Saturday, August 6, 2011

Jokes number : 61

There were three guys, a Torontonian, an
American and a
Newfoundlander. They were all going to be executed. The
executioner said that
since all three were to be executed that night,
that they would each
get to choose the method by which they would

Their choices were: lethal injection, electric chair or by
hanging. The
American was afraid of needles and did'nt want to be
hanged. The
American chose the electric chair. He sat in the chair
and they pulled the
switch and nothing happened. The executioner
said that if this happens a
second time that he could go free. They
tried a second time and again
nothing happened so they set him

The guy from Toronto was also afraid of needles and did'nt want
to be
hanged so he too chose the electric chair. Once again, the
didn't work and he was free.

Next it was the
Newfoundlanders turn to pick how he was to be executed.
He said "I'm a
fraid of needles, the electric chair won't work so
you're going
to have to hang me".

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