Thursday, February 28, 2013

Jokes number : 42

What do you get if you cross Dracula with a

The world's slowest vampire.

Jokes number : 41

What is Dracula's favorite pudding?

Leeches and scream.

Jokes number : 40

Why did Dracula go to the

He wanted to improve his bite.

Jokes number : 39

Did you know that Dracula wants to become a

He's looking for a crypt writer.

Jokes number : 38

What does Dracula say when you tell him a new

Well, fangcy that!

Jokes number : 37

How does Dracula keep fit?
He plays

Jokes number : 36

What does Mrs Dracula say to Mr Dracula when

he leaves for work in the evening?
Have a nice bite!

Jokes number : 35

What do you get if you cross Dracula with AI

A fangster.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Jokes number : 34

How does Dracula like to have his
In bite-sized pieces.

Jokes number : 33

Why does Dracula have no friends?
he's a pain in the neck.

Jokes number : 32

What happened when a doctor crossed a parrot
with a
It bit his neck, sucked his blood and said,
"Who's a pretty boy

Jokes number : 31

What kind of medicine does Dracula take for a

Coffin medicine.

Jokes number : 30

What do vampires have at eleven
every day?
A coffin break.

Jokes number : 29

Why does Dracula always travel with his
Because his life is at stake.

Jokes number : 28

How does a vampire enter his

Through the bat flap.

Jokes number : 27

How do you join a Vampire Fan Club?
your name, address and blood group.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Jokes number : 26

What's a vampire's favorite hobby?


Jokes number : 25

Why was the vampire thought of as

Because he was a complete sucker.

Jokes number : 24

What do you call a vampire
after it is
A two-year-old vampire.

Jokes number : 23

did the vampire have pedestrian eyes?

They looked both ways before they crossed.

Jokes number : 22

Two men were having a drink together.
said, "I'd rather live with a vampire than with my wife."
that?" asked the other.
"Because she's always trying to bite my
head off," he replied.

Jokes number : 21

Did you hear about the vampire who got

He proposed to his girl-fiend.

Jokes number : 20

Did you hear about the vampire
who died of
a broken heart?
He had loved in vein.

Jokes number : 19

Why do vampires hate arguments?
they make themselves cross.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Jokes number : 18

What is a vampire's favorite sport?


Jokes number : 17

What do you call a vampire junkie?

Jokes number : 16

What does a vampire stand on after taking a

A bat mat.

Jokes number : 15

When do clocks die?
When their time is up.

Jokes number : 14

If your watch is broken, why can't you go
Because you don't have the time.

Jokes number : 13

Why do people beat their clocks?
To kill

Jokes number : 12

Why couldn't the clock be kept in
Because time was always running out.

Jokes number : 11

Why shouldn't you tell secrets when a clock is

Because time will tell.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Jokes number : 10

How does a vampire clean his house?
With a
victim cleaner.

Jokes number : 9

What is the vampire's
favorite slogan?

Please Give Blood Generously.

Jokes number : 8

Why was the young vampire a failure?

Because he fainted at the sight of blood.

Jokes number : 7

Why wouldn't the vampire
eat his
It clotted.

Jokes number : 6

Why is Hollywood full of vampires?
need someone to play the bit parts.

Jokes number : 5

What is the first thing that
learn at school?
The alphabat.

Jokes number : 4

Why did the vampire enjoy ballroom dancing?

He could really get into the vaultz.

Jokes number : 3

When do vampires bite you?

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Jokes number : 2

Which vampire tried to eat James Bond?


Jokes number : 1

Which vampire ate the three bears' porridge?


Jokes number : 100

Who plays center forward for the vampire

football team?
The ghoulscorer.

Jokes number : 99

Why did the vampire take up acting?
It was
in his blood.

Jokes number : 98

What do vampire footballers have at
Blood oranges.

Jokes number : 97

What do vampires cross the sea in?

Jokes number : 96

What happened to the two mad vampires?

They both went a little batty.

Jokes number : 95

When is the best time to go shopping?
When the
stores are open.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Jokes number : 94

What time is it when your watchdog lets a robber
the family silver?
Time to get a new watchdog.

Jokes number : 93

What time is it when five dogs are chasing a cat
the street?
Five after one.

Jokes number : 92

What dog can tell the time ?
A watch dog !

Jokes number : 91

A man with one watch knows what time it is.
man with two watches is never sure.

Jokes number : 90

While proudly showing off his new
to friends, a college student led the way into the den.

"What is
the big brass gong and hammer for?" one of his friends


"That is the talking clock," the man replied.

"How's it
work?" the friend asked.

"Watch," the student said then proceeded to
give the gong an ear
shattering pound with the

Suddenly someone screamed from the other side of the wall, "KNOCK IT

OFF, YOU JERK! It's two AM!"

Jokes number : 89

1st Roman Soldier: What is the time ?
Roman Soldier: XX past VII !

Jokes number : 88

Do you know the time
No, we haven't
met yet !

Jokes number : 87

Why is the time in the USA behind that of England

Because England was discovered before the USA !

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Jokes number : 86

One day a man met three beggars. To the first he

gave a dime, to the second a dime, and to the third a nickel. What
was it?
A quarter to three.

Jokes number : 85

Why did the man put a clock under his desk?
wanted to work overtime.

Jokes number : 84

What time is it when a clock strikes

Time to get it fixed.

Jokes number : 83

Why did the kid put his clock in the oven.
wanted to have a hot time.

Jokes number : 82

What kind of watch is best for people who don't
time on their hands?
A pocket watch.

Jokes number : 81

Julie: What time is it?
Counsellor: Three
Julie: Oh,no!
Counsellor: What's the matter?
I've been asking the time all day. And everybody gives me a

Jokes number : 80

Why did the girl sit on her
wanted to be on time.

Jokes number : 79

Why did your sister shoot the alarm clock
Because she felt like killing time.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Jokes number : 78

The proud owner of an impressive new clock was
showing it off to a
friend. 'This clock,' he said, 'will go for 14
days without winding.'
'Really?' replied his friend, 'And how
long will it go if you do
wind it ?'

Jokes number : 77

'I hope you're not one of those boys who

sits and watches the school clock,' said the principal to a new
'No, Sir. I've got a digital watch that bleeps at


Jokes number : 76

What are your two favourite times to party?

Daytime and night-time!

Jokes number : 75

For a weddin' present
Ledbetter gave his son
Amos two hundred dollars. Two weeks later he asked him,
do with the money, son?"

"Ah bought me a wristwatch, Pappy!"
answered the boy.

"Yew dumb ignoramous!" yelled his father. "Yew
should 'av bought
yoreself a rifle!"

"A rifle? What fer?"

"Suppos'n one day yew cum home and find some guy sleepin' wid
wife," explained the older redneck.

"W'atcha gonna
do? Wake him up and ask him what time it is?"

Jokes number : 74

Customer: I'd like a watch that tells
Clerk: Don't you have a watch that tells time?
Customer: No, you
have to look at it.

Jokes number : 73

If twenty dogs run after one cat, what time is

Twenty after one.

Jokes number : 72

What time is it when an elephant
sits on your
Time to get a new car.

Jokes number : 71

That boy is so dirty, the only time he washes his

ears is when he eats watermelon.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Jokes number : 70

Why are there so many Johnson
in he
phone book?
They all have phones.

Jokes number : 69

How that we are engaged I hope you'll give

me a ring.
Of course. What's your phone number ?

Jokes number : 68

What kind of music do phones love to hear?

A symphony

Jokes number : 67

What do you get if you cross a
with an iron?
A smooth operator!

Jokes number : 66

How does a baboon make phone calls?
just monkeys around on the line!

Jokes number : 65

What do
you call the sound a ghost makes
when he calls you?
A phone moan.

Jokes number : 64

A psychiatrist was testing the mentality of

a patient.
"Do you ever hear voices without being able to tell
who is speaking or
where the voices are coming from?" asked the
"As a matter of fact, I do," said the patient.
when does this happen?" asked the psychiatrist.
"Oh," said the
patient, "when I answer the telephone."

Jokes number : 63

What do you get if you cross a phone with a

Monday, February 18, 2013

Jokes number : 62

What do you get if you cross a phone with a
A party line!

Jokes number : 61

What do you get if you cross a phone with a
A party line!

Jokes number : 60

How does Ebenezer Scrooge make phone calls?


Jokes number : 59

How does a baritone make phone calls?

Song distance!

Jokes number : 58

How does a football player make phone calls?

On a touch-down phone.

Jokes number : 57

When does a horse talk on the phone?

Whinny wants to!

Jokes number : 56

What happened to the little frog who sat on

the telephone?
He grew up to be a bellhop!

Jokes number : 55

How can you tell if someone who's having a

temper tantrum is on the phone?
You get a tizzy signal!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Jokes number : 54

How can you tell if someone who's just had

a perm is on the phone?
You get a frizzy signal!

Jokes number : 53

How does a door chime answer the phone?


Jokes number : 52

How does a lobster answer the phone?


Jokes number : 51

How does a cheerleader answer the phone?


Jokes number : 50

What did the answering machine say to the

Take my word for it.

Jokes number : 49

How is a telephone like a dirty bathtub?

They both have rings!

Jokes number : 48

Why did the chicken walk on the telephone
She wanted to lay it on the line!

Jokes number : 47

How do, like, really laid-back types answer
the phone?

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Jokes number : 46

How do scaredy-cats answer the phone?


Jokes number : 45

What do you get if you cross a telephone
with a
night crawler?

Jokes number : 44

What do you get if you cross a telephone

with a fat football player?
A wide receiver.

Jokes number : 43

Caller: My goodness, Operator! Your nose is
stuffed up, I can't understand you. You should really take
something for
that cold.
Operator: Good idea. I'll take the rest
of the day off!

Jokes number : 42

What animals talk on the telephone the most?

The yakety-yaks!

Jokes number : 41

What do
you get if you cross a phone
with a rooster?
A wake-up call!

Jokes number : 40

Hello, police? Please send an officer over
to 324 London Road
right away!
Sorry, this isn't the police
station. It's the Delicatessen.
Oh. Well, in that case, please send
over a pastrami sandwich!

Jokes number : 39

Caller: Operator! Operator! I don't know

what's wrong with my phone, but I can't make long distance calls
Operator: Don't worry. Your long distance calls are
long enough

Friday, February 15, 2013

Jokes number : 38

Caller: Operator! Operator! Call me an

Operator: Okay. You're an ambulance!

Jokes number : 37

Party Host: Hello?
Phone Caller: I'm
trying to reach a Ms. Nidiot. Her first name is Ima.
Could you please
ask if anybody at your party knows her?
Party Host: I'd be glad
to. Please hold on. (shouts) Excuse me, but
does anybody know Ima

Jokes number : 36

How can you tell if a bee is on the phone?

You get a buzzy signal.

Jokes number : 35

What do you get when you cross a telephone
with a pair of

Jokes number : 34

Caller: Operator! Operator! Do you know my

boyfriend's line has been busy for an hour?
Operator: No, but
if you hum a few bars, I might be able to sing along
with you.

Jokes number : 33

When doesn't a telephone work

When it's wringing wet!

Jokes number : 32

What do you get if you cross a pig and a
telephone ?
A lot of crackling on the line !

Jokes number : 31

What do you get if you cross a telephone

and a marriage bureau ?
A wedding ring !

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Jokes number : 30

What do you call a telephone call from

one vicar to another ?
A parson to parson call !

Jokes number : 29

How did the telephones get married ?
In a
double ring ceremony !

Jokes number : 28

How do Iranians speak on the

Persian-to-Persian (person-to-person).

Jokes number : 27

Who invented the telephone?
Phoenicians (phone-itions).

Jokes number : 26

Why did the girl who worked for the
telephone company
sing all the time?
Because she was an operetta

Jokes number : 25

What kind of phone makes music?

Jokes number : 24

If you cross a telephone and a pair of

scissors, what do you get?
Snippy answers.

Jokes number : 23

What happened when the slave put his head into a
mouth to count how many teeth he had ?
The lion closed its
mouth to see how many heads the slave had !

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Jokes number : 22

What do you get if you cross teeth
candy ?
Dental floss !

Jokes number : 21

Why are false teeth like stars?
Because they
come out at night.

Jokes number : 20

What helps keep your teeth

Jokes number : 19

What game do you play if you don't take care of

your teeth?
Tooth (truth) or Consequences.

Jokes number : 18

If you cross a telephone and a lobster

what will you get?
Snappy talk.

Jokes number : 17

Why is an engaged girl like a
Because they both have rings.

Jokes number : 16

What did the man say when he got a
phone bill?
"Who said talk is cheap?"

Jokes number : 15

What asks no question but demands an
A doorbell or a ringing telephone.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Jokes number : 14

How does a skeleton call her friends?
a telebone.

Jokes number : 13

Harry was madly in love with Betty, but
couldn't pluck up enough
courage to pop the question face to face.
Finally he decided to ask her on
the telephone. 'Darling!' he
blurted out, 'will you marry me?'
'Of course, I will, you silly boy,'
she replied, 'who is it

Jokes number : 12

A man and a couple of
his friends had
just finished a round of golf at the country club and
they were
changing their shoes when a cell phone on the bench rang. The
man picked
it up and answered it.
"Hi honey," said the woman on the other end.

"Hi honey," replied the man.

"I was just calling to
tell you about this fur coat I found today.
It's beautiful fox fur
and I just love the way it looks on me. It's on
sale too, a real
bargain. It's down to $2000 from $4000. Can I get

man thought about it for a sec and said, "You're sure it's a

"Oh yes," replied the woman.

"Okay then, I guess
you can get it," replied the man.

The woman continued,"Oh, and
you know how we've been thinking about
getting rid of the Lexus
and getting a new Jaguar? Well, I went to the
dealership today and
the guy gave me a real deal. He said he'd lower
the price from
$50,000 to $35,000 just for me. Can I get it?"

The man
thought a little harder and said,"If you're sure it's a good
deal, then
yes, go ahead and get the Jaguar."

The woman continued again.
"Oh, one last thing, honey. Remember that
house we saw last month
that we really liked, but decided we'd wait and
think about? Well,
it's on the market again, so I checked the price.
It's down to
$450,000 and I checked with the bank and we have enough in
checking account so that I can just write a check. Should I get

The man got a frown on his face and said,"See if you can get them
to $420,000. If they'll go down to that, go ahead and get it."

The woman was extremely excited. "Okay honey, thank you so
much! I'll
see you when I get home! Bye!"

"Bye," said the man.
He hung up the phone and looked at the other men
in the locker room
and said, "Does anyone know whose phone this

Jokes number : 11

Kelso met Hensley on the
street. "Hey!"
said Kelso, "how come I never hear from you? Why don't you
call me
on the telephone?" "You ain't got no tellyphone!" said
Hensley. "I
know," said Kelso. "But you do!"

Jokes number : 10

Moody was
awakened by the telephone at
four A.M. It was his Ku Klux Klan buddy,
Crumm, calling long
distance from Montgomery. "What's the matter?"
asked Moody. "Are you in
trouble?" "No!" said Crumm.

"What do you want, then?" "Nothing!"
"Then how come you are
calling me in the middle of the night?"
asked Moody. "Cause!" said the
other redneck, "the rates is

Jokes number : 9

The phone in Rigby's Georgia farmhouse rang

one evening. When he answered, the operator said, "This is long

distance from Chicago." "I knowed it's a long distance from Chicago!"

answered the farmer. "How come you called to tell me that?"

Jokes number : 8

Mother: Why was the phone busy all
Babysitter: The fire department put me on hold.

Jokes number : 7

The new office-boy came
into his boss's
office and said, "I think you're wanted on the phone,

"What d'you mean, you think?" demanded the boss.
"Well, sir, the
phone rang, I answered it and a voice said 'is that
you, you old

Monday, February 11, 2013

Jokes number : 6

Why did Dr Frankenstein have his telephone
cut off?
Because he wanted to win the Nobel prize!

Jokes number : 5

Who was that on the phone, Fred?
No one important. Just some man who said it was long distance
Australia, so I told him I knew that already and put the phone down


Jokes number : 4

Why did the alien phone home on his mobile?

Because it was so ET !

Jokes number : 3

Willie: "I have an awful

Tommie: "I'd have it taken out if it was mine."
Willie: "Yes, if it was
yours, I would, too."

Jokes number : 2

Why didn't the monster use toothpaste?

Because he said his teeth weren't loose.

Jokes number : 1

How can you get a set of teeth put in for
Smack a monster.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Jokes number : 49

Two men were walking home after a Halloween
party and
decided to take a shortcut through the cemetery just for
laughs. Right in
the middle of the cemetery they were startled by a
tap-tap-tapping noise
coming from the misty shadows. Trembling with
fear, they found an old
man with a hammer and chisel, chipping away
at one of the headstones.
"Holy cow, Mister," one of them said
after catching his breath, "You
scared us half to death -- we thought
you were a ghost! What are you
doing working here so late at night?"
"Those fools!" the old man
grumbled. "They misspelled my name!"

Jokes number : 48

"Mah son's real smart!" crowed the redneck

mother to an acquaintance. "He's only six but he can already spell

his name backwards and forwards!" "What's his name?" asked the

friend. "Bob."

Jokes number : 47

Interviewer: How do you spell Mississippi?
Redneck: Which one? The river or the

Jokes number : 46

A Hoosier, a Kentuckian and
a West
Virginian were on a Hollywood TV quiz show. The host asked them
complete the sentence: "Old MacDonald had a ..." The Indianan
said, "Old
MacDonald had a carburetor." "Sorry," said the MC. "That's

incorrect." "Old MacDonald had a flat tire," said the Kentuckian.
said the host.
"Old MacDonald had a farm," said the West Virginian.
correct!" shouted the MC. "Now for $200,000, spell farm."
The West
Virginian thought hard and then spelled carefully:


Jokes number : 45

Early Texas governors were not very well
educated. There was once a
chief executive who thought "grammar" was
his father's mother.

On one occasion this governor went hunting
and forgot his gun. He
phoned his secretary and asked him to send
the gun.

"The phone connection's bad," said the secretary. "I
catch that last word. Spell it."

The governor
replied, " 'G' like in Jesus; 'U' like in onion;
'N' like in
pneumonia GUN, you damn fool!"

Jokes number : 44

"I gotta 'A' in
spelling," Tony told
his father.
"You dope!" he replied. "There isn't any 'A' in


Jokes number : 43

Daughter: I will never learn to
Mother: Why?
Daughter: The teacher keeps changing the words.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Jokes number : 42

Bob and Tom both like to golf. One day
went to Tom and said, "Hey look at this great ball!" Tom replied,

"What's so great about it?" Bob said, "Well if you lose it, it will

beep until you find it, and if it goes into the water it will float.

This ball is impossible to lose!" "Wow!", said Tom, "Where did you

get that from?" Bob replied, "I found it."

Jokes number : 41

Q: What did the football say to the football
A: I get a kick out of you.

Jokes number : 40

Q: What's the difference between a bad golfer

and a bad skydiver?
A: A bad golfer goes, WHACK! "Damn." A bad
skydiver goes, "Damn."

Jokes number : 39

Did you hear about the underwater snooker
He was a pool shark!

Jokes number : 38

How many
Man U. fans does it take to change
a lightbulb?

One to change the lightbulb, and one to drive down
to Kent to pick
him/her up.

Jokes number : 37

Q: What's the difference
between David
Beckham and an airplane model kit?
A: One's a glueless kit and the
other's a clueless git!

Jokes number : 36

Q: What is the difference between Liverpool
and a tea bag?
A: The tea bag stays in the cup longer.

Jokes number : 35

What stories are told by basketball players
Tall stories !

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Jokes number : 34

What is a runner's favourite subject in school
Jog-raphy !

Jokes number : 33

Why do artists never win when they play

football ?
They keep drawing !

Jokes number : 32

Ref:I'm sending you off
Player: What for
Ref: The rest of the match !

Jokes number : 31

Did you hear about the football team who ate

too much pudding ?
They got jellygated !

Jokes number : 30

What should a football team do if the pitch is

flooded ?
Bring on their subs !

Jokes number : 29

What part of a football ground is never the same
The changing rooms !

Jokes number : 28

What is the bank manager's favourite
of football ?
Fiver side !

Jokes number : 27

did the goal post get angry ?
the bar was rattled !

Friday, February 1, 2013

Jokes number : 26

Why are
football grounds odd ?
you can sit in the stands but can't stand in the sits !

Jokes number : 25

Manager: Twenty teams in the league and you lot

finish bottom ?
Captain: Well, it could have been
Manager: How ?
Captain: There could have been more teams in the league

Jokes number : 24

Manager: I thought I told you to lose weight.
happened to your three week diet ?
Player: I finished it in
three days !

Jokes number : 23

Where do football directors go when they are fed

up ?
The bored room !

Jokes number : 22

Why were the two managers sitting
sketching crockery before the start of the game ?
It was a cup draw

Jokes number : 21

Why do managers bring suitcases
along to
away games ?
So that they can pack the defence !

Jokes number : 20

How do you stop squirrels playing football in

the garden ?
Hide the ball, it drives them nuts !

Jokes number : 19

Where do spiders play their FA Cup final
Webley stadium !