Saturday, November 20, 2010

Jokes number : 93

On the first day his son joined the family

firm, the founder took him on to the roof of the factory building and


'I am going to give you your very first lesson in
business. Stand on
the edge of the roof.'

Reluctantly, the
boy went to stand on the edge of the roof.

'Now,' said his
father, 'when I say, "Jump," I want you to jump
off the roof.'

'But, Dad,' said the boy, 'there's a huge drop!'

you want to succeed in business?'

'Yes, Dad.'

you trust me, don't you?'

'Yes, Dad.'

'So do as I
say and jump.'

The boy jumped. He crashed to the ground and lay
there, winded and
bruised. His father went racing down the stairs
and ran up to him.

That was your first lesson in business, son.

Never trust anyone.'

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