Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jokes number : 50

A mother was reading a book about animals to

her 3 year old daughter. Mother: "What does the cow say?" Child:

"Moo!" Mother: "Great! What does the cat say?" Child: "Meow." Mother:

"Oh, you're so smart! What does the frog say?" And this wide-eyed

little 3 year-old looked up at her mother and in her deepest voice

replied, "Bud."

Jokes number : 49

Q: Where did the kittens go on their class

trip? - A: To a mewseum.

Jokes number : 48

Q: When is a bad time to cross a black cat?
When you are a mouse!

Jokes number : 47

Little Tim
was in the garden filling in a hole
when his neighbor peered over the
fence. Interested in what the
cheeky-faced youngster was up to, he
politely asked, "Whatcha doing,
"My goldfish died," replied the boy tearfully, without looking
"And I've just buried him."

The neighbor was
concerned. "That's an awfully big hole for a
goldfish, isn't it?"

Tim patted down the last heap of earth then replied, "That's because

he's inside your cat."

Jokes number : 46

A woman is walking in the park when she sees a man
playing chess with
his cat. She says to the man "I can't believe
what I'm seeing, a cat
that plays chess, what a clever animal!!"
The man replied "Nah lady
this cats not clever at all I'm beating it
6 games to 1"

Jokes number : 45

For all of you with teenagers or who have had

teenagers, or are a teenager, you may want to know why they really have
a lot
in common with cats:

- Neither teenagers nor cats
turn their heads when you call them by

- No matter what
you do for them, it is not enough. Indeed, all humane
efforts are
barely adequate to compensate for the privilege of waiting
on them
hand and foot.

- You rarely see a cat walking outside of the
house with an adult human
being, and it can be safely said that no
teenager in his or her right
mind wants to be seen in public with his
or her parents.

- Even if you tell jokes as well as Jay Leno,
neither your cat nor your
teen will ever crack a smile.

- No
cat or teenager shares you taste in music.

- Cats and teenagers
can lie on the living-room sofa for hours on end
without moving,
barely breathing.

- Cats have nine lives. Teenagers carry o
n as if they did.

- Cats and teenagers yawn in exactly the same
manner, communicating
that ultimate human ecstasy -- a sense of
complete and utter boredom.

- Cats and teenagers do not improve
anyone's furniture.

- Cats that are free to roam outside
sometimes have been known to
return in the middle of the night to deposit
a dead animal in your bedroom.
Teenagers are not above that sort of

Thus, if you must raise teenagers, the best sources
of advice are not
other parents, but veterinarians. It is also a
good idea to keep a
guidebook on cats at hand at all times. And
remember, above all else, put
out the food and do not make any sudden
moves in their direction. When
they make up their minds, they will
finally come to you for some
affection and comfort, and it will be a
triumphant moment for all

Jokes number : 44

A man is driving along in the Irish
countryside, when he
comes to a petrol station, since he's in need of
petrol, the man decides
to stop. He says to the attendant at the
station, "Fill it up, will
you?". The man says "Sorry - we're right
out of petrol." So the man
considers, and says "Well, I'm a bit low
on oil, would you mind
topping that up?" And the attendant
responds"Sorry, but no oil either."
The man thinks, and asks the attendant
to wash his windscreen, to which
he gets the by-now predictable
response that he can't do that. The man
at this point is fairly mad,
so he asks the attendant "Just what kind
of petrol station is this
?" The attendant then looks both ways, and
very carefully whispers
to the man "To tell you the truth, this is just
an IRA front."

The man then says "Well, in that case, you can blow up the tyres


Jokes number : 43

One day there was a family driving in the
car to Michigan to
visit their relatives. They were looking for the
street they had to turn on
to get to their relatives house. They
accedently turned on the wrong
street so they had to pull in a
driveway and turn around. When they
pulled into the driveway the girl
asked her mother "Why dont these people
have electricity?" Very
confused the mother said, "Wut are u talking
about?" The girl quickly
replied, "Well, the sign back there said NO

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jokes number : 42

As a
senior citizen was driving down
the freeway, his car phone rang. Answering,
he heard his wife's
voice urgently warning him, "Herman, I just heard
on the news that
there's a car going the wrong way on 280 Interstate.
Please be

"Hell," said Herman, "It's not just one car. It's
hundreds of

Jokes number : 41

A man was in court charged
parking his car in a restricted area. The judge asked if he had
to say in his defense. "They shouldn't put up such misleading

notices," said the man. "It said FINE FOR PARKING HERE."

Jokes number : 40

A grizzled old man was eating in a truck

stop when three Hell's Angels' bikers walked in. The first walked
to the old man, pushed his cigarette into the old man's pie and
took a seat at the counter. The second walked up to the old
man, spat
into the old man's milk and then he too took a seat at the
counter. The
third walked up to the old man, turned over the old
man's plate, and
then he took a seat at the counter.
Without a
word of protest, the old man quietly left the diner. Shortly

thereafter, one of the bikers said to the waitress,
"Humph, not much of a
man, was he?"
The waitress replied, "Not much of a truck driver
either, he just
backed his big-rig over three motorcycles."

Jokes number : 39

When Abraham Liebowitz
gets to school he
discovers that he is the only
Jewish kid in the class. But it's a
decent town and nobody really

One day the
teacher asks the class "Who was the greatest person who

lived? and why?" And to make it interesting she held a twenty dollar

in the air and said "whoever gives the best answer will get

All of the kids called out their

One said "George Washington - because he was the father
of our

"That's excellent" said the teacher.

Another said "Abraham Lincoln - because he freed the slaves."

"That's also good" said the teacher, reluctant to bestow an

excellent, but
still being polite.

One little girl said "Joan
of Arc - because she saved France."

Another excellent choice
said the teacher.

Then Abraham Liebowitz, raised his hand.

nSo the teacher called on him. "Abraham, who do you think was the

person who ever lived, and why?"

And Abraham said
"Jesus Christ."
The teacher was shocked. "Abraham," she said "I'm
very surprised.
I think we can all agree that Abraham
should get the twenty dollars."
she handed Abraham Liebowitz
the money.
At recess, the teacher was still very impressed. So she
asked Abraham
he said Jesus.

Abraham said "Look,
personally I think Moses was the greatest person
ever lived,
but... business is business!"

Jokes number : 38

There was this man who was in a
accident, and was injured. But
the only permanent damage he suffered
was the amputation of both of his
ears. As a result of this
'unusual' handicap, he was very
about his having no

Because of the accident, he received a large sum of money
from the
insurance company. It was always his dream to own his own
business, so
decided with all this money he had, he now had
the means to own a
business. So he went out and purchased a small,
but expanding computer
firm. But he realized that he had no
business knowledge at all, so he
decided that he would have to hire
someone to run the business. He
out three top candidates, and
interviewed each of them. The first
interview went really well. He
really liked this guy. His last question
for this first candidate
was, 'Do you notice anything unusual about
The guy s
aid, 'Now that you mention it, you have no ears.' The man

really upset and threw the guy out. The second interview went even

than the first. This candidate was much better than the
first. Again,
conclude the interview, the man asked the same
question again, 'Do you
notice anything unusual about me?' This
guy also noticed, 'Yes, you
no ears.' The man was really
upset again, and threw this second
out. Then he had
the third interview.. The third candidate was even
the second, the best out of all of them. Almost certain that he

wanted to hire this guy, the man once again asked, 'Do you notice

unusual about me?' The guy replied 'Yeah, you're wearing
Surprised, the man then asked, 'Wow! That's
quite perceptive of you!
could you tell?' The guy burst out
laughing and said, 'Well, You
wear glasses if you d
on't have any ears!'

Jokes number : 37

weeks after a young man had been
hired, he was called into
the personnel director's office. "What is
the meaning of this?" the
director asked. "When you applied for this
job, you told us you had
years experience. Now we
discovered this is the first job you've ever

"Well," the young
man replied, "in your advertisement you said you
wanted somebody
with imagination."

Jokes number : 36

A man is flying in a hot air balloon
realizes he is lost. He reduces
his altitude and spots a man down
below. He lowers the balloon further
and shouts: "Excuse me, can you
tell me where I am?"

The man below says: "Yes, you're in a hot
air balloon, hovering 30
above this field."

must work in Technical Support," says the balloonist.

"I do,"
replies the man. "How did you know?"

"Well" says the balloonist,
"everything you have told me is
correct, but
completely useless."

The man below says: "You must be in

"I am," replies the balloonist, "but how did you

"Well", says the man, "you don't know where you are, or where

going, but you expect me to be able to help. You're still in the
position you were before we met, but now it's my fault."

Jokes number : 35

These two construction workers always noticed

that their boss always left
early on Fridays. So one asked the
other that if the boss left early
Friday if he would want
to also. The other man agreed. Sure enough,
Friday came,
the boss left early. Therefore, the two men left also. The
offered the other to join him down at the bar, but he decided to

head on home. When he arrived home, he heard a noise from up stairs.

he reached the top of the stairs, he noticed that the
noise was coming
from the bedroom. He opened the door and saw his boss
sleeping with his
wife, so he quietly closed the door and headed
back down the stairs and
out the front door. He made his way down to
the bar to see if his
was still there and he was. His
friend asked, "I thought you were
home?" The man replied,
"I did, but this is the last time I ever
work early a
gain." His friend asked, "Why's that?" The man replied,

almost got caught by the boss."

Friday, January 29, 2010

Jokes number : 34

What does a cannibal eat with cheese?

Pickled organs.

Jokes number : 33

When do cannibals cook you?

Jokes number : 32

Why was the cannibal expelled
from school?

Because he kept buttering up the teacher.

Jokes number : 31

Did you hear about the cannibal spider that
ate his
uncle's wife? He was an aunteater.

Jokes number : 30

Why don't cannibals eat comedians?
taste funny.

Jokes number : 29

Why did the bat miss the bus?
Because he hung
around for too long.

Jokes number : 28

What did the bus conductor say to the frog?

Jokes number : 27

Bus passenger: I'd like a ticket to New York,

Ticket seller: By Buffalo? Bus passenger: Of course not,
I'm in the
bus queue, aren't I?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jokes number : 26

How do eels get around the
They go
by octobus.

Jokes number : 25

Cross-eyed monster: When I grow up I want to be a

bus driver.
Witch: Well, I won't stand in your way.

Jokes number : 24

they really serve burgers in
Very rare-ly.

Jokes number : 23

Do hamburgers make good vampires?
No, because
they always find themselves in ghoulash situations!

Jokes number : 22

Can you name two burgers
who are
Sir Loin and Burger King!

Jokes number : 21

Can a hamburger marry a
hot dog?
Only if
they have a very frank relationship!

Jokes number : 20

Are hamburgers male?
Yes, because they're
boygers, not girlgers!

Jokes number : 19

Dan: My little brother is a
Nan: Things could be worse.
Dan: How?
Nan: He could be
twins !

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jokes number : 18

Peter: My brother wants
to work
Anita: As I remember, he usually does !

Jokes number : 17

First Boy: Why is your brother
always flying off the handle
Second Boy: Because he's got a screw
loose !

Jokes number : 16

A scoutmaster asked one of his

troop what good deed he had done for the day. 'Well,' said the Scout.

'Mum had only one dose of castor oil left, so I let my baby
have it.'

Jokes number : 15

So you are distantly related to the

family next door, are you?
Yes- their dog is our dog's

Jokes number : 14

The Long Walk Home by Miss D. Buss

Jokes number : 13

Punished Schoolboy by Major

Jokes number : 12

The Spicy Sausage by Delia Katessen

Jokes number : 11

Aches and
Pains by Arthur Ritis

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jokes number : 10

How to Feed Elephants by P. Nutts

Jokes number : 9

A person went into the
office kitchen one
morning and found a new blonde girl painting the
walls. She was
wearing a new fur coat and a nice denim jacket.

Thinking this was a
little strange, he asked her why she was wearing
them rather than
old clothes or an overall.

She showed him the instructions on the

"For best results, put on two coats".

Jokes number : 8

A blonde was
walking down the road with a
healthy looking pig under her arm. As she
passed the bus stop,
someone asked,

"Where did you get that?"
The pig replied, "I won
her in a raffle!"

Jokes number : 7

The assistant asked the blonde if she would

like her pizza cut into six pieces or twelve.

"Six please" she
said, "I could never eat twelve!"

Jokes number : 6

A young ventriloquist is touring the
and one night he's doing a show in a small club in a small town in

Arkansas. With his dummy on his knee, he's going through his usual

dumb blonde jokes when a blonde woman in the fourth row stands on her

chair and starts shouting: "I've heard enough of your stupid
jokes. What makes you think you can stereotype women that way?
What does the
color of a person's hair have to do with her worth as
a human being?
It's guys like you who keep women like me from
being respected at work
and in the community and from reaching our full
potential as a person,
because you and your kind continue to
perpetuate discrimination
against, not only blondes, but women in
general...and all in the name of
humor!"The ventriloquist is embarrassed
and begins to apologize, when the
blonde yells, "You stay out of
this, mister! I'm talking to that
little idiot on your knee!"

Jokes number : 5

A blonde goes into work one morning crying her

eyes out.
Her boss, concerned about his employee's well being,
sympathetically, "What's the matter?"

The blonde
replies, "Early this morning I got a phone call saying that
my mother
had passed away."

"I'm terribly sorry to hear that. Why don't
you go home for the
day... we aren't terribly busy. Just take the
day off to relax and rest."

The blonde very calmly explains,
"No, I'd be better off here. I need
to keep my mind off it and I
have the best chance of doing that here."

The boss agrees and
allows the blonde to work as usual. "If you need
anything, just let me
know," he says.

A few hours pass and the boss decides to check
on the blonde. He looks
out over his office and sees the blonde
crying hysterically. He rushes
out to her, and asks, "Are you going to
be okay? Is there anything I
can do to help?"

"No," re
plies the blonde, "I just got a call from my sister, and she
that HER mom died too!"

Jokes number : 4

There once was a blind man who decided to visit

Texas. When he arrived on the plane, he felt the seats and said,
these seats are big!" The person next to him answered,
"Everything is
big in Texas."

When he finally arrived in Texas, he
decided to visit a bar. Upon
arriving in the bar, he ordered a beer
and got a mug placed between his
hands. He exclaimed, "Wow these
mugs are big!" The bartender replied,
"Everything is big in Texas."

After a couple of beers, the blind man asked the bartender where
bathroom was located. The bartender replied, "Second door to
right." The blind man headed for the bathroom, but accidentally
tripped over
and skipped the second door. Instead, he entered the
third door, which
lead to the swimming pool and fell into the pool by

Scared to death, the blind man started shouting,
"Don't flush, don't

Jokes number : 3

A blind man was describing his favorite sport,
When asked how this was accomplished, he said that
things were all done
for him: "I am placed in the door with my seeing
eye dog and told when
to jump. My hand is placed on my release ring
for me and out I go with
the dog."

"But how do you know when
you are going to land?" he was asked. "I
have a very keen sense of
smell, and I can smell the trees and grass
when I am 300 feet from
the ground" he answered.

"But how do you know when to lift your
legs for the final arrival on
the ground?" he was again asked. He
quickly answered: "Oh, the dog's
leash goes slack."

Monday, January 25, 2010

Jokes number : 2

A blind man walks into a store
with his
seeing eye dog. All of a sudden, he picks up the leash and
swinging the dog over his head. The manager runs up to the man and
"What are you doing?!!" The blind man replies, "Just looking


Jokes number : 1

Q: Why don't blind people skydive?
A: It
scares the heck out of the dog.

Jokes number : 100

One day two blind men started

Pretty soon a crowd surrounded them.

Then one of the members of
the crowd yelled out "I bet 10 bucks on the
one with the

Both men ran away.

Jokes number : 99

First boy: Are you having a party for your
Second boy: No, I'm having a witch do.
First boy:
What's a witch do?
Second boy: She flies around on a broomstick casting

Jokes number : 98

Johnny was racing
around the garden on his
new bicycle and called out to his mother to
watch his tricks.

'Look, Mum! No hands! Look, Mum! No feet! Waaah! Look, Mum! No


Jokes number : 97

Home - A -
Age Jokes

"That's an
excellent essay for someone your age," said the English

"How about for someone my Mum's age, Miss?"

"Welcome to
school, Simon," said the nursery school teacher to the
new boy.
"How old are you?" "I'm not old," said Simon. "I'm nearly


Miss Jones agreed to be interviewed by Fred for the school
"How old are you, ma'am?" asked Fred.
"I'm not going
to tell you that," she replied.
"But Mr Hill the technical teacher
and Mr Hill the geography teacher
told me how old they were."

"Oh well," said Miss Jones. "I'm the same age as both of them."
poor teacher was not happy when she saw what Fred wrote:
Jones, our English teacher, confided in me that she was as old as

"Now remember, boys and girls," said the science
teacher, "you can
tell a tree's age by counting the rings in
a cross section. One ring
for each year."
Fred went home for
tea and found a chocolate roll on the table.
"I'm not eating that,
Mum!" she said. "It's five years old."

You've left all your crusts, Fred. When I was your age I ate
every one.

Fred: Do you still like crusts, Grandma?
Grandma: Yes, I do.

Fred: Well, you can have mine.

How old is your
Approaching forty.
From which direction?

eminent old man was being interviewed, and was asked if it was
that he had just celebrated his ninety-ninth birthday.

right,' said the old man. `Ninety-nine years old, and I
haven't an
enemy in the world. They're all dead.'

`Well, sir,' said the
interviewer, `I hope very much to have the
honour of interviewing
you on your hundredth birthday.'

The old man looked at the young
man closely, and said, `I can't see
why you shouldn't. You
look fit and healthy to me!'

Jokes number : 96

A couple have not been getting along for years,
so the husband
"I'll buy my wife a cemetery plot for
her birthday."
Well, you can imagine her disappointment.
The next
year, her birthday rolls around again and this
time he doesn't get
her anything.
She says, "Why didn't you get me a birthday
He replies, "You didn't use what I got you last year!"

Jokes number : 95

A man asked his wife, "What would you most

like for your birthday?"

She said, "I'd love to be ten

On the morning of her birthday, he got her up bright and early
and they
went to a theme park. He put her on every ride in the park
- the Death
Slide, The Screaming Loop, the Wall of Fear. She had a
go on every ride
there was.

She staggered out of the theme
park five hours later, her head reeling
and her stomach

Then off to a movie theater, popcorn, cola and sweets.

last she staggered home with her husband and collapsed into

Her husband leaned over and asked, "Well, dear, what was it like being

ten again?"

One eye opened and she groaned, "Actually, honey,
I meant dress

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jokes number : 94

Q: Why did the turkey cross
the road?
A: To
prove he wasn't chicken.

Jokes number : 93

Q: What is a crowbar?
A: A place were crows go
to get a drink!

Jokes number : 92

Q: Why do hens lay eggs?
A: If they dropped
them, they'd break

Jokes number : 91

David received a parrot for his birthday. This

parrot was fully grown with a bad attitude and terrible vocabulary.

Every other word was an expletive. Those that weren't expletives
were, to
say the least, rude. David tried hard to change the bird's
He was constantly saying polite words and playing soft
music, he did
anything he could think of. Nothing worked. When he
yelled at the bird,
the bird got worse. If he shook the bird, the bird
got madder and ruder.
Finally in a moment of desperation, David put
the parrot in the
freezer. For a few moments he heard the bird
squawking, kicking and screaming
and then suddenly, there was quiet.

David was frightened that he might have actually hurt the bird and

quickly opened the freezer door. The parrot calmly stepped out onto

David's extended arm and said: "I'm sorry that I might have
offended you
with my language and actions, so I ask for your forgiven
ess. I will try
to correct my behavior."

David was
astounded at the bird's change in attitude and was about to
ask what had
changed him when the parrot continued:

"May I ask what the
chicken did?"

Jokes number : 90

A man with a talking parrot is getting married. On

the day of the wedding he says to the parrot "Now look here, I know

you are always sat in that window sticking your beak in, when me
and my
new wife get back from the wedding I want you to turn round
and and no
matter what you hear I do not want you to turn back or
I'll break your
neck, do you understand?" The parrot reluctantly

On returning from the wedding the parrot turns round as
instructed, and
behind him the bride and groom start to pack for the
honeymoon. The
wife however has packed too much and they can't get
the case closed.
"Get on top and sit on it baby!" Says the man the
woman does so and
grunts and moans but can't shut the case. "You
get on top baby it might be
better" Says the wife, so the man grunts
and groans and tries his best
but still cant shut the

After a little thought the man says "Ok we'll both get on top see
that's any better!" The parrot turns round and says "Neck or
no neck
I have to see this!"

Jokes number : 89

A boy frog telephones the Psychic Hotline and
his Personal
Psychic Advisor tells him: "You are going to meet a
beautiful young girl
who will want to know everything about

The frog is thrilled, "This is great! Will I meet her at a

"No," says his Advisor, "in her biology class."

Jokes number : 88

biologist was interested in studying how
far bullfrogs can jump. He
brought a bullfrog into his laboratory,
set it down, and commanded, "Jump,
frog, jump!"
The frog jumped
across the room.
The biologist measured the distance, then noted in
his journal, "Frog
with four legs jumped eight feet."

he cut the frog's front legs off. Again he ordered, "Jump, frog,

The frog struggled a moment, then jumped a few feet.
measuring the distance, the biologist noted in his journal,
with two legs jumped three feet."

Next, the biologist cut off the
frog's back legs. Once more, he
shouted, "Jump, frog,
The frog just lay there.
"Jump, frog, jump!" the biologist
The biologist noted in his journal, "Frog with no legs -
lost its

Jokes number : 87

How do you eat a DNA
With a
replication fork (you can also use your zinc fingers...)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jokes number : 86

A boy was assigned a paper on childbirth and
asked his
mother, "How was I born?"
"Well honey..." said the
slightly prudish mother, "the stork brought
you to us."
"Oh," said
the boy, "and how did you and daddy get born?"
"Oh, the stork brought
us too."
"Well how were grandpa and grandma born?" the boy
"Well darling, the stork brought them too!" said the mother, by
starting to squirm a little.

Several days later, the boy
handed in his paper to the teacher who read
with confusion the
opening sentence: "This report has been very
difficult to write due to
the fact that there hasn't been a natural
childbirth in my family
for three generations."

Jokes number : 85

Two biologists are in the field following the

tracks of a radio-collared grizzly bear. All of a sudden, the bear

crashes out of the brush and heads right for them. They scramble up
nearest tree, but the bear starts climbing up the tree after
them. The
first biologist starts taking off his heavy leather hiking
boots and pulls
a pair of sleek running shoes from his back-pack.
The second biologist
gives him a puzzled look and says, "What in the
world are you doing?"
He replies, "I figure when the bear gets close
to us, we'll jump down
and make a run for it."

The second
guy says, "Are you crazy? We both know you can't outrun a

full-grown grizzly bear."

The first guy says, "I don't have to outrun
the bear, I only have to
outrun you!"

Jokes number : 84

My dog is a nuisance.
He chases everyone on
a bicycle.
What can I do?
Take his bike away.

Jokes number : 83

Did you hear about the vampire bicycle
went round biting people's arms off?
It was a vicious cycle.

Jokes number : 82

"Lie flat on your backs, class, and circle

your feet in the air as if you were riding your bikes," said the gym

"Fred! What are you doing? Move your feet, boy."

"I'm freewheeling, sir."

Jokes number : 81

What is a ghost-proof bicycle?
One with no
spooks in it.

Jokes number : 80

While crossing the US-Mexican border on his

bicycle, the man was stopped by a guard who pointed to two sacks the
had on his shoulders. "What's in the bags?", asked the

"Sand," said the cyclist.

"Get them off - we'll take a
look," said the guard.

The Cyclist did as he was told, emptied the
bags, and proving they
contained nothing but sand, reloaded the
bags, put them on his shoulders
and continued across the border.

Two weeks later, the same thing happened. Again the guard demanded
see the two bags, which again contained nothing but sand. This
went on
every week for six months, until one day the cyclist with the
sand bags
failed to appear.

A few days later, the guard
happened to meet the cyclist downtown.
"Say friend, you sure had us
crazy", said the guard. "We knew you were
smuggling something across
the border. I won't say a word - but what is
it you were smu
ggling?" "Bicycles!"

Jokes number : 79

Father: Why did you put a toad in your sister's
Son: I couldn't find a spider.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Jokes number : 78

What should you do if you find a witch in your bed?


Jokes number : 77

What do you call a python with a great bedside

A snake charmer.

Jokes number : 76

What should you do if you find a snake in your bed?

Sleep in the wardrobe.

Jokes number : 75

Who stole the sheets from the bed?

Jokes number : 74

First girl: I spend hours in front of the mirror
my beauty. Do you think that's vanity?
Second girl:
No, it's imagination.

Jokes number : 73

She's so ugly that when a wasp stings her it
its eyes.

Jokes number : 72

Fred: What's
that terribly ugly thing on
your shoulders?
Harry: Help! What is it?
Fred: Your head!

Jokes number : 71

I'm not ugly. I could
marry anyone I
But that's the problem - you don't please anyone.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jokes number : 70

My Mother uses lemon juice for her complexion.

Maybe that is why she always looks so sour.

Jokes number : 69

The plumber was working in a house when the lady of

the house said to him, "Will it be alright if I have a bath while

you're having your lunch?"
"It's okay with me lady," said the
plumber, "as long as you don't
splash my sandwiches."

Jokes number : 68

Doctor: And did you drink your medicine after your
bath, Mrs Soap?
Mrs Soap: No, doctor. By the time I'd drunk the
bath there wasn't
room for medicine.

Jokes number : 67

Boy: Dad, dad, there's a spider in the bath.

Dad: What's wrong with that? You've seen spiders before.
Boy: Yes,
but this one is three feet wide and using all the hot

Jokes number : 66

Which villains steal soap from the bath?

Jokes number : 65

How do vampire football players get the mud off?

They all get in the bat-tub.

Jokes number : 64

There is a new Barbie doll on the market -
Frozen Barbie on
a Stick your grocer's frozen food section

Jokes number : 63

There is a new Barbie
doll on the market
- East German Swim Team Barbie ...a Barbie head on a
Ken doll

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Jokes number : 62

There is a new Barbie doll on the market -

Hiroshima Barbie ...just a shadow of her former self

Jokes number : 61

There is a new
Barbie doll on the market
- Marie Antionette Barbie ...with removable head;

Jokes number : 60

There is a new Barbie doll on the market -

Crash Test Barbie ...comes with car and brick wall

Jokes number : 59

One day an Englishman, an

American, and a Canadian walked into a pub together. The proceeded to

each buy a pint of Molson Canadian. Just as they were about to enjoy

their beverage three flies landed in each of their pints.

The Englishman pushed his beer away from him in disgust.

American fished the offending fly out of his beer and continued

drinking it as if nothing had happened.

The Canadian picked the fly
out of his drink and started shaking it
over the pint, yelling...


Jokes number : 58

A guy stumbles
through the
front door of a bar, ambles up to the bartender and orders a

The bartender looks at the drunk man and says,"I'm sorry sir, but
can't serve've already had too much to drink." The
swears and walks out of the bar.

Five minutes later the
guy comes flying through the side door of the
bar, and yells for a

Again the bartender says,"I'm sorry, sir...but I can't
serve've already had too much to drink!"

minutes later, the same guy comes barrel-assing through the back
of the bar, storms up to the bartender, and demands a beer.

Again, the bartender says to the man..."I'm really sorry, sir, but

you've had too much to're going to have to leave!"

The guy looks quizzically at the bartender and says finally, "My God,

man... How many bars do you work at?!!!"

Jokes number : 57

A man walks in to a bar and
says to the
bartenter " Give me twenty shots of your best singlemalt
scotch quick!"]
The bartender pours the shots, and the man drinks
them as fast as he

The bartender says " Wow. I never
saw anybady drink that fast."

The man says " well you would drink
as fast as I do if you had what I

The bartender says
" Oh my god . what is it. what do you have?"

The man looks at
him and says " Fifty cents."

Jokes number : 56

There were these three
brothers that were
very close to each other. The brothers always went to a
local bar on
every Friday at 5:30 on the dot.
When the brothers
got married they all got married to their wifes to be
on the same
day and at the same place.

When the brothers moved away from
each other to go on with their lives
with their new wife, they all
promised each other that they would still
go to the bar every friday
at 5:30 and drink for each other.

On the first Friday that the
brothers were separated, the first brother
went to a local bar and
ordered three drinks. He took one sip from the
first glass the took
one sip from the second glass then from the third.
He did this
until all the beer was gone, then he paid the bartender and
went home.

This kept up for about three week before the bartender finally
why he did that. The guy explained about the promise th
at he had with his
brothers. The bartender said that he thought
that was a very good
promise to keep with each other.

One day
the same guy came in and asked for only two glasses of beer.
bartender thinking something awful has happened, said "I am awfully

sorry about your brother."

The guy not knowing anything about
what the bartender was talking about
said "What happened to him?" The
bartender said that when he only
ordered two drinks instead of
three he thought that something awful had

The brother
then said "No, nothing happened to my brother, I just
decided to
give up alcohol."

Jokes number : 55

A drunk stammers out of a bar

and runs into two priests. He runs up to them and says, ''I'm

The first priest says, ''No, son, I'm
Jesus Christ.''

So the drunk says it to the second priest.

The second priest replies, ''No, son, I'm Jesus Christ.''

The drunk says, ''Look, I can prove it.'' and walks back into
bar with the priests.

The bartender takes on look at the
drunk and exclaims, ''Jesus
Christ, you're here again?''

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jokes number : 54

How can you tell if a snake is a
baby snake?

It has a rattle.

Jokes number : 53

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Baby Owl.

Baby Owl who?
Baby Owl see you later, baby not.

Jokes number : 52

What was the policeman's
baby's first words
Hallo, Hallo, Hallo !

Jokes number : 51

Did you hear about the witch who had the ugliest
baby in the
She didn't push the pram - she pulled it.

Jokes number : 50

What does a baby computer call his

Jokes number : 49

Mandy: Our teacher went on a
special banana
Andy: Did she lose weight?
Mandy: No, but she sure could
climb trees well!

Jokes number : 48

Tom: What did the banana say to
the elephant?

Nick: I don't know.
Tom: Nothing. Bananas can't talk.

Jokes number : 47

Time flies like an
arrow, but fruit flies
like a banana.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Jokes number : 46

How do you catch King Kong?
Hang upside down
and make a noise like a banana.

Jokes number : 45

Why are bananas never lonely?
Because they
hang around in bunches.

Jokes number : 44

A plane was taking off from Kennedy. After it
reached a
cruising altitude, the captain made an
announcement over the
intercom, "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your
captain speaking.
Welcome to
Flight number 293, non-stop from New
York to Los Angeles. The weather
ahead is good and therefore we
should have a smooth flight, Now sit
and relax. - OH MY


Then, the captain came back on the intercom and
said: "Ladies and
Gentlemen, I an so sorry if I scared you earlier,
but while I was
the flight attendant brought me a cup
of coffee and spilled the hot
in my lap. You should see
the front of my pants!"

A passenger in Coach said: "That's
nothing. He should see the back of

Jokes number : 43

A few days after Christmas, a
mother was
working in the kitchen listening
to her son playing with his new
airplane in the living room. She heard
son said, "All of you
sons of bitches get the hell off the plane now,
cause this is the
last stop! And all of you sons of bitches who are
getting on, get your
asses in the plane, cause we're going to take-off

mother went in and told her son, "We don't use that kind of

in this house. Now I want you to go to your room and you are to
for TWO HOURS. When you come out, you may play with
your plane, but I
you to use nice language." Two hours
later, the son comes out of the
bedroom and resumes playing with his
plane. Soon the mother heard her
say, "All passengers who
are deplaning, please remember to take all of
your belongings with
you. We thank you for flying with us today and
your tr
ip was a pleasant one. We hope you will fly with us again


She hears the little boy continue, "For those of you just
boarding, we
you to stow all of your hand luggage under your seat.
Remember, there
no smoking on the plane. We hope you will
have a pleasant and relaxing
journey with us today."

As the
mother began to smile, the child added, "For those of you who

pissed off about the TWO HOUR delay, please see the bitch in the


Jokes number : 42

Ever wonder why they never show the film ALIVE

in-flight?...... It's not
because of the film's content,
it's because the people in the film
eating better than the
people on board.

Jokes number : 41

down the tarmac, the jetliner
abruptly stopped, turned around and
returned to the gate. After an
hour-long wait, it finally took off. A
concerned passenger asked the
flight attendant, "What was the
problem?" "The pilot was bothered by a
noise he heard in the
explained the flight attendant,
"and it took us a while to find a new

Jokes number : 40

A little guy gets on a plane and sits next to

the window.
A few minutes later, a big, heavy, strong
mean-looking, hulking guy
down in the seat next to him and
immediately falls asleep.
The little guy starts to feel a little airsick,
but he's afraid to
the big guy up to ask if he can go to the
bathroom. He knows he can't
climb over him, and so the little guy
is sitting there, looking at the
guy, trying to decide what
to do.
Suddenly, the plane hits an air pocket and an uncontrollable
wave of
nausea passes through the little guy. He can't hold it in
any longer
he pukes all over the big guy's

About five minutes later the big guy wakes up, looks down, and sees
vomit all over him.

"So," says the little guy, "are you
feeling better now?"

Jokes number : 39

First apple: You look down in the dumps. What's
Second apple: Worms, I think.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jokes number : 38

What lives in apples and is an
avid reader?

A bookworm !

Jokes number : 37

Why didn't the two worms go
into Noah's ark
in an apple?
Because everyone had to go in pairs !

Jokes number : 36

What did one
maggot say to the other who was
stuck in an apple?
Worm your way out of that one, then!

Jokes number : 35

The desk sergeant answered the phone, and at once

a woman began screaming. "You've got to help me! There's a giant

gray thing in my yard, and it's pulling apples off the tree with
tail!" "What's he doing with the apples?" the sergeant asked.
"If I
told you," the woman cried, "you wouldn't believe me!"

Jokes number : 34

What do you call an ant who can't play the piano
Discordant !

Jokes number : 33

What do you call an and with frogs legs ?
antphibian !

Jokes number : 32

Who is the most famous French ant ?

Jokes number : 31

Why did the ant-elope ?
Nobody gnu !

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jokes number : 30

Why don't anteaters get sick ?
Because they are
full of antibodies!

Jokes number : 29

Why do
accountants make good lovers?
They're great with figures.

Jokes number : 28

A patient was at her doctor's office after

undergoing a complete physical exam. The doctor said, "I have some
very grave
news for you. You only have six months to

The patient asked, "Oh doctor, what should I do?"

The doctor
replied, "Marry an accountant."

"Will that make me live longer?"
asked the patient.

"No," said the doctor, "but it will SEEM

Jokes number : 27

An accountant is having a hard time sleeping
and goes to see
his doctor. "Doctor, I just can't get to sleep at

"Have you tried counting sheep?"

"That's the
problem - I make a mistake and then spend three hours
trying to find

Jokes number : 26

Two accountants are in a bank, when armed

robbers burst in. While several of the robbers take the money from the

tellers, others line the customers, including the accountants, up
a wall, and proceed to take their wallets, watches, etc.
While this is
going on accountant number one jams something in
accountant number
two's hand. Without looking down, accountant number two
whispers, "What
is this?" to which accountant number one replies,
"it's that $50 I
owe you."

Jokes number : 25

An accountant visited the Natural History

museum. While standing near the dinosaur he said to his neighbor:
dinosaur is two billion years and ten months old".
"Where did
you get this exact information?"
"I was here ten months ago, and
the guide told me that the dinosaur is
two billion years old."

Jokes number : 24

Why is it that when you transport
something by car, it's called
ship-ment but when you transport something
by ship it's called cargo?

Jokes number : 23

Can you repeat the part after "Listen

Friday, January 15, 2010

Jokes number : 22

Why do you need a driver's licence to
buy liquor when you can't
drink and drive?

Jokes number : 21

Do steam rollers really roll


Jokes number : 20

What will fall on the lawn first? An

autumn leaf or a Christmas catalogue?

Jokes number : 19

Q: What goes VROOM,

A: A blonde going through a
flashing red light.

Jokes number : 18

What does an aardvark keep in his
An aard-shark!

Jokes number : 17

Who loves
hamburgers, French fries, and
Ronald MacAardvark!

Jokes number : 16

What is the difference between an aardvark and
a coyote?
One has a long smeller, the other, a loud yeller!

Jokes number : 15

What does the aardvark call his

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jokes number : 14

What is uglier than an aardvark?

Jokes number : 13

What's the difference between Windows 95 and a
A virus does something.

Jokes number : 12

What do computers eat when they get hungry?


Jokes number : 11

WA --Microsoft announced today
that the official release date for the
new operating system "Windows
2000" will be delayed until the second
quarter of 1901.

Jokes number : 10

This customer comes into
the computer
store. "I'm looking for a mystery Adventure Game with
lots of graphics.
You know, something really challenging."

"Well," replied the
clerk, "Have you tried Windows 98?"

Jokes number : 9

A ragged individual stranded for several months

on a small desert island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean one day

noticed a bottle lying in the sand with a piece of paper in it.
Rushing to
the bottle, he pulled out the cork and with shaking hands
withdrew the

"Due to lack of maintenance," he read,
"we regretfully have found it
necessary to cancel your e-mail

Jokes number : 8

What did the egg say to the

boiling water?
"How can you expect me to get hard so fast? I just got
laid a minute

Jokes number : 7

What's the speed limit of
68; at 69 you have to turn around.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jokes number : 6

"I was married 3 times" explained
the man to a newly discovered
drinking partner, "and I'll never
marry again. My first 2 wives died
of eating poison mushrooms and my
3rd wife died of a fractured skull."

"That's a shame." said his
friend , "How did it happen?"

"She wouldn't eat the

Jokes number : 5

The officer shouted
orders to a
nearby soldier. With considerable bravery, the GI ran
directly onto
the field of battle, in the line of fire, to retrieve a
case from a dead soldier. In a hail of bullets, he dove back to


"Private," the officer said, "I'm recommending you for a
medal. You
risked your life to save the locations of our secret

"Warehouses?" the private shouted. "I thought you said


Jokes number : 4


A: A blonde going through a flashing red

Jokes number : 3

What's the difference

between Windows 95 and a virus?
A virus does something.

Jokes number : 2


A: A blonde going through a flashing red

Jokes number : 1

What's the difference between Windows
95 and a
A virus does something.