Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Jokes number : 22

Who is the most popular
wizard on the
Har e-potter.

Jokes number : 21

Which of the seven dwarfs use the
Happ-e, Sleep-e, Grump-e, Dope-e and Sneez-e.

Jokes number : 20

What has long ears, hops and likes
The e-aster bunny.

Jokes number : 19

What goes round the middle of
The e-quator.

Jokes number : 18

What do you get if you cross an elephant with
I don't know, but it's e-nourmous.

Jokes number : 17

What do you call an Internet mystery?

Jokes number : 16

What do you call a ghost on the

Jokes number : 15

What do you call a fire at the Internet

An e-mergency.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Jokes number : 14

What did Darth Vader say to the
May the force e-with you.

Jokes number : 13

How do you make rude noises on the
With a whoop e-cushion.

Jokes number : 12

How do you fix a broken website?
stick e-tape.

Jokes number : 11

Do you like web jokes?
Yes - they're

Jokes number : 10

Doctor, doctor, should I surf the Internet

on an empty stomach?
No, you should do it on a computer.

Jokes number : 9

Doctor, doctor, I feel like I'm part of the
Well, you do look a site

Jokes number : 8

What do you get if you type into your computer?
A sore finger.

Jokes number : 7

PE Teacher: Why did you kick that ball

straight at the school computer?
Pupil: You told me to put it in the

Monday, February 27, 2012

Jokes number : 6

What sits in the middle of the world wide web

A very, very big spider !

Jokes number : 5

What do you call an alien surfing

Jokes number : 4

Have you seen
Yes, but I'm
not wild about it.

Jokes number : 3

Have you seen
Yes, I
can't tear myself away.

Jokes number : 2

Have you seen
Yes, but
it's a load of rubbish.

Jokes number : 1

Have you seen
No, I'm
afraid that one passed me by.

Jokes number : 100

Have you seen
Yes, but it's not all it's cracked up to be.

Jokes number : 99

Have you seen www.boomerang .com?
Yes, I
return to it again and again.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Jokes number : 98

Have you seen
Yes, I found it very absorbing.

Jokes number : 97

Have you seen
No, and
quite honestly I can't be bothered.

Jokes number : 96

Have you seen
Sorry, I
just can't remember.

Jokes number : 95

Have you seen
No, I
haven't got around to it.

Jokes number : 94

Have you seen
Yes, its's no great shakes!

Jokes number : 93

Have you seen
Yes, but it doesn't really stand out.

Jokes number : 92

Have you seen
but it hasn't sunk in yet.

Jokes number : 91

Have you seen
I'm not
sure, but certainly rings a bell.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Jokes number : 90

Have you seen
Yes, but
I really couldn't see what all the fuss is about.

Jokes number : 89

Have you seen
Yes, but it took ages to find.

Jokes number : 88

Have you seen
Yes, but
I found it very difficult to get into.

Jokes number : 87

Have you seen
Yes and

Jokes number : 86

Have you seen
Yes, it's
already caught my eye.

Jokes number : 85

Have you heard that there's a new

mountain website?
Really? I must take a peak at it!

Jokes number : 84

Have you seen
Yes, but I'm
a bit tired of it.

Jokes number : 83

Have you seen

Friday, February 24, 2012

Jokes number : 82

Have you seen
but I didn't find it striking.

Jokes number : 81

Have you seen
If I
have, I'm not going to tell you.

Jokes number : 80

Have you seen
I'll ketchup with it later.

Jokes number : 79

How do heavy
metal bands surf the
On the Din-ternet.

Jokes number : 78

Do you like
surfing the net?
Oh yes,
I've really taken a shine to it. (Moon to Sun)

Jokes number : 77

Do you enjoy websurfing?
No way! my mum
warned me to stay away from the net!

Jokes number : 76

Why was Cinderella able to surf the
Because he footman turned into a mouse.

Jokes number : 75

Why couldn't the baby camel
surf the
Because whenever his parents saw their phone bill they got
the hump.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Jokes number : 74

Why are frogs no good at
Computers have them toad-ily confused.

Jokes number : 73

Does your dog know how how to
surf the
No - but he's got a ruff idea.

Jokes number : 72

Why are elephants no good at Net
Because they're scared of the mouse.

Jokes number : 71

Who surfs the Net by pecking at the
www.oody www.oodpecker.

Jokes number : 70

Who sits at the end of the yellow brick road
the Net?
The www.izard of Oz.

Jokes number : 69

What's hairy, dangerous and only surfs the

Net when there's a full moon?
The www.erewolf.

Jokes number : 68

What surfs the
Internet and goes, 'Choo,
Thomas the Search Engine.

Jokes number : 67

What happened when the schoool bully went
The goalkeeper kicked him out of the football ground.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Jokes number : 66

Teacher: If you spend all your time sitting

round playing on the Internet, you'll be fat and useless when you
Pupil: Wow! You must have spent hours surfing when you
were a

Jokes number : 65

My dog likes to sit down each evening and
surf the
What an intelligent animal!
Not really, it took
the cat three weeks to teach him.

Jokes number : 64

How are you getting on
with the
Surf far, so good.

Jokes number : 63

How do nuns surf the web? On the

Jokes number : 62

I spent the whole evening
Don't you mean netsurfing?
No, everyone was complaining because I tied
the computer up for

Jokes number : 61

You need to log on to the window repair

I did - but it gave me a pane!

Jokes number : 60

Why do you keep going back to that fishing

I can't help it, I'm hooked.

Jokes number : 59

Who started the campfire website?
bright spark.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Jokes number : 58

Who runs the 100 acre wood
www.innie the pooh.

Jokes number : 57

Who has the best website in the
The Onlion King.

Jokes number : 56

Where is Pinocchio's website?
On the

Jokes number : 55

What do builders use to make

Jokes number : 54

What did you think of our website?
little bit tacky.

Jokes number : 53

What did the maths homework website say to
geometry website?
Boy do we have problems.

Jokes number : 52

What did the hypnotist say when
he got
his own website....
Hyp, Hyp Hooray.

Jokes number : 51

Our website should have more colour, more

games, more sound!
Look, what more do you want? Blood?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Jokes number : 50

If doors
have a website shouldn't
windows have one too?
We'd better, or it will be curtains for us.

Jokes number : 49

I can't find a shark website....
cos you're dum dum, dum dum, dum dum, dumb......

Jokes number : 48

Have you got the address of the butter

Yes, but don't spread it around.

Jokes number : 47

How did the flea learn to use the

He had to start from scratch.

Jokes number : 46

Did you like
Not at
first....but it grew on me!

Jokes number : 45

Did you know pillows
have their own
Really? Well you could knock me down with a feather!

Jokes number : 44

What did the sausage say when it

couldn't log on to the Internet?
If at first you don't succeed Fry, Fry

Jokes number : 43

What did the parrot say when he was using the
P.Cs of eight, P.Cs of eight.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Jokes number : 42

What grows on the World Wide Web and

Jokes number : 41

What do you put in a www.ashing
Net curtains!

Jokes number : 40

What do you get if you cross the Internet
with a
currant bread?
Spotted click

Jokes number : 39

What do you get if you cross a giant ship
with the
The Site-anic.

Jokes number : 38

What did you say to the policeman who spent

eight hours on the Internet?
Oh give it arrest.

Jokes number : 37

Who writes hit musicals on the
Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Jokes number : 36

Who is the oldest singer on the
Click Jagger.

Jokes number : 35

Which Lord Mayor of London was always on the
Click Whittington

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Jokes number : 34

What's the best city to search the
Wide Web in?

Jokes number : 33

Why was the skeleton using the
To bone up on his schoolwork.

Jokes number : 32

Why do beavers spend a
fortune on the
They never want to log off.

Jokes number : 31

Why did the mummy stop using the
He was getting far too wrapped up in it.

Jokes number : 30

Where's Spiderman's home page?
On the
world wide web.

Jokes number : 29

Teacher: Why are you pushing
garlic into
the computer's disk drive?
Pupil: To keep vampires off the
Teacher: But there aren't any vampires on the Internet
See? It works, doesn't it?

Jokes number : 28

You're a big internet fan, arn't
Yes, I really get a buzz out of it!

Jokes number : 27

You're a big Internet fan aren't

Yes - it's becoming a habit!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Jokes number : 26

Why do you think your report should be on the

Because my marks are all 'E's.

Jokes number : 25

Why do goalkeepers spend ages on the
Because they can't stop saving their work.

Jokes number : 24

Where does
the Internet football team

Jokes number : 23

What do you call someone who spends 24 hours
a day on the Internet?
Anything you like, they're not listening to
you anyway.

Jokes number : 22

Teacher: What are the four
Pupil: Fire, Earth, Water and the Internet.
Teacher: What do you mean the
Pupil: Well, Mum says that whenever I'm on the Net, I'm
in my

Jokes number : 21

Teacher: Don't forget to check the Internet

if you have trouble with your homework questions.
Pupil: It's
not the questions I have trouble with, it's the

Jokes number : 20

So what exactly can I learn on the
Anything you like - it can even teach you to talk like an
See? It's working already.

Jokes number : 19

Since you've discovered the Internet, you
don't pay any attention to
Who said that?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jokes number : 18

I use the internet
to tell me what the
weather's like.
How do you do that?
I carry my laptop outside and
if it gets wet, I know it's

Jokes number : 17

see you've got your bill for using the
Yes, and my dad's really going to get the hump!

Jokes number : 16

I never thought that the Internet was very

useful, but now I've changed my mind.
Let's hope your new one
works better then the one you had before.

Jokes number : 15

I hope you're not one of those
who spends all day on the Net and doesn't get any exercise.
Oh, no,
miss, I often sit around watching TV and not getting exercise


Jokes number : 14

I hear you've been tracing your ancestors on

the internet...
Yes - and it's a mammoth task!

Jokes number : 13

How does the vicar explore the
With the church mouse.

Jokes number : 12

How do you
find white shirts on the
Use a starch engine.

Jokes number : 11

Does your mum like shopping on the
No, the trolley keeps rolling off the top of the computer.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Jokes number : 10

One ant was running across an unopened box of

crackers and urging another to speed up. "But why do we have to
said one. "Can you read, you nut! It says, Tear along the

Jokes number : 9

How do fireflies lose weight?
They burn

Jokes number : 8

Q: What did the Pink Panther say when he

stepped on an ant?
A: "Dead ant, Dead Ant ... Dead ant, Dead Ant ..
Dead Ant"
(to the tune of Pink Panther theme).

Jokes number : 7

How can you make a moth ball ?
Hit it with
a fly swatter.

Jokes number : 6

A mother moth was telling her baby moth off

saying, "If you don't eat all your cotton, you won't get any


Jokes number : 5

Two mosquitoes were buzzing round when they saw
drunken man.
One said to the other, "You bite him ? I'm

Jokes number : 4

What did one mosquito say to
another when
they came out of the cinema?
Fancy a bite?

Jokes number : 3

Why are mosquitoes annoying?
Because they
get under your skin.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Jokes number : 2

Why is it best to be bitten quickly by one

Because an itch in time saves nine.

Jokes number : 1

What do you call A Tale of Two Mosquitoes?

A bite-time story.

Jokes number : 100

Why was the ladybird kicked out of the forest?

Because she was a litter bug.

Jokes number : 99

Which fly captured the ladybird?

Jokes number : 98

What insect lives on nothing?
A moth,
because it eats holes.

Jokes number : 97

How do you make a moth bawl?
Hit him with a
fly swatter.

Jokes number : 96

A flea jumped over the swinging doors of a

saloon, drank three whiskeys and jumped out again. He picked himself up

from the dirt, dusted himself down and said, "OK, who moved my


Jokes number : 95

If a flea and a
fly pass each other what
time is it?
Fly past flea.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Jokes number : 94

What do you get if you cross a moth with a

An insect that can find its way around a dark closet.

Jokes number : 93

How do fireflies start
a race?
steady, glow!

Jokes number : 92

Surveyor: This house is a ruin. I wonder

what stops it from falling down.
Owner: I think the woodworm are
holding hands.

Jokes number : 91

What is the wasps' favorite song?
Just a
Spoonful of Sugar.

Jokes number : 90

Where do you take a sick wasp?

Jokes number : 89

What are ants called when they run away very
fast to get

Jokes number : 88

What do you call a stupid ant?

Jokes number : 87

What do you call a scruffy,
lazy ant?


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Jokes number : 86

Why don't anteaters get sick?
they're full of anty-bodies !

Jokes number : 85

What do you call an ant with
frog's legs?

An antphibian.

Jokes number : 84

Boy: What's the biggest ant in the

Girl: My Aunt
Boy: No, it's an elephant.
Girl: You
obviously haven't met my Aunt

Jokes number : 83

First Caribou:
What well-known cartoon
character do moths like a hole lot?
Second Caribou: Micky Moth!

Jokes number : 82

What is the difference between a flea bitten
dog and a
bored visitor ?
Ones going to itch and the other is
itching to go !

Jokes number : 81

How to fleas travel ?
Itch hiking !

Jokes number : 80

What kind of bugs bother sporting dogs?


Jokes number : 79

QUESTION: What do you get from a bee
has an udder?
ANSWER: Milk and honey.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Jokes number : 78

What did the wife spider say to her
when he tried to explain why he was late ?
Your spinning me a yarn
here !

Jokes number : 77

Why are spiders like tops ?
They are always
spinning !

Jokes number : 76

What kind of doctors are like spiders ?
doctors !

Jokes number : 75

What would happen if tarantulas were as big as

horses ?
If one bit you, you could ride it to hospital !

Jokes number : 74

What do you call a 100 spiders on a tyre ?
spinning wheel !

Jokes number : 73

What do you get if you cross a spider and an

elephant ?
I'm not sure, but if you see one walking across the
ceiling then run
before it collapses !

Jokes number : 72

What is a spiders favourite TV show ?
newly web game !

Jokes number : 71

What do you call a big irish spider ?
long legs !

Friday, February 10, 2012

Jokes number : 70

What are spiders webs good
for ?

Jokes number : 69

How do
you spot a modern spider ?
doesn't have a web he had a website !

Jokes number : 68

What did the spider say to the fly ?
getting married do you want to come to the webbing ?

Jokes number : 67

What is red and dangerous ?
Strawberry and
tarantula jelly !

Jokes number : 66

Why are spiders good swimmers ?
They have
webbed feet !

Jokes number : 65

What does a spider do when he
gets angry
He goes up the wall !

Jokes number : 64

Why did the spider
buy a car ?
So he
could take it out for a spin !

Jokes number : 63

What do you get if you cross a
with a rose ?
I'm not sure, but I wouldn't try smelling it !

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Jokes number : 62

What happened when the chef found a daddy long
legs in the
salad ?
It became a daddy short legs !

Jokes number : 61

What did the spider say when he broke his new

web ?
Darn it !

Jokes number : 60

What is life like for a wood worm ?

Jokes number : 59

Why do worms taste like chewing gum
Because they're wrigleys !

Jokes number : 58

What makes a glow worm glow ?
A light meal

Jokes number : 57

What do you get if you cross a worm
and an
elephant ?
Very big worm holes in your garden !

Jokes number : 56

What did the worm say to the other when he was

late home ?
Where in earth have you been !

Jokes number : 55

Why are glow worms good to carry in your bag
They can lighten your load !

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Jokes number : 54

How can you tell if you are looking at
police glow worm ?
it has a blue light !

Jokes number : 53

What did
the woodworm say to the chair
It's been nice gnawing you !

Jokes number : 52

What did the maggot say to another ?
a nice maggot like you doing in a joint like this !

Jokes number : 51

What do you get if you cross a worm and a young

goat ?
A dirty kid !

Jokes number : 50

What do you get if you
cross a glow worm
with some beer ?
Light ale !

Jokes number : 49

Why was the glow worm unhappy ?
Because her
children weren't that bright !

Jokes number : 48

What's a glow worms
favourite song
Wake me up before you glow glow !

Jokes number : 47

How do you make a
glow worm happy ?
off his tail, he'll be de-lighted !

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Jokes number : 46

How can you tell which end of a worm is which
Tickle it in the middle and see which end laughs !

Jokes number : 45

Why didn't the two worms get on
Ark in an apple ?
Because everyone had to go on in pairs !

Jokes number : 44

What did the maggot say to his friend when he
got stuck
in an apple ?
Worm your way out of that one !

Jokes number : 43

What did the earwig say as it fell down the
stairs ?
Ear we go !

Jokes number : 42

What kind of
wig can hear ?
An earwig

Jokes number : 41

Why don't other bugs like earwigs ?
they are always earwigging their conversations !

Jokes number : 40

What is the definition of a caterpillar ?
worm in a fur coat !

Jokes number : 39

What does a caterpillar do on New Years Day
Turns over a new leaf !

Monday, February 6, 2012

Jokes number : 38

What does a cat go to sleep on ?
caterpillow !

Jokes number : 37

What pillar doesn't need holding up ?
caterpillar !

Jokes number : 36

What did one centipede say to the other

centipede ?
You've got a lovely pair of legs, You've got a lovely
pair of
legs,You've got a lovely pair of legs,You've got a lovely
pair of
legs,You've got a lovely pair of legs,You've got a lovely
pair of legs

Jokes number : 35

What do you get if you cross a centipede and a
chicken ?
Enough drumsticks to feed an army !

Jokes number : 34

Why was the centipede late ?
Because he was
playing "This little Piggy" with his baby brother

Jokes number : 33

What has 50 legs but cant walk ?
Half a
centipede !

Jokes number : 32

What is worse than an
alligator with
toothache ?
A centipede with athlete's foot !

Jokes number : 31

Why was the centipede dropped from the insect

football team ?
He took too long to put his boots on !

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Jokes number : 30

What goes 99-clonk, 99-clonk, 99-clonk ?
centipede with a wooden leg !

Jokes number : 29

What do you call a grasshopper
with no legs
A grasshover !

Jokes number : 28

Why was the moth so unpopular ?
He kept
picking holes in everything !

Jokes number : 27

What's the biggest moth in the
A mammoth !

Jokes number : 26

Why did the moth nibble a hole in the carpet
He wanted to see the floor show !

Jokes number : 25

How do stones
stop moths eating your
clothes ?
Because rolling stones gather no moths !

Jokes number : 24

What do you get if you cross a firefly
a moth ?
An insect who can find its way around a dark wardrobe !

Jokes number : 23

What insect lives on
nothing ?
A moth,
because it eats holes

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Jokes number : 22

How do you make a butterfly ?
Flick it out
of the butter dish with a knife !

Jokes number : 21

What do insects learn at school ?

Jokes number : 20

Why are mosquitos religious ?
They prey on
you !

Jokes number : 19

What has 6 legs, bits and talks in code ?
morese-quito !

Jokes number : 18

What is the most religious insect
mosque-ito !

Jokes number : 17

What is the difference between a
and a fly ?
Try sewing buttons on a mosquito !

Jokes number : 16

How do you know if you have a tough mosquito
You slap him and he slaps you back !

Jokes number : 15

What is a mosquito's favourite sport
Skin-diving !

Friday, February 3, 2012

Jokes number : 14

Why did the mosquito go to the dentist ?
improve his bite !

Jokes number : 13

What has antlers and sucks blood ?
moose-quito !

Jokes number : 12

What do you get if you cross the Lone Ranger
an insect ?
The Masked-quito !

Jokes number : 11

What did one firefly say to the other ?
to glow now !

Jokes number : 10

If there are 5 flies in the kitchen how do you

know which one is the American Football player ?
The one in the
sugar bowl !

Jokes number : 9

How do fireflies start a race ?
Ready steady
glow !

Jokes number : 8

Why were the
flies playing football in
saucer ?
They where playing for the cup !

Jokes number : 7

Why did the fly fly ?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Jokes number : 6

What goes "snap, crackle and pop" ?
firefly with a short circuit !

Jokes number : 5

Which fly makes films ?
Stephen Speilbug

Jokes number : 4

Why did the firefly keep stealing things
What goes "snap, crackle and pop" ?
A firefly with a short circuit

Jokes number : 3

How to fleas
travel ?
Itch hiking !

Jokes number : 2

What is the difference between a flea bitten
dog and a bored
visitor ?
Ones going to itch and the other is
itching to go !

Jokes number : 1

What insect runs away from everything ?
flee !

Jokes number : 100

What is the most faithful
insect ?
flea, once they find someone they like they stick to them !

Jokes number : 99

What is a flea's favourite book ?
itch-hikers guide to the galaxy !

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Jokes number : 98

What did one flea say
to the other after a
night out ?
Shall we walk home or take a dog ?

Jokes number : 97

Two fleas where running across the top of a
packet ?
"Why are we running so fast ?" said one
it says "Tear along the dotted line"

Jokes number : 96

Who rode a dog and was a confederate general

during the American Civil War ?
Robert E Flea !

Jokes number : 95

How do you find where a flea has bitten you
Start from scratch !

Jokes number : 94

What to
you call a Russian flea ?
Moscow-ito !

Jokes number : 93

What is the difference between a flea and a
One prowls on the hairy and the other howls on the prairie

Jokes number : 92

How do you start an insect race ?
One, two,
flea - go

Jokes number : 91

What do you get if you cross a rabbit and a

flea ?
Bugs Bunny !