Sunday, July 31, 2011

Jokes number : 18

You can read
his mind in his face.
it's usually a complete blank.

Jokes number : 17

Fred: Do
you like my new hairstyle?
In as much as it covers most of your face, yes.

Jokes number : 16

Patient: The trouble is, doctor, I keep pulling

ugly faces.
Doctor: Don't worry, I don't expect anyone will

Jokes number : 15

Wife to
Husband: I'll have you know I've
got the face of a teenager!
Husband to Wife: Then you should give it
back, you're wearing it

Jokes number : 14

Fred: Your sister uses too much make-up.

Harry: Do you think so?
Fred: Yes. It's so thick that if you tell her
a joke, five minutes
after she's stopped laughing her face is
still smiling!

Jokes number : 13

Did you hear about the witch who was so ugly that
when a tear
rolls down her cheek it takes one look at her face and
rolls straight up

Jokes number : 12

I never forget a face, but in your case I'll
make an

Jokes number : 11

Two boys were watching TV when the fabulous face

and figure of Pamela Anderson appeared on the screen. "if I ever
hating girls," said one to the other, "I think I'll stop hating

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Jokes number : 10

Why do elephants jump across rivers?
they won't step on the fish.

Jokes number : 9

Why do elephants squirt
water through
their noses?
If they squirted it through their tails, it'd be very
difficult to

Jokes number : 8

Why do
elephants live in the
Because it's out of the high rent district.

Jokes number : 7

Why don't elephants like martinis?
you ever tried to get an olive out of your nose?

Jokes number : 6

Why are elephants large, grey and
Because if they were small round and white, they would be


Jokes number : 5

Why do elephants prefer peanuts to
Because they're easier to get at the ballpark.

Jokes number : 4

What does a bald elephant
wear for a
A sheep.

Jokes number : 3

Why did the gum cross the road?
Because it
was under the elephants foot.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Jokes number : 2

What do you get if
you cross an elephant
with the abominable snowman?
A jumbo yeti.

Jokes number : 1

How does an elephant go up a tree?
stands on an acorn and waits for it to grow.

Jokes number : 100

do you make an elephant sandwich?

First of all, you get a very large loaf...

Jokes number : 99

Reports are coming in of an elephant doing a
ton in the highway.
Police ask motorists to drive carefully and to
yield right of way.

Jokes number : 98

Is the squirt from an elephants trunk very

Well, a jumbo jet can keep 500 people oin the air for
hours at a time

Jokes number : 97

How do you raise a baby elephant ?
With a
fork lift truck !

Jokes number : 96

What is worse than raining cats and dogs
Raining elephants !

Jokes number : 95

Why is an elephant braver
than a hen
Because the elephant isn't chicken !

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Jokes number : 94

Why do the elephants have short tails
Because they can't remember long stories !

Jokes number : 93

What did the baby elephant get when
daddy elephant sneezed ?
Out of the way !

Jokes number : 92

How do you stop an angry elephant from
charging ?
Take away it's credit cards !

Jokes number : 91

My elephants got no trunk ?
How does it
smell ?
Terrible !

Jokes number : 90

How do you hire an elephant ?
Stand it on
four bricks !

Jokes number : 89

Who do elephants get their christmas

presents from ?
Elephanta Claus !

Jokes number : 88

What do
elephants sing at christmas
Noel-ephants, Noel-ephants...

Jokes number : 87

What to you get if you cross a parrot with an

elephant ?
An animal that tells you everything that it remembers

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Jokes number : 86

What did the elephant say when the man
him by the tail ?
This is the end of me !

Jokes number : 85

What is a baby elephant after he is five
old ?
Six weeks old !

Jokes number : 84

Why did the elephant jump in
the lake
when it began to rain ?
To stop getting wet !

Jokes number : 83

What did the elephant say to the famous

detective ?
It's ele-mentary, my dear Sherlock !

Jokes number : 82

What do elephants say as a compliment
You look elephantastic !

Jokes number : 81

What is an elephants favourite film

Jokes number : 80

Who lost a herd of elephants ?
Big bo peep

Jokes number : 79

What do elephants do in
the evenings
Watch elevision !

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jokes number : 78

What do you do with old cannon balls
Give them to elephants to use as marbles !

Jokes number : 77

What is stronger an elephant or a snail
A snail, because it carries it's house, an elephant just carries its

trunk !

Jokes number : 76

What do you find in an elephants graveyard
Elephantoms !

Jokes number : 75

What animals were last
to leave the ark
The elephants as they had to pack their trunks !

Jokes number : 74

Why do elephants have trunks ?
they've no pockets to put things in !

Jokes number : 73

What do you give an elephant with big feet
Plenty of room !

Jokes number : 72

How to elephants talk to each other ?
'elephone !

Jokes number : 71

What do you call the rabbit up the
sweater ?
Terrified !

Monday, July 25, 2011

Jokes number : 70

What do you call an elephant with a rabbit up
it's sweater
Warren !

Jokes number : 69

What do you call an elephant creeping through
the jungle in
the middle of the night ?
Russell !

Jokes number : 68

What do you call an
elephant that lies
across the middle of a tennis court ?
Annette !

Jokes number : 67

What do you call an elephant with a

carrot in each ear ?
Anything you want as he can't hear you !

Jokes number : 66

Why don't elephants like playing cards in
jungle ?
Because of all the cheetahs !

Jokes number : 65

What's the best way to see a charging herd

of elephants ?
On television !

Jokes number : 64

What did Tarzan say when he saw the

elephants coming ?
Here come the elephants

Jokes number : 63

What is the easy way to get a wild elephant
Get a tame one and annoy it !

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Jokes number : 62

Tarzan was tired when he came home.
have you been doing", asked Jane.
"Chasing a herd of elephants on
"Really ?", said Jane. "I thought elephants stayed on the

Jokes number : 61

Teacher: "Where would you find an elephant

Pupil:"You don't have to find them, they're too big to lose


Jokes number : 60

Teacher: "Name six
Pupil:"Four elephants and two lions !"

Jokes number : 59

Teacher:"To which family
does the
elephant belong ?"
Pupil:"I don't know, nobody I know owns one !"

Jokes number : 58

Why do
elephants do well in school
Because they have a lot of grey matter !

Jokes number : 57

Bill:"My homework is really difficult
tonight, I've to
write an essay on an elephant."?
Bert:"Well, for a
start your going to need a big ladder.."

Jokes number : 56

What do you call an elephant that can't do

sums ?
Dumbo !

Jokes number : 55

How do you know that peanuts are

fattening ?
Have you ever seen a skinny elephant ?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Jokes number : 54

When should you feed milk to a baby elephant

When it's a baby elephant !

Jokes number : 53

Why did the
elephant eat the candle
For light refreshment !

Jokes number : 52

Have you heard about the
elephant that
went on a crash diet ?
He wrecked three cars, a bus and two fire
engines !

Jokes number : 51

Why do elephants eat raw food ?
they don't know how to cook !

Jokes number : 50

Why are elephants wiser than chickens

Have you ever heard of Kentucky Fried Elephant ?!

Jokes number : 49

How can you tell if there is
an elephant
in your dessert ?
You get very lumpy ice cream !

Jokes number : 48

What did the grape say when the
stood on it ?
Nothing, it just let out a little wine !

Jokes number : 47

do you get an elephant into a
matchbox ?
Take all the matches out first !

Friday, July 22, 2011

Jokes number : 46

What did the hotel manager say to the
that couldn't pay his bill ? "Pack your trunk and clear out

Jokes number : 45

Why did the elephant cross the road
Because the chicken was having a day off !

Jokes number : 44

How does an elephant get out of a small car
The same way that he got in !

Jokes number : 43

How do you fit
five elephants into a car
Two in the front, two in the back and the other in the glove

compartment !

Jokes number : 42

Why do elephants have trunks ?
they would look silly carrying suitcases !

Jokes number : 41

What kind of elephants live in Antartica
Cold ones !

Jokes number : 40

A boy with an elephant on his head went to
see a
doctor. The doctor said, "You know you really need
"Yes I do", said the elephant, "get this kid off my foot !"

Jokes number : 39

What pill would you give to an elephant that

can't sleep ?
Trunkquilizers !

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Jokes number : 38

What's the difference between an elephant
and a
gooseberry ?
A gooseberry is green !

Jokes number : 37

What's the difference between
an African
elephant and an Indian elephant ?
About 3,000 miles !

Jokes number : 36

Why are elephants grey ?
So you can tell
them from flamingos !

Jokes number : 35

What's the difference
between an
elephant and a banana ?
Have you ever tried to peel an elephant ?

Jokes number : 34

What's the
difference between a sick
elephant and seven days ?
One is a weak one and the other one week !

Jokes number : 33

What's the difference between an elephant
a piece of paper ?
You can't make a paper aeroplane out of an
elephant !

Jokes number : 32

How to you tell the
difference between an
elephant and a mouse ?
Try picking them up !

Jokes number : 31

What's the difference between an elephant
a bad pupil ?
One rarely bites and the other barely writes

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Jokes number : 30

What's the difference between an injured
and bad weather ?
One roars with pain and the other pours
with rain !

Jokes number : 29

What's grey, beautiful and wears glass
slippers ?
Cinderelephant !

Jokes number : 28

What grey, has a wand, huge wings and gives
to elephants ?
The tusk fairy !

Jokes number : 27

What's grey, carries a bunch of flowers

and cheers you up when your ill ?
A get wellephant !

Jokes number : 26

What's grey but turns red ?
embarrassed elephant !

Jokes number : 25

What's grey and lights up ?
An electric
elephant !

Jokes number : 24

What's as big as an elephant but
nothing ?
An elephant's shadow !

Jokes number : 23

What has 3 tails, 4 trunks and 6 feet ?
elephant with spare parts !el

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Jokes number : 22

What goes up slowly and comes down quickly

An elephant in a lift !

Jokes number : 21

What's grey and wrinkly and jumps every

twenty seconds ?
An elephant with hiccups !

Jokes number : 20

What's blue and has big ears ?
elephant at the North Pole !

Jokes number : 19

What weighs 4 tons and is bright red ?
elephant holding its breath !

Jokes number : 18

What's big, grey and flies straight up
An elecopter !

Jokes number : 17

What's big and grey and protects
from the rain ?
An umbrellaphant !

Jokes number : 16

What's yellow on the outside and grey on the

inside ?
An elephant disguised as a banana !

Jokes number : 15

What's big and grey and lives in
a lake
in Scotland ?
The Loch Ness Elephant !

Monday, July 18, 2011

Jokes number : 14

What's grey and goes round and round ?
elephant in a washing machine !

Jokes number : 13

What's grey and never needs ironing ?
drip dry elephant !

Jokes number : 12

What's grey, stands in a river when it

rains and doesn't get wet ?
An elephant with an umbrella !

Jokes number : 11

What's big and grey and wears a mask
The elephantom of the opera !

Jokes number : 10

What's grey and moves at a hundred
an hour ?
A jet propelled elephant !

Jokes number : 9

Why does an elephant
wear sneakers
So that he can sneak up on mice !

Jokes number : 8

Why were the
elephants thrown out of the
swimming pool ?
Because they couldn't hold their trunks up !

Jokes number : 7

Why did the elephant paint
himself with
different colours?
Because he wanted to hide in the colouring box

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jokes number : 6

How does an elephant get down from a tree
He sits on a leaf and waits till autumn !

Jokes number : 5

Why did the rabbit cross the road?
the chicken had his Easter eggs!

Jokes number : 4

Where do Easter bunnies
At the

Jokes number : 3

How many chocolate bunnies can
you put into
an empty Easter basket?
One. After that the basket won't be

Jokes number : 2

How does the Easter Bunny stay
Eggsercise, particularly hareobics!

Jokes number : 1

What is the best way to send a letter to the

Easter Bunny?
By hare (air) mail.

Jokes number : 100

What has long ears, hops and likes
The e-aster bunny.

Jokes number : 99

What would you get
if you crossed the
Easter Bunny with Chinese food?
Hop suey!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Jokes number : 98

What's the difference between
the Easter
Bunny and a silly monster ?
One's a hare-head and the other's an

Jokes number : 97

Why did the Easter Bunny have to
fire the
Because he kept quacking all the eggs!

Jokes number : 96

A man wanted an Easter pet for his daughter. He

looked at a baby chick and a baby duck. They were both very cute,
decided to buy the baby chick. Do you know why?
baby chick was a little cheeper!

Jokes number : 95

How does the Easter Bunny stay in shape?
does lots of bare-obics.

Jokes number : 94

What has big ears, brings Easter treats, and
"hippity-BOOM, hippity-BOOM, hippity-BOOM"?
The Easter

Jokes number : 93

What is a dog's favourite Easter

Jelly bones!

Jokes number : 92

Why is Easter like whipped cream and a cherry?

Because it's always on a sundae!

Jokes number : 91

How should you send a letter to the Easter

By hare mail!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Jokes number : 90

How do you catch the Easter
in the bushes and make a noise like a carrot!

Jokes number : 89

What will the Easter Bunny be doing after
One to three for breaking and entering.

Jokes number : 88

Who delivers Easter treats to all the
in the sea?
The Oyster Bunny!

Jokes number : 87

What happened when the
Easter Bunny met the
rabbit of his dreams?
They lived hoppily ever after!

Jokes number : 86

How does the Easter Bunny paint all of those

He hires Santa's elves during the off-season.

Jokes number : 85

What's big and purple and hugs your Easter

The Easter Barney!

Jokes number : 84

What's red and blue and
sogs up your
Easter basket?
Coloured scrambled eggs

Jokes number : 83

How is the Easter Bunny like Shaquille O'Neal?

They're both famous for stuffing baskets!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Jokes number : 82

How did the soggy
Easter Bunny dry himself?

With a hare dryer!

Jokes number : 81

Why was the monster sitting in his Easter

He was trying to hatch his peanut butter eggs!

Jokes number : 80

Why do we paint
Easter eggs?
it's easier than trying to wallpaper them!

Jokes number : 79

Why did you drive the lawn mower over your
I thought the plastic grass was growing too high!

Jokes number : 78

What would you get if you crossed the

Easter Bunny with a leprechaun?
The Easter Blarney!

Jokes number : 77

What happened when the Easter Bunny caught his

head in the fan?
It took ears off his life!

Jokes number : 76

Did you hear the one about the Easter Bunny who

sat on a bee?
It's a tender tail!

Jokes number : 75

"Why are you studying your Easter

"I'm trying to decide which came first-the chocolate chicken or the

chocolate egg!"

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Jokes number : 74

you like something from my Easter
"Here. Have some plastic grass."

Jokes number : 73

Why are you stuffing all that Easter candy into

your mouth?"
"Because it doesn't taste as good if I stuff it
in my ears."

Jokes number : 72

What's yellow, has long ears, and grows on

The Easter Bunana!

Jokes number : 71

What would you get if you crossed the Easter

Bunny with an overstressed person?
An Easter basket case!

Jokes number : 70

Boy 1: "How did you get that bruise on your
Boy 2: "I ate some Easter candy."
Boy 1: "Eating Easter
candy won't give you a bruise."
Boy 2: "It will if it's your big
brother's candy!"

Jokes number : 69

What has long ears, four legs, and is worn on

your head?
An Easter bunnet!

Jokes number : 68

What's long and stylish and full of cats?

The Easter Purrade!

Jokes number : 67

What's pink, has five toes, and is
by the Easter Bunny?
His lucky people's foot!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Jokes number : 66

Does the Easter Bunny like baseball?
yes. He's a rabbit fan!

Jokes number : 65

Who is the Easter Bunny's favourite movie
Rabbit De Niro!

Jokes number : 64

Where does the Easter Bunny go when he needs a
To a re-tail store!

Jokes number : 63

What is the Easter Bunny's favourite kind of
A cotton tale!

Jokes number : 62

What would you get if you crossed a
with a type of Easter candy?
Smelly beans!

Jokes number : 61

Why was the Easter Bunny so upset?
He was
having a bad hare day!

Jokes number : 60

What did Hamlet say when he was
thinking of
sending a message?
To e or not to e, that is the question.

Jokes number : 59

Why was the hen banned from sending
She was always using fowl language.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Jokes number : 58

lost my dog!
Have you tried
putting a message on the Internet?
Don't be silly, my dog never reads

Jokes number : 57

I tried to send an e-mail and broke my
How do you manage that?
I think it was when I tried to push it
through the letterbox.

Jokes number : 56

When do e-mails stop being in black
When they are read.

Jokes number : 55

What should you do if you get lots of e-mails
'What's up, Doc? What's up, Doc?'
Check for bugs in
your system.

Jokes number : 54

What do werewolves put at the bottom of their

Beast wishes.

Jokes number : 53

What do vampires put at the bottom of their

Best viscious.

Jokes number : 52

What do robots put at the bottom of their
Yours tin-sincerely.

Jokes number : 51

Teacher: You've been e-mailing other pupils
I'm ugly!
Pupil: Sorry, miss, I didn't realise you wanted
to keep it a

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Jokes number : 50

I just sent my first

Jokes number : 49

How does Robin hood send messages around

Sherwood Forest?
By tree mail!

Jokes number : 48

How does James Bond type e-mails?
With his

Jokes number : 47

How do writers send e-mail?
On the

Jokes number : 46

How do whales type e-mails?
With their fish

Jokes number : 45

How do wasps send messages?
By bee-mail.

Jokes number : 44

How do skunks like their e-mails?

Jokes number : 43

How do sheep sign their e-mails?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Jokes number : 42

How do really posh dogs send messages?

Jokes number : 41

How do mountainers send messages?

Jokes number : 40

How do long distance runners send e-mail?
the sprin-ternet.

Jokes number : 39

How do Italian Chefs swap recipes?

Jokes number : 38

How do Indian chiefs send messages?

Jokes number : 37

How do footballers send messages?

Jokes number : 36

How do dolphins send messages?

Jokes number : 35

How do comedians send messages?
By tee-hee

Friday, July 8, 2011

Jokes number : 34

How do athletes send e-mails?
On the

Jokes number : 33

How come you
never write e-mails?
rather send a note!

Jokes number : 32

Do you send e-mails on your home
What's the point?
I can just bring my home along with me and have a

Jokes number : 31

Sir, would you mind e-mailing my
exam results to my parents?
Teacher: But your parents don't have a
Pupil: Exactly!

Jokes number : 30

Why don't you stamp e-mails?
Because your
foot would go right through the computer screen!

Jokes number : 29

Why don't vikings send e-mails?
They prefer
to use Norse code.

Jokes number : 28

A hound dog and a dalmation were sitting in an

Internet cafe and the
dalmation said to the hound, "Hey, check out
my web site!" The hound
for the address and the dalmation

Jokes number : 27

Q. What did the dog say when he sat on
A. "Rough rough".

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Jokes number : 26

Why did the 3-legged dog go back to Dodge City?

To see who shot his "paw."

Jokes number : 25

What game do 18 dogs like to
play during the


Jokes number : 24

Q.Why is a dog scared of a fire?
A.It doesn't
want to become a hot dog.

Jokes number : 23

Q: What's got four legs and no ears?
A: Mike
Tyson's dog.

Jokes number : 22

Two women, who are dog owners,
are arguing
which dog is smarter.
First woman: My dog is so smart. Every morning he
waits for the
paperboy to come around and then he takes a newspaper
and brings it to me.
Second woman: I know.
First one:
Second one: My dog told me.

Jokes number : 21

Advertisement: Dog for sale. Really gentle. Eats

anything. Especially fond of children.

Jokes number : 20

What do you
get if you cross a labrador and a
tortoise ?
A dog that will run to the shop to get your paper and
bring back last
weeks paper !

Jokes number : 19

Why does the Hound of the
Baskervilles turn
round and round before he lies down for the night?
Because he's the
watchdog and he has to wind himself up.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Jokes number : 18

Why did the dog jump into the sea?
He wanted to
chase the catfish!

Jokes number : 17

What do you get when you cross a
Doberman with
a bird?
A Doberman fincher!

Jokes number : 16

What would you get if you crossed a chicken with a

A hen that lays pooched eggs.

Jokes number : 15

What dog rides a horse named Macaroni?

Jokes number : 14

What is the
best way to follow a lost dog's
paw prints?
With a track-tor!

Jokes number : 13

What is the difference between Father

Christmas and a warm dog ?
Father Christmas wears a whole suit, a dog just

Jokes number : 12

How can if
you have a stupid dog ?
chases parked cars !

Jokes number : 11

When George Washington was a general, why did he

like to have dogs around?
They were very helpful during the
"Roverlutionary War!"

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Jokes number : 10

How did the dog's owner know his pet was angry
having soap flakes for breakfast?
He foamed at the mouth.

Jokes number : 9

What sort of clothes does a pet dog wear ?
petticoat !

Jokes number : 8

What kind of modeling clay does a dog use?


Jokes number : 7

What did the dog use to make his


Jokes number : 6

When does a dog go "moo" ?
When it is learning
a new language !

Jokes number : 5

Why didn't the dog
speak to his foot
Because it's not polite to talk back to your paw !

Jokes number : 4

Why is a dog like a baseball
runs for home when he sees the catcher coming.

Jokes number : 3

How many hairs are in a dog's tail?
None. They
are all on the outside.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Jokes number : 2

How did the dog make anti-freeze?
He stole her

Jokes number : 1

What do you call an alcoholic dog ?
A whino

Jokes number : 100

Alsation: How did you find the fleas?
I didn't! They found me!

Jokes number : 99

Where will a springer spaniel never shop?
At a
flea market!

Jokes number : 98

What is your dog's favorite breakfast?

Pooched eggs!

Jokes number : 97

How do you make a dog
Take two
scoops of ice cream, a couple of squirts of soda and a small

Jokes number : 96

Which dog eats with its tail?
All dogs keep
their tails on when eating.

Jokes number : 95

If a beagle can't play a bugle in the marching

band, what's his other favorite instrument to play?

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Jokes number : 94

What should you do if you have a basset hound over
Have a short table!

Jokes number : 93

What dog sweats the most and drinks the most

A hot-weiler!

Jokes number : 92

How can you make a basset hound fast?
away its food!

Jokes number : 91

What dogs never get lost?

Jokes number : 90

When are Pomeranians good at taking photographs?

Only when they snap at something!

Jokes number : 89

What dog always gets on everyone's nerves?
great pane!

Jokes number : 88

What dog takes the money and runs fast!

Jokes number : 87

What dog do other dogs tell their problems to?

A complaint Bernard!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Jokes number : 86

What dog wears contact lenses ?
A cock-eyed
spaniel !

Jokes number : 85

What kind of dog is the smartest?
A great

Jokes number : 84

What dog would you want on your American football

A golden receiver!

Jokes number : 83

How did the little Scottish dog feel when he saw a

monster ?
Terrier-fied !

Jokes number : 82

What dog do other dogs go to when they
A docs-hund!

Jokes number : 81

What do you get when you cross a collie with a

A Lassie who plays brassie!

Jokes number : 80

What is the best kind of dog to direct traffic at
busy intersection?
A pointer!

Jokes number : 79

What kind of dog doesn't do well in hot weather?

A faint Bernard!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Jokes number : 78

Every time I tell my English Setter to stop
barking, it
never does!
What does it do?
It just stands on its
back two legs and quotes Shakespeare!
Yeah, it says, "To
bark or not to bark that is the question!" and
keeps on barking!

Jokes number : 77

What do you get when you cross a sled dog with an
A tusky!

Jokes number : 76

What dog wears a white coat and does science


Jokes number : 75

What kind of dog can tell time?

Jokes number : 74

What kind of dog always needs a shave?
bearded collie!

Jokes number : 73

What wears a black, white, and tan coat but has no

A bald beagle!

Jokes number : 72

What kind of dog is the most colorful?
A paint

Jokes number : 71

What dog is always tired in London?
An English
sleep dog.