Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Jokes number : 32

Once upon a time, a guy was
sitting at a
He was throwing money around, giving the barman hundred dollar
tips and
buying drinks for everyone. He was surrounded by a crowd of
The barman liked the tips, but he was kind of
curious about a little
man that
would jump from the rich guy's
The little man would run up and down the bar,
over the bowls of peanuts and giving people the finger.
Then the
little guy would jump back into the man's jacket for a while.
barman went over and asked the guy what was up.
So the rich guy says,
"Well, let me tell you a little story.
I was walking along a beach one
day, and I come across this lamp.
I rub it, and a genie popped out.
I got three wishes, so my first wish
was to be fabulously wealthy.

Then I wished for a harem. You can see I got both."
The barman
asks, "So what about that little guy in your jacket?"
"Oh, tha
t," mumbles the rich guy. "That's the twelve-inch prick I

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