Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Jokes number : 30

A doctor is going round the ward with
a nurse and they
come to the first bed where the chap is laying
half dead.
"Did you give this man two tablets every eight hours?" asks
"Oh, no," replies the nurse, "I gave him eight
tablets every two

At the next bed the next patient also
appears half dead.
"Nurse, did you give this man one tablet every
twelve hours?"
"Oops, I gave him twelve tablets every one hour,"
replies the nurse.

Unfortunately at the next bed the patient is well
and truly deceased,
not an ounce of life. "Nurse," asks the doctor,
"did you prick his
"OH MY GOODNESS!" replies the

Jokes number : 29

A nurse was
showing some student
nurses through the hospital. "This will be the most
section in the hospital for you. The men on this floor are

Jokes number : 28

What's the difference
between a
nurse and a nun? A nun only serves one God.

Jokes number : 27

Interns think of God, residents pray

to God, doctors talk to God, nurses ARE God.

Jokes number : 26

Three nurses went to heaven, and were

awaiting their turn with St. Peter to plead their case to enter the

The first nurse said, "I worked in an
emergency room. We tried our
best to help patients, even though
occasionally we did lose one. I think I
deserve to go to heaven." St. Peter
looks at her file and admits her
to heaven.

The second nurse
says, "I worked in an operating room. It's a very
high stress
environment and we do our best. Sometimes the patients are
too sick and
we lose them, but overall we try very hard." St. Peter
looks at her
file and admits her to heaven.

The third nurse says, "I was a
case manager for an HMO."

St. Peter looks at her file. He pulls
out a calculator and starts
punching away at it furiously, constantly
going back to the nurse's file.
After a few minutes St. Peter
looks up, smiles, and says,
"Congratulations! You've been admi
tted to heaven ... for five days!"

Harry was in the
hospital. He was an old man. From time to time the
young nurse came in
and said in a patronising tone, "And how are we doing

Well, this is a story of revenge. Harry had received
breakfast, and
pulled the juice off the tray, and put it on his stand. He
had been given
a urine bottle to fill. The juice was apple juice. You
know where the
juice went.

The nurse came in, picked up the
urine bottle and said, "It seems we
are a little cloudy today..."
At this, Harry snatched the bottle out of
her hand, drinked its
contents, saying, "Well, I'll run it through
again, maybe I can filter
it better this time."

Jokes number : 25

Doctor: Did you take the patient's

Nurse: No. Is it missing?

Jokes number : 24

A doctor and a nurse were
to the scene of an accident.

Doctor: We need to get these people
to a hospital now!

Nurse: What is it?

Doctor: It's a big
building with a lot of doctors, but that's not
important now!

Jokes number : 23

Nurse: Doctor, there is a man in the
room with a glass eye named Brown.

Doctor: What does
he call his other eye?

Monday, May 30, 2011

Jokes number : 22

Doctor: Nurse, how is that little
doing who swallowed ten quarters last night?

Nurse: No
change yet.

Jokes number : 21

Mrs. Smith: Help me, doctor! My

son, John, swallowed the can opener!

Doctor: Don't panic. He'll
be alright.

Mrs. Smith: But how do I open the can of beans?! The
toast is getting

Jokes number : 20

Doctor: Have you ever had this

Patient: Yes.

Doctor: Well, you've got it again!

Jokes number : 19

A pipe burst in a doctor's house. He
called a
plumber. The plumber arrived, unpacked his tools, did
mysterious plumber-type
things for a while, and handed the doctor a
bill for $600.
The doctor exclaimed, "This is ridiculous! I don't even
make that
much as a doctor!."
The plumber quietly answered,
"Neither did I when I was a

Jokes number : 18

The seven-year old girl told her mom,
"A boy in my class
asked me to play doctor."
"Oh, dear," the
mother nervously sighed. "What happened, honey?"
"Nothing, he made me
wait 45 minutes and then double-billed the
insurance company."

Jokes number : 17

What's the difference between a

surgeon and a puppy?
If you put a puppy in a room by itself for an
hour, it'll probably
stop whining.

Jokes number : 16

My daughter believes in
preventative medicine, doctor.

Doctor: Oh, really?

Yes, she tries to prevent me from making her take it!

Jokes number : 15

A new arrival, about to enter
hospital, saw two white coated doctors
searching through the flower

"Excuse me," he said, "have you lost something?"

replied one of the doctors. "We're doing a heart transplant
for an
income-tax inspector and want to find a suitable stone."

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Jokes number : 14

Doctor: Did you know
that there
are more than 1,000 bones in the human body?

Larry: Shhh, doctor!
There are three dogs outside in the waiting

Jokes number : 13

Patient (to
cosmetic surgeon):
Will it hurt me, doctor?

Surgeon: Only when you get my bill, Mrs

Jokes number : 12

A man went to see his doctor because

he was suffering from a miserable cold. His doctor prescribed some

pills, but they didn't help.

On his next visit the doctor
gave him a shot, but that didn't do any

On his third
visit the doctor told the man, "Go home and take a hot
bath. As soon
as you finish bathing throw open all the windows and stand
in the

"But doc," protested the patient, "if I do that, I'll

"I know," said the doctor, "I can cure

Jokes number : 11

A doctor has come to see one of

his patients in a hospital. The patient has had major surgery to both

of his hands.

"Doctor," says the man excitedly and
dramatically holds up his
heavily bandaged hands. "Will I be able to play the
piano when these
bandages come off?"

"I don't see why not,"
replies the doctor.

"That's funny," says the man. "I wasn't
able to play it

Jokes number : 10

A man, seeking to lose
some of
his excess weight, visited the local doctor.

John: How can I lose
twelve pounds of ugly fat?

Doctor: Of course! Cut your head

Jokes number : 9

Patient: Doctor, if
I give up
wine, women, and song, will I live longer?

Doctor: Not really. It
will just seem longer.

Jokes number : 8

Patient: Doctor, you must help me.

I'm under such a lot of stress, I keep losing my temper with

Doctor: Tell me about your problem.

Patient: I just did,
didn't I, you stupid fool!!

Jokes number : 7

"Doctor, are you sure I'm suffering

from pneumonia? I've heared once about a doctor treating someone
pneumonia and finally he died of typhus."
"Don't worry, it
won't happen to me. If I treat someone with
pneumonia he will die
of pneumonia."

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Jokes number : 6

A baseball manager who had an

ulcer was in his physician office for a checkup. "Remember," the doctor

said, "don't get excited, don't get mad, and forget about baseball

when you're off the field." Then he added, "By the way, how come
let the pitcher bat yesterday with the tying run on second and
two men
out in the ninth?"

Doctor: Tell him I can't see him
now. Next.

Jokes number : 5

Doctor, I think I
swallowed a pillow.

Doctor: How do you feel?

Patient: A little
down in the mouth.

Jokes number : 4

A young woman went to her doctor
complaining of pain.
"Where are you hurting?" asked the doctor.
have to help me, I hurt all over", said the woman.
"What do you
mean, all over?" asked the doctor, "be a little more


The woman touched her right knee with her index finger and yelled,

"Ow, that hurts." Then she touched her left cheek and again yelled,

"Ouch! That hurts, too." Then she touched her right earlobe, "Ow, even

THAT hurts", she cried.

The doctor checked her thoughtfully
for a moment and told her his
diagnosis, "You have a broken

Dentist: $100.00.

Patient: $100.00 for just a few
minutes work?

Dentist: Well, I can extract it very slowly if you

Jokes number : 3

Patient: Doctor,
what should I do
if my temperature goes up five more points?

Doctor: Sell!

Jokes number : 2

A man walks into a doctor's office.

He has a cucumber up his nose, a carrot in his left ear and a
banana in
his right ear.
"What's the matter with me?" he asks the
The doctor replies, "You're not eating properly."

Jokes number : 1

Patient: I'm in a hospital! Why am I
in here?

Doctor: You've had an accident involving a

Patient: What happened?

Doctor: Well, I've got some good news
and some bad news. Which would
you like to hear

Patient: Give me the bad news first.

Doctor: Your legs were injured
so badly that we had to amputate both of

That's terrible! What's the good news?

Doctor: There's a guy in
the next ward who made a very good offer on
your slippers.

Jokes number : 100

The Doctor was
puzzled "I'm very
sorry but I can't diagnose your trouble, Mahoney. I
think it must
be drink. "

"Don't worry about it Dr. Kelley, I'll come back
when you're

Jokes number : 99

Doctor, Doctor I think I'm a python

You can't get round me just like that you know!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Jokes number : 98

Doctor, Doctor I think I'm
electric eel
That's shocking!

Jokes number : 97

Doctor, Doctor I think I'm a
What's come over you?
Oh, two cars, a large truck and a

Jokes number : 96

Doctor, Doctor I keep thinking I'm

a woodworm
How boring for you!

Jokes number : 95

Doctor, Doctor
You've got to
help me - I just can't stop my hands shaking
Do you drink a
Not really - I spill most of it!

Jokes number : 94

Doctor, Doctor, I can't get
Sit on the edge of the bed and you'll soon drop off.

Jokes number : 93

Doctor Doctor I'm so ugly what can I
do about
Hire yourself out for Halloween parties!

Jokes number : 92

Doctor, Doctor what did the x-ray of

my head show?
Absolutely nothing!

Jokes number : 91

Doctor, Doctor
I'm having
trouble with my breathing.
I'll give you something that will soon put a
stop to that!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Jokes number : 90

Doctor, Doctor I feel like a
I see your point!
Tell me straight Doc, Is it bad?
Well, I
ouldn't start watching any new soap operas!

Jokes number : 89

Doctor, Doctor I feel like a


Jokes number : 88

Doctor, Doctor I
think I'm a
Get out of the way, your in my light!

Jokes number : 87

Doctor, Doctor I keep seeing an
spinning around.
Don't worry, it's just a bug that's going

Jokes number : 86

Doctor, Doctor I keep seeing
Please sit on the couch.
Which one!

Jokes number : 85

Doctor, Doctor I need something to
keep my
falling hair in
What about a matchbox!

Jokes number : 84

Doctor, Doctor everyone thinks I'm a
I can't believe that!

Jokes number : 83

Doctor, Doctor I think I'm a rubber
Why don't you stretch yourself out on the couch there and tell
me all
about it!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Jokes number : 82

Doctor, Doctor I've lost my
When did this happen?
When did what happen?

Jokes number : 81

Doctor, Doctor my baby is the image

of his father
Never mind just so long as he's healthy!

Jokes number : 80

Doctor, Doctor I'm a
Have you taken anything for it?

Jokes number : 79

Doctor, Doctor I keep thinking I'm a
What a web of lies!

Jokes number : 78

Doctor, Doctor my
husband smells
like fish
Poor sole!

Jokes number : 77

Doctor, Doctor I've got bad teeth,

foul breath and smelly feet.
Sounds like you've got Foot and
Mouth disease!

Jokes number : 76

Doctor, Doctor you've taken out my

tonsils, my adenoids, my gall bladder, my varicose veins and my

appendix, but I still don't feel well.
That's quite enough out of

Jokes number : 75

Doctor Doctor I keep thinking I'm a

Don't worry you'll soon change!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Jokes number : 74

Doctor, Doctor I keep
I'm a nit
Will you get out of my hair!

Jokes number : 73

Doctor, Doctor I've a split

Well, you'd better both sit down then!

Jokes number : 72

Doctor, Doctor I keep thinking I'm a

Sit on the couch and we will talk about it.
But I'm not
allowed up on the couch!

Jokes number : 71

Doctor, Doctor, some days I feel like
a tee-pee and
other days I feel like a wig-wam.
You're too

Jokes number : 70

Doctor, everyone keeps
ignoring me.
Next please!

Jokes number : 69

You seem to be in
excellent health. Your pulse is as regular as
That's because you've got your hand on my watch!

Jokes number : 68

Doctor: You seem to be in

excellent health. Your pulse is as regular as clockwork.
Patient: That's
because you've got your hand on my watch!

Jokes number : 67

Doctor, Doctor my sister thinks she
a lift!
Well tell her to come in
I can't she doesn't stop
at this floor!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Jokes number : 66

Doctor how can I cure my sleep
Sprinkle tin-tacks on your bedroom floor!

Jokes number : 65

Doctor, Doctor I keep thinking I'm a

Necks please!

Jokes number : 64

Doctor, Doctor I keep thinking

I'm a frog
What's wrong with that
I think I'm going to croak

Jokes number : 63

Doctor, Doctor I'm becoming

Yes I can see you're not all there!

Jokes number : 62

Doctor, Doctor I've just swallowed a

Well sit down and write your name!

Jokes number : 61

Doctor, doctor my baby's swallowed a

Well don't point him at anyone until I get there!

Jokes number : 60

Doctor, Doctor I snore so loud I

keep myself awake
Sleep in another room then!

Jokes number : 59

Doctor, Doctor I feel like a
of curtains
Well pull yourself together then

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Jokes number : 58

Doctor, Doctor My little boy has just
a roll of film!
Hmmmm. Let's hope nothing

Jokes number : 57

Doctor Doctor I feel like
What, you mean those square ones?
The ones you put butter
Oh, You're Crackers!

Jokes number : 56

Doctor, Doctor When I press with my
here... it hurts, and here... it hurts, and here... and
here... What do
you think is wrong with me?
You have a broken

Jokes number : 55

Doctor, Doctor When I press with my
here... it hurts, and here... it hurts, and here... and here...
do you think is wrong with me?
You have a broken finger!

Jokes number : 54

Doctor, Doctor I dream there are
under my bed, what can I do?
Saw the legs off of your

Jokes number : 53

Doctor, Doctor I think I'm a

Are you stringing me along!

Jokes number : 52

Doctor, Doctor I think I'm turning

into a frog
Your just playing too much croquet!

Jokes number : 51

Doctor, Doctor I think I'm a

How long have you felt like this?
Ever since I was a puppy!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Jokes number : 50

Doctor, Doctor I've broke my
in two places
Well don't go back there again then!

Jokes number : 49

Doctor, Doctor I
keep painting
myself gold
Don't worry it's just a gilt complex!

Jokes number : 48

Doctor, Doctor I think I'm an adder

Great, can you help me with my accounts then please!

Jokes number : 47

Doctor, Doctor I'm boiling
Just simmer down!

Jokes number : 46

Doctor, Doctor I think I'm a

Will you say what you mean and stop flitting about!

Jokes number : 45

Doctor, Doctor I
feel like an
We must get to the core of this!

Jokes number : 44

Doctor, Doctor I think I'm a
Don't worry we'll soon have you out of your shell!

Jokes number : 43

Doctor: You need new glasses

Patient: How do you know?, I haven't told you whats wrong with me
Doctor: I could tell as soon as you walked in through the

Friday, May 20, 2011

Jokes number : 42

Doctor, Doctor I keep thinking I'm a

snake about to shed it's skin.
Why don't you go behind the
screen and slip into something more
comfortable then!

Jokes number : 41

Doctor, Doctor I keep
I'm invisible
Who said that?

Jokes number : 40

Doctor, Doctor I keep thinking

I'm God
When did this start?
Well first I created the sun, then
the earth...

Jokes number : 39

Doctor, Doctor you have to help me

Certainly, which way did you come in?

Jokes number : 38

Doctor, Doctor Can I have second

Of course, come back tomorrow!

Jokes number : 37

Doctor, Doctor I'm on a diet and

it's making me irritable. Yesterday I bit someones ear off.
dear, that's a lot of calories!

Jokes number : 36

Doctor, doctor my sister here keeps

thinking she's invisible!
What sister?

Jokes number : 35

Doctor Doctor I feel like a
Take one of these every 4 laps!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Jokes number : 34

Doctor, Doctor will this ointment
clear up my
I never make rash promises!

Jokes number : 33

Doctor, Doctor I keep thinking there
is two
of me
One at a time please

Jokes number : 32

Doctor, Doctor Have you got something

for a bad headache?
Of course. Just take this hammer and hit
yourself in the head. Then
you'll have a bad headache.

Jokes number : 31

Doctor, Doctor, I feel like a pack of

I'll deal with you later.

Jokes number : 30

Doctor, Doctor I feel like a

Well sit still and don't stir!

Jokes number : 29

Doctor, Doctor I keep
pains in the eye when I drink coffee
Have you tried taking the spoon

Jokes number : 28

Doctor Doctor I think I'm a
So why did you come around then?
Well, I saw this light at the

Jokes number : 27

Doctor, Doctor I keep thinking I'm a

Go away, sucker!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Jokes number : 26

Doctor, Doctor I feel like a
That's baaaaaaaaaad!

Jokes number : 25

Doctor, Doctor everyone
throwing me in the garbage.
Don't talk rubbish!

Jokes number : 24

Doctor these pills you gave me for

What's wrong with them?
They keep slipping out from
under my arms!

Jokes number : 23

Doctor, doctor I keep
I'm a bee
Buzz off can't you see I'm busy?

Jokes number : 22

Doctor, Doctor I tend to flush a
Don't worry it's just a chain reaction!

Jokes number : 21

Doctor, how do I stop my nose from
Stick your foot out and trip it up!

Jokes number : 20

Doctor, Doctor I've got wind! Can
give me something?
Yes - here's a kite!

Jokes number : 19

Doctor, Doctor I
think I'm
suffering from Deja Vu!
Didn't I see you yesterday?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Jokes number : 18

Doctor, Doctor I think I'm a
Take these and if it doesn't help give me a ring!

Jokes number : 17

Doctor, Doctor my son has swallowed
pen, what should I do?
Use a pencil till I get there

Jokes number : 16

Q: How many divorced men does it take to screw

in a light bulb?
A: None, the sockets go with the house.

Jokes number : 15

Question: What's the
major cause of
Answer: Once is not enough.

Jokes number : 14

guy calls up his ex-wife and, disguising
his voice, asks to speak to

"Sorry, he doesn't
live here anymore, we're divorced!"

Next day, the guy does the
same thing with the same results.

He does this everyday for a week,
and finally his ex-wife realizes who
it is that keeps calling.
"Look, Bozo! We're divorced! Finito! End of
story! When are you going
to get that through your fat head?"

"Oh, I know! I just can't
hear it enough!"

Jokes number : 13

Mrs. Caroline Squires of Cincinnati filed for
a divorce from her
husband in 1949 on grounds of desertion. She
testified he'd stepped out
"for a beer" on the Fourth of July, 1917,
and had never come back.

Jokes number : 12

Definition of Divorce: The future tense of


Jokes number : 11

Q: Why do divorced men get married
A: Bad memory.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Jokes number : 10

A ninety-year-old couple decide
to get a
divorce. They go to the judge and say, "Judge, we want a

The judge says, "You've been married 70 years and now you want to
a divorce? Why did you wait so long?"
The couple say in
unison, "Well, we wanted to wait until the kids were

Jokes number : 9

My husband and I divorced over
He thought he was God, and I didn't.

Jokes number : 8

Question: Why is divorce so

Answer: Because it's worth it.

Jokes number : 7

A hillbilly walked into an attorney's office
wanting to file for
Attorney: "May I help you?"

Hillbilly: "Yea, I want to get one of those dayvorces".

Attorney: "Well do you have any grounds?"

Hillbilly: "Yea, I got
about a hundred acres."

Attorney: "No, you don't understand, do
you have a case?"

Hillbilly: "No, I don't have a Case, but I
have a John Deere."

Attorney: "I mean, do you have a grudge?"

Hillbilly: "Yea, I got a grudge. That's where I park my John

Attorney: "No sir, I mean do you have a suit?"

Hillbilly: "Yes sir, I got a suit, I wear it to church on Sundays."

Attorney: "Well sir, does your wife beat you up or anything?"

Hillbilly: "No sir, we both get up about 4:30 in the morning."

Attorney: "Well, is she a nagger or anything?!?!?!?"

"No she's a little white gal, but our last child was a
. That's why I want this dayvorce."

Jokes number : 6

A husband and wife were having dinner at a
fine restaurant when this absolutely stunning young woman comes
over to
their table, gives the husband a big kiss, says she'll see
him later
and walks away. His wife glares at him and says, "Who the
hell was
that?" "Oh," replies the husband, "she's my mistress."
that's the last straw," says the wife. "I've had enough, I
want a
divorce." "I can understand that," replies her husband, "but
remember, if
we get a divorce it will mean no more shopping trips
to Paris, no more
wintering in Barbados, no more summers in Tuscany,
no more Infinities
and Lexuses in the garage and no more yacht
club. But the decision is
yours." Just then, a mutual friend enters the
restaurant with a gorgeous
babe on his arm. "Who's that woman with
Jim? " asks the wife.
"That's his mistress," says her husband.
"Ours is prettier," she

Jokes number : 5

A married couple is driving down the
interstate doing
55 mph. The husband is behind the wheel. His wife looks
over at him and
says, "Honey, I know we've been married for 15 years,
but, I want a
The husband says nothing but slowly
increases speed to 60 mph.

She then says, "I don't want you to
try to talk me out of it, because
I've been having an affair with
your best friend, and he's a better
lover than you."

the husband stays quiet and just speeds up as he clenches his
on the wheels.

She says, "I want the house." Again the husband
speeds up, and now is
doing 70 mph.

She says, "I want the
kids too." The husband just keeps driving
faster, and faster, until
he's up to 80 mph.

She says, "I want the car, the checking
account, and all the credit
cards too." The husband slowly starts to
veer toward a bridge overpass
piling, as she says, "Is there an
ything you want?"

The husband says, "No, I've got everything
I need right here."

She asks, "What's that?"

husband replies just before they hit the wall at 90 mph, "I've
got the

Jokes number : 4

An elderly man in Phoenix calls his son in New
York and says, "I
hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you
that your mother and I are
divorcing; forty-five years of misery is
"Pop, what are you talking about?" the son screams.

"We can't stand the sight of each other any longer," the old man

says "We're sick of each other, and I'm sick of talking about this, so

you call your sister in Chicago and tell her," and he hangs up.

Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone.
hell they're getting divorced," she shouts, "I'll take care of

this." She calls Phoenix immediately, and screams at the old man,
"You are
NOT getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get
there. I'm
calling my brother back, and we'll both be there
tomorrow. Until then,
don't do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?" and hangs up.

The old man hangs up his phone, too, and turns to his wif
e. "Okay,"
he says, "they're coming for Thanksgiving. Now what do
we tell them
for Christmas?"

Jokes number : 3

Ralph was driving home one evening and

realized that it was his daughter's birthday and he hadn't bought her a

present. He drove to the mall and ran to the toy store and he asked
store manager, "How much is that new Barbie in the window?"

The Manager replied, "Which one? We have Barbie goes to the gym for

$19.95, Barbie goes to the Ball for $19.95, Barbie goes shopping for

$19.95, Barbie goes to the beach for $19.95, Barbie goes to the
for $19.95, and Divorced Barbie for $375.00."

is the Divorced Barbie $375.00 when all the others are
Ralph asked surprised.

The Manager replies, "Well, Divorced
Barbie comes with Ken's car,
Ken's House, Ken's boat, Ken's dog,
Ken's cat and Ken's

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Jokes number : 2

Ruby Alice walked up to
the desk of a
Bowling Green motel and signed the register with the
letter "O."

"Why'd you put that circle down?" asked the clerk.

"Cause Ah
can't write," replied the girl.

"Why don't you sign with an
'X'?" asked the man.

"Ah used to," she answered. "But when Ah
got me a divorce, Ah took
back mah maiden name!"

Jokes number : 1

Q: How many divorcees does it take to change a

lightbulb ?
A: None. The sockets all went with the house.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Jokes number : 77

Q: What do you call a truckload
A: Toys for Twats.

Jokes number : 76

Q: Did you hear the slogan for the the new

"Stealth Condom?"
A: "They'll never see you coming."

Jokes number : 75

Q: What's the definition
of a
A: God's punishment for enjoying sex.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Jokes number : 66

Q: What's the difference between getting a

divorce and getting circumcised?
A: When you get a divorce, you get
rid of the whole prick!

Jokes number : 65

Q: What's the difference
between a Catholic
wife and a Jewish wife?
A: A Catholic wife has real orgasms and fake

Jokes number : 64

Q: Why don't they teach driver's education and

sex education on the same day in Iraq?
A: They don't want to
wear out the camel.

Jokes number : 63

What did the cannibal do after he dumped
his girlfriend?
A: Wiped his ass.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jokes number : 62

Q: How do you embarrass an archeologist?
Give him a used tampon and ask him which period it came from.

Jokes number : 61

Q: Which sexual position produces the ugliest

A: Ask your mother.

Jokes number : 60

Q: What can a
goose do, a duck can't, and a
lawyer should?
A: Stick his bill up his ass.

Jokes number : 59

Why is food better than men?
Because you
don't have to wait an hour for seconds.

Jokes number : 58

What have men and spray paint in common?
squeeze and they're all over you.

Jokes number : 57

Question: Why do men always give their penis a
Answer: Because they don't want a stranger making 95 percent
of their
decisions for them.

Jokes number : 56

Question: What is the difference between a woman

in church and a woman in a bathtub?
Answer: One has hope in her
soul, the other has soap in her

Jokes number : 55

Question: What do you call a lesbian
Answer: A Lickalotopus.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Jokes number : 54

Question: What do you call a
Answer: Mega-sore-ass.

Jokes number : 53

Question: Why did Frosty the Snowman pull down

his pants?
Answer: He heard the snowblower coming.

Jokes number : 52

Question: What's another name for pickled
Answer: Dill-dough.

Jokes number : 51

Question: What's the difference between sin and

Answer: It is a sin to put it in, but it's a shame to
pull it

Jokes number : 50

Question: What
do elephants use for
Answer: Sheep.

Jokes number : 49

The blonde was at
the blood bank and sold a
pint of blood. As she was leaving counting her
$25, a man was
leaving counting his money. He had $40. She asked if he
had some rare
blood type that he got more than she did. He said no,
that he had
donated sperm. The next day the bimbo was back at the blood
bank. The
receptionist asked if she was there to donate blood. The blonde

could only shake her head, as her cheeks were bulging.

Jokes number : 48

Did you hear the one about the blonde who

thought that "love handles" referred to her ears?

Jokes number : 47

A blonde and a brunette were talking. The

brunette complained, "Everytime my boyfriend brings home flowers, I have

to to spend the weekend with my legs in the air." The blonde asks,

"Don't you have a vase?"

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Jokes number : 46

"Hello?" the blonde responded answering the

phone. Hearing no response, she repeated, "Hello?"

"I'll bet
you want me to come over and take you into the bedroom,
undress you,
lick you from head to toe, and then make mad passionate love
to you
until dawn." the male voice whispered.

"Scheesch! You're good."
she replied. "You mean you can tell all
that from two hello's?"

Jokes number : 45

blonde arrived for her first golf lesson
and the pro asked her to take a
swing at a ball to see how she'd
do. The blonde did so and competely
duffed the shot. The pro said
"Your swing is good but you're gripping the
club too hard - grip the
club gently as you would your husband's
penis." The blonde took
another shot and nailed the ball 275 yards straight
down the fairway.
The pro said "That was excellent! Let's try it
again only this
time take the club out of your mouth."

Jokes number : 44

A lady walks
into the dentist's office,
takes off her underwear, sits down on the
chair and spreads her legs
wide open. "You must have made a mistake" says
the shocked dentist,
"The gynecologist's office is one level
higher." To that the lady
replies, "No mistake, you installed my husband's
dentures last
week, now you'll be the one getting them out."

Jokes number : 43

This blonde and her boyfriend
were sitting
in a hot tub when the blonde said to her boyfriend, "Is it
true that
if you pull your finger out, I'll sink?"

Jokes number : 42

A man
got on a plane and sat next to a
blonde, after sitting for awhile she
sneezed, took out a tissue and
whipped her box. The man not knowing her
said nothing and went about
his business. After about 3 or 4 minutes she
sneezed again and, the
same thing, whipped her box. Finally, the man
got the nerve and
asked "what was wrong?" She said that every time she
sneezes she has an
orgasm. "Oh!" the man said, are you taking
anything for

"Yes", she said - "black pepper!"

Jokes number : 41

A blonde goes into a bar. The bartender asks her

what she would like, and she replies, "Bring me a beer."
bartender then asks, "Anheuser-Busch?"
To which she replies, "Fine
thanks, and how's your cock?"

Jokes number : 40

A blonde is suffering from a
sore throat so
she goes to see the doctor. She explains the problem to
the doctor
who asks her to sit down. He gets out his light and says
wide." "I can't" replies the blonde, "the chair's fitted with


Jokes number : 39

A guy
walked into the doctor's surgery for
an appointment. "Would you like
to tell me your problem?" the
pretty blonde receptionist asked.
"I'll need the information for the
doctor." "It's rather embarrassing"
the guy stammered. "You see, I
have a very large and almost constant
erection." "Well, the doctor
is very busy today" the receptionist
cooed, "but maybe I can squeeze
you in."

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Jokes number : 38

A man comes home from work one night to catch
his blonde
girlfriend sliding down the banister naked. He blurts out,
"What do you
think you're doing?" "Just heating up dinner" she

Jokes number : 37

Male secretary : "Feel free to use my

New blonde employee : "No thanks, I'll just use my finger
everyone else."

Jokes number : 36

Hubby: As a start I think you should learn to

"iron," then we could do without the ironing lady.

Wife: Well if you would learn to fuck me properly we could do
the gardener.

Jokes number : 35

Three blondes are
sitting on a park bench
eating ice cream cones. One is sucking hers,
one is biting hers, one
is licking hers. Which one is married?
The one with the wedding
ring, YOU SICK-O!

Jokes number : 34

Q: What's the difference between a mosquito and
a blonde?

A: When you slap a mosquito, it will stop sucking.

Jokes number : 33

Q: What's one thing everybody sees in

A: A dick.

Jokes number : 32

Q: Why do saunas remind some people of

A: Because they're both steaming and wet when you enter, and
don't mind if you bring friends.

Jokes number : 31

Q: What does a blonde say after multiple

A: Way to go team.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Jokes number : 30

Q: What's the difference
between Indiana
and a blonde?

A: A blonde has larger hills and deeper valleys.

Jokes number : 29

Q: What's
the difference between a blonde
and McDonald's?

A: A blonde serves more people in a night.

Jokes number : 28

Q: What's the difference between a blonde and
an ironing
A: It's difficult to open the legs of an
ironing board.

Jokes number : 27

Q: How can you tell who is a

A: He's the one with the belt buckle that matches the
impression in
her forehead.

Jokes number : 26

Q: How can you tell when a blonde is dating?

A: By the buckle print on her forehead.

Jokes number : 25

Q: How does
a blonde interpret 6.9?

A: A 69 interrupted by a period.

Jokes number : 24

How would a blonde punctuate the
following?: "Fun fun fun worry worry

A: Fun period fun period
fun NO PERIOD worry worry worry!

Jokes number : 23

Q: What is the definition
of the perfect

A: A deaf and dumb blonde nymphomaniac whose father owns a

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Jokes number : 22

Q: What does a
screen door and a blonde have
in common?

A: The more you bang it the looser it gets.

Jokes number : 21

Q: What is 68 to a blonde?

A: Where she
goes down on you and you owe her one.

Jokes number : 20

Q: Why do blonde's
get confused in the
ladies room?

A: They have to pull their own pants down.

Jokes number : 19

Q: Why is a blonde like

They're both down under, and no one cares.

Jokes number : 18

Q: Why does NASA hire peroxide blondes?

A: They're doing research on black holes.

Jokes number : 17

Q: What do you call two blondes in a

A: Fur traders.

Jokes number : 16

Q: What do you call 4 blondes laying on the


A: Public access.

Jokes number : 15

Q: How does a horny guy spell


A: B-L-O-N-D-E.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Jokes number : 14

Q: How does a blonde prepare for safe

A: She puts on rubber based lipstick.

Jokes number : 13

Q: What did the blonde say
during a

A: "There I am!"

Jokes number : 12

Q: Why do blondes have orgasms?

A: So
they know when to stop having sex.

Jokes number : 11

Q: How can you tell if a blonde works in an


A: A bed in the stockroom and huge smiles on all the

Jokes number : 10

Q: What do you call a blonde with a
bag of
sugar on her head?

A: Sweet fuck all.

Jokes number : 9

Q. What
did the blonde's left leg say to
her right leg? A: Between the two of
us, we can make a lot of

Jokes number : 8

Q: What is a
bellybutton for?

A: It
gives a blonde a place to park her gum on the way down.

Jokes number : 7

Q: Why
did the blonde give a blow job after

A: She wanted to have her cock and eat it too.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Jokes number : 6

Q: Why did the blonde give up bowling for


A: The balls are lighter, and you don't have to change

Jokes number : 5

Q: Did you hear
about the conceited

A: She screams her own name when she comes.

Jokes number : 4

Q: What do you call a brunette and three

blondes in a corner?

A: You don't, you see if you've got 3

Jokes number : 3

Q: What does a blonde answer to the question
you sexually active?"

A: "No, I just lie there."

Jokes number : 2

Q: What do blonde's have against


A: Their cheeks.

Jokes number : 1

Q: Why did the blonde guy put ice in his

A: To keep the swelling down.

Jokes number : 100

Q: Why did the blonde guy ask his girlfriend to
squeeze his
left testicle?

A: Because the road sign said
'Squeeze Left.'

Jokes number : 99

Q: Why did the blonde go half way to Norway and

then turn around and come home?

A: It took her that long to
discover that a 14 inch Viking was a

Monday, May 2, 2011

Jokes number : 98

Q: What is the smartest thing that can come out
of a
blonde's mouth?

A: Einstein's dick.

Jokes number : 97

Q: What do you call a blonde
that can suck a
golfball through a water hose?


Jokes number : 96

Q: What did the blind blonde say as she was

making love with her new boyfriend?

A: "Funny, you don't feel

Jokes number : 95

Q: Why does a blonde insist on him wearing a

A: So she can have a doggie bag for later.

Jokes number : 94

Q: Why
do blondes always drink with

A: Practice.

Jokes number : 93

Q: What's the ultimate
embarrassment for a

A: When her ben-wa balls set off the airport metal

Jokes number : 92

Q: Why did the blonde have

A: She wanted to stop having grandchildren.

Jokes number : 91

Q: Why did the blonde make love in the

A: She wanted to have a baby in 9 minutes.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Jokes number : 90

Q. What do you call 1,000 heavily armed

A. Militia Etheridge

Jokes number : 89

Q: What
did the leper say to the

A: Keep the tip.

Jokes number : 88

Pinnochio had been getting complaints from his

girlfriend. "Every time we make love," she said, "I get splinters."
Pinocchio went back to his maker, Gipetto the carpenter, for
"Sandpaper," said the carpenter. "That's what you need." So

Pinocchio took some sheets of sandpaper and went home. A few weeks
later the
carpenter bumped into Pinocchio again. "How are you
getting on with the
girls now?" he asked. "Who needs girls?" said

Jokes number : 87

A woman
went to the doctor and complained
that she was suffering from I knee
pains. "Do you indulge in any
activity that puts a lot of pressure on
your knees?" asked the doctor.
"Every night, my husband and I have sex
on the floor doggy style."
"I see," said the doctor. "You know,
there are plenty of other
sexual positions?" "Not if you want to watch
TV there ain't!"

Jokes number : 86

A truck driver was going down a steep incline

when, at the foot of the hill, he was able to make out a couple
having sex
in the middle of the road. Five times on his descent he
sounded his
horn, but they didn't move. He finally brought the truck'
to a halt
inches from them. The truck driver got out and stormed:
"What the hell's
the matter with you two?.Didn't you hear me? You
could have been
killed!" The man replied nonchalantly: "Listen, I
was coming, she was
coming, and you were coming. You were the only
one with brakes."

Jokes number : 85

A male market researcher was calling on homes on

behalf of Vaseline. A woman answered the door."Do you use
asked the researcher. "Certainly," she said. "It's very good for

cuts, grazes and burns." "And what about anything else?" he asked.

"Like what?" He became embarrassed. "Well, sex, maybe." Oh, of

course." she said. "I smear it on the bedroom doorknob to keep my

Jokes number : 84

A couple
decided that the only way to have a
quickie while their ten-year- old
son was in the apartment was to
send him out on the balcony and let him
give a running report on
what was going on in the neighbourhood. So the
boy stood on the
balcony and reported on everything that was happening.
"A police car has
just called at the Hamiltons' house, the Chandlers
are taking
delivery of a new wardrobe, and the Mitchell's are having
Hearing this, the boy's parents shot bolt upright. "How do you
know the
Mitchells are having sex?" "Because their kid is standing on
balcony too."

Jokes number : 83

Why is the space between a
woman's breasts
and her hips called a waist?
Because you could easily fit another
pair of tits in there.