?"

e groom gulped and looked around, and said in a tiny voice, "Yes."

The groom leaned toward the vicar and hissed, "I thought we had a


The vicar put the $100 into his hand and whispered
back, "She made me
a much better offer."

Jokes number : 18

Marriage is a three
ring circus:

- Engagement ring, wedding ring, suffering.

Jokes number : 18

Marriage is a three
ring circus:

- Engagement ring, wedding ring, suffering.

Jokes number : 17

A woman accompanied her husband to the

doctor's office.

After his checkup, the doctor called the wife
into his office alone. He
said, "Your husband is suffering from a
very severe stress disorder.
If you don't follow my instructions
carefully, your husband will surely

"Each morning, fix
him a healthy breakfast. Be pleasant at all times.
For lunch make him
a nutritious meal. For dinner prepare an especially
nice meal for

"Don't burden him with chores. Don't discuss your
problems with him;
it will only make his stress worse. Do not nag him.
Most importantly,
make love to him regularly.

"If you can do
this for the next 10 months to a year, I think your
husband will
regain his health completely."

On the way home, the husband asked
his wife, "What did the doctor

"He said you're going
to die," she replied.

Jokes number : 17

A woman accompanied her husband to the

doctor's office.

After his checkup, the doctor called the wife
into his office alone. He
said, "Your husband is suffering from a
very severe stress disorder.
If you don't follow my instructions
carefully, your husband will surely

"Each morning, fix
him a healthy breakfast. Be pleasant at all times.
For lunch make him
a nutritious meal. For dinner prepare an especially
nice meal for

"Don't burden him with chores. Don't discuss your
problems with him;
it will only make his stress worse. Do not nag him.
Most importantly,
make love to him regularly.

"If you can do
this for the next 10 months to a year, I think your
husband will
regain his health completely."

On the way home, the husband asked
his wife, "What did the doctor

"He said you're going
to die," she replied.

Jokes number : 16

A man placed some flowers on the grave of his
departed mother and started back toward his car when his
attention was
diverted to another man kneeling at a grave.

man seemed to be praying with profound intensity and kept

repeating, "Why did you have to die? Why did you have to die? Why did you have

to die?"

The first man approached him and said, "Sir, I
don't wish to
interfere with your private grief, but this
demonstration of pain is more than
I've ever seen before. For whom do you
mourn so deeply? A child? A

The mourner took a moment
to collect himself, then replied, "My
wife's first husband."

Jokes number : 16

A man placed some flowers on the grave of his
departed mother and started back toward his car when his
attention was
diverted to another man kneeling at a grave.

man seemed to be praying with profound intensity and kept

repeating, "Why did you have to die? Why did you have to die? Why did you have

to die?"

The first man approached him and said, "Sir, I
don't wish to
interfere with your private grief, but this
demonstration of pain is more than
I've ever seen before. For whom do you
mourn so deeply? A child? A

The mourner took a moment
to collect himself, then replied, "My
wife's first husband."

Jokes number : 15

A mother and her child were at a wedding.

A little boy looks at his mom and says, "Mommy, why does the girl

His mom replies, "The bride is in white
because she's happy and this
is the happiest day of her life."

The boy thinks about this, and then says, "Well then, why is the boy

wearing black?"

Jokes number : 15

A mother and her child were at a wedding.

A little boy looks at his mom and says, "Mommy, why does the girl

His mom replies, "The bride is in white
because she's happy and this
is the happiest day of her life."

The boy thinks about this, and then says, "Well then, why is the boy

wearing black?"