Sunday, July 18, 2010

Jokes number : 91

Ben was assigned a new wildlife technician
and she was driving
him crazy. She was blonde and pretty and
insisted on carrying beauty
products in a little field bag - nail polish,
hair care products, gels,
creams and so on.

One day they
were driving the rugged four-wheel drive down a dirt road
when a big
rabbit ran in front of them and was hit by the truck. Ben
over and walks back to the dead rabbit. He felt terrible, but there

was clearly nothing he could do for the dead creature.

His blonde
partner pipes in and yells, "Waite, I have just the


She races back to the truck and begins to rifle through her beauty

products. Ben watches as brushes and combs fly from the bag. Finally
races back with an aerosol can and sprays the dead rabbit with
contents. Immediately the rabbit springs to its feet, waves
goodbye, hops a
few feet, pauses and waves again. The rabbit repe
ats this strange
behavior...wave-hop-wave-hop, until it disappears
over the hill.

Ben is amazed and asks, "What in the world is in
that can?"

The blonde biologists says, " Duh...look at the

You guessed it....

"Hair Spray .... Immediately
revives dead hair and creates a permanent

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